39 research outputs found

    Spectral–Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery with 3D Convolutional Neural Network

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    Recent research has shown that using spectral–spatial information can considerably improve the performance of hyperspectral image (HSI) classification. HSI data is typically presented in the format of 3D cubes. Thus, 3D spatial filtering naturally offers a simple and effective method for simultaneously extracting the spectral–spatial features within such images. In this paper, a 3D convolutional neural network (3D-CNN) framework is proposed for accurate HSI classification. The proposed method views the HSI cube data altogether without relying on any preprocessing or post-processing, extracting the deep spectral–spatial-combined features effectively. In addition, it requires fewer parameters than other deep learning-based methods. Thus, the model is lighter, less likely to over-fit, and easier to train. For comparison and validation, we test the proposed method along with three other deep learning-based HSI classification methods—namely, stacked autoencoder (SAE), deep brief network (DBN), and 2D-CNN-based methods—on three real-world HSI datasets captured by different sensors. Experimental results demonstrate that our 3D-CNN-based method outperforms these state-of-the-art methods and sets a new record

    NAR-Former V2: Rethinking Transformer for Universal Neural Network Representation Learning

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    As more deep learning models are being applied in real-world applications, there is a growing need for modeling and learning the representations of neural networks themselves. An efficient representation can be used to predict target attributes of networks without the need for actual training and deployment procedures, facilitating efficient network deployment and design. Recently, inspired by the success of Transformer, some Transformer-based representation learning frameworks have been proposed and achieved promising performance in handling cell-structured models. However, graph neural network (GNN) based approaches still dominate the field of learning representation for the entire network. In this paper, we revisit Transformer and compare it with GNN to analyse their different architecture characteristics. We then propose a modified Transformer-based universal neural network representation learning model NAR-Former V2. It can learn efficient representations from both cell-structured networks and entire networks. Specifically, we first take the network as a graph and design a straightforward tokenizer to encode the network into a sequence. Then, we incorporate the inductive representation learning capability of GNN into Transformer, enabling Transformer to generalize better when encountering unseen architecture. Additionally, we introduce a series of simple yet effective modifications to enhance the ability of the Transformer in learning representation from graph structures. Our proposed method surpasses the GNN-based method NNLP by a significant margin in latency estimation on the NNLQP dataset. Furthermore, regarding accuracy prediction on the NASBench101 and NASBench201 datasets, our method achieves highly comparable performance to other state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables. Code is available at https://github.com/yuny220/NAR-Former-V

    Fast-ParC: Position Aware Global Kernel for ConvNets and ViTs

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    Transformer models have made tremendous progress in various fields in recent years. In the field of computer vision, vision transformers (ViTs) also become strong alternatives to convolutional neural networks (ConvNets), yet they have not been able to replace ConvNets since both have their own merits. For instance, ViTs are good at extracting global features with attention mechanisms while ConvNets are more efficient in modeling local relationships due to their strong inductive bias. A natural idea that arises is to combine the strengths of both ConvNets and ViTs to design new structures. In this paper, we propose a new basic neural network operator named position-aware circular convolution (ParC) and its accelerated version Fast-ParC. The ParC operator can capture global features by using a global kernel and circular convolution while keeping location sensitiveness by employing position embeddings. Our Fast-ParC further reduces the O(n2) time complexity of ParC to O(n log n) using Fast Fourier Transform. This acceleration makes it possible to use global convolution in the early stages of models with large feature maps, yet still maintains the overall computational cost comparable with using 3x3 or 7x7 kernels. The proposed operation can be used in a plug-and-play manner to 1) convert ViTs to pure-ConvNet architecture to enjoy wider hardware support and achieve higher inference speed; 2) replacing traditional convolutions in the deep stage of ConvNets to improve accuracy by enlarging the effective receptive field. Experiment results show that our ParC op can effectively enlarge the receptive field of traditional ConvNets, and adopting the proposed op benefits both ViTs and ConvNet models on all three popular vision tasks, image classification, objectComment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 11 tables. A preliminary version of this paper has been published in ECCV 2022 and it can be find in arXiv:2203.0395

    Teacher Agent: A Non-Knowledge Distillation Method for Rehearsal-based Video Incremental Learning

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    With the rise in popularity of video-based social media, new categories of videos are constantly being generated, creating an urgent need for robust incremental learning techniques for video understanding. One of the biggest challenges in this task is catastrophic forgetting, where the network tends to forget previously learned data while learning new categories. To overcome this issue, knowledge distillation is a widely used technique for rehearsal-based video incremental learning that involves transferring important information on similarities among different categories to enhance the student model. Therefore, it is preferable to have a strong teacher model to guide the students. However, the limited performance of the network itself and the occurrence of catastrophic forgetting can result in the teacher network making inaccurate predictions for some memory exemplars, ultimately limiting the student network's performance. Based on these observations, we propose a teacher agent capable of generating stable and accurate soft labels to replace the output of the teacher model. This method circumvents the problem of knowledge misleading caused by inaccurate predictions of the teacher model and avoids the computational overhead of loading the teacher model for knowledge distillation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the advantages of our method, yielding significant performance improvements while utilizing only half the resolution of video clips in the incremental phases as input compared to recent state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, our method surpasses the performance of joint training when employing four times the number of samples in episodic memory.Comment: Under review; Do We Really Need Knowledge Distillation for Class-incremental Video Learning