405 research outputs found

    Photosynthetic characterization of three dominant plant species in the saline-alkaline soil of the Yellow River Delta, China

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    The diurnal variations of photosynthesis of three dominant species, including Glycine soja, Phragmites australis, and Cynanchum chinensis, in the Yellow River Delta in China have been studied under the same natural conditions using a Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system. The results showed that the curves of diurnal variations of net photosynthetic rate (P-N) of the three plants were different. The diurnal variation of P-N on C. chinensis was a midday depression pattern and had two peaks. However, P-N of G. soja and P. australis showed single-peak curves. The transpiration rate (E) of G. soja was significantly higher than that of P. australis and C. chinensis, both showed single-peak curves. In general, the diurnal course of stomatal conductance (g(s)) followed the same pattern of P-N. A similar diurnal pattern of intercellular CO2 concentration (C-i), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and water use efficiency (WUE) was observed among different species. VPD showed single-peak curves, while WUE was characterized by double-peak curves, which was contrary to C-i. Linear correlations among photosynthetic variables and key environmental factors indicate high positive correlations between P-N and E, P-N and photosynthetic active radiation, P-N and leaf temperature (T-leaf), P-N and VPD, and between P-N and g(s) except C. chinensis. Negative correlations among P-N and relative humidity, P-N and C-i were found. The irradiance response curves derived from the leaves were substantially affected by different species. C. chinensis showed highest apparent quantum efficiency, followed by P. australis and G. soja, while apparent dark respiration (R-d), convexity (k), light saturation point, and maximum gross CO2 assimilation rate (P-max) of G. soja were higher than those of P. australis and C. chinensis. The irradiance response curve of P-N and WUE of different plant species followed the same order: G. soja>C. chinensis>P. australis. They were both higher than most of other species. It was concluded that plant species adapting to the saline-alkaline habitat showed higher photosynthesis. In addition, G. soja is also effective to improve saline-alkaline soil quality

    Estimating soil salinity in different landscapes of the Yellow River Delta through Landsat OLI/TIRS and ETM plus Data

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    Soil salinization has increasingly become a serious issue in coastal zone due to global climate changes and human disturbances. Assessment of soil salinity, especially at the landscape scale, is critical to coastal management and restoration. Two data from OLI/TIRS and ETM+ sensors of Landsat satellite were used to compare their ability to invert the spatial pattern of soil salinity in both farmland and salt marsh landscapes in the Yellow River Delta, China, respectively. The results showed that the in situ electrical conductivity (EC (a) ) of soil, representing soil salinity, were closely related with spectral parameters and salinity indices calculated by the remote sensing data. The results of multiple regression models have showed that nearly all the spectral parameters and salinity indices calculated by OLI/TRIS data were more sensitive to soil salinity than those by ETM+ data. Therefore, the models based on OLI/TIRS data are superior to those on ETM+ data in estimating the spatial pattern of soil salinity in farmland and salt marsh landscapes. Our results were very helpful to evaluate the levels of soil salinization in the Yellow River Delta

    Impacts of wind forcing on sea level variations in the East China Sea: Local and remote effects

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    The regional sea level variation in the East China Sea (ECS) was influenced not only by local factors but also by remote wind from adjoining ocean with the oceanic connectivity influenced by upper-ocean circulation. The satellite altimeter observations showed that from 1993 to 2008, the inter-annual sea level variation in the ECS was negatively related to the strength of Kuroshio. To investigate the relative role of local and remote wind, two sensitive experiments were carried out using the POP model. Model experiments revealed that wind-induced redistributions of water played a significant role in the sea level variation of the ECS. The seasonal variations were induced by both local winds and remote Pacific wind stress with approximately equal contribution. However, on the inter-annual sea level variations, the remote wind forcing over the North Pacific could contribute substantially more than that of local wind which modulated sea level immediately. Remote wind influenced the China Sea in forms of changing of wind stress curl and ocean currents, which influenced the intensity of the Kuroshio, especially during El Nino episodes. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Kinetic modeling of pH-dependent antimony (V) sorption and transport in iron oxide-coated sand

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    Understanding the mechanisms and kinetics controlling the retention and transport of antimony (Sb) is prerequisite for evaluating the risk of groundwater contamination by the toxic element. In this study, kinetic batch and saturated miscible displacement experiments were performed to investigate effects of protonation-deprotonation reactions on sorption-desorption and transport of Sb(V) in iron oxide-coated sand (IOCS). Results clearly demonstrated that Sb(V) sorption was highly nonlinear and time dependent, where both sorption capacity and kinetic rates decreased with increasing solution pH. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) obtained at different solution pH exhibited that mobility of Sb(V) were higher under neutral to alkaline condition than under acidic condition. Because of the nonlinear and non-equilibrium nature of Sb(V) retention and transport, multi-reaction models (MRM) with equilibrium and kinetic sorption expressions were utilized successfully to simulate the experiment data. Equilibrium distribution coefficient (K-e) and reversible kinetic retention parameters (k(1) and k(2)) of both kinetic sorption and transport experiment showed marked decrease as pH increased from 4.0 to 7.5. Surface complexation is suggested as the dominant mechanism for the observed pH-dependent phenomena, which need to be incorporated into the kinetic models to accurately simulate the reactive transport of Sb(V) in vadose zone and aquifers. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Spatial variability of soil salinity in Bohai Sea coastal wetlands, China: Partition into four management zones

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    Soil salinization constitutes an environmental hazard worldwide. The Bohai Sea coastal wetland area is experiencing dramatic soil salinization, which is affecting its economic development. This study focused on the spatial variation and distribution characteristics of soil salinity in this area using geostatistical analysis combined with the kriging interpolation method, based on a large-scale field investigation and layered soil sampling (0-30, 30-60 and 60-100cm). The results revealed that soil salinity in these layers demonstrated strong variability, obvious spatial structure characteristics and strong spatial autocorrelation. Soil salinity displayed a significant zonal distribution, gradually decreasing with increasing distance from the coastline. Apart from the northern part of the study area, which appeared to be not affected by soil salinization, there were varying degrees of soil salinization in nearly 70% of the total area. With increasing soil depth, the areas of non-salinized and mild salinized soil gradually decreased, while those of moderate salinized and strong salinized soils increased. The area of saline soil first decreased and then increased. The study area could be divided into four management zones according to soil salinities in the top 1-m soil body, and utilization measures, adapted to local conditions, were proposed for each zone. The results of our study present an important theoretical basis for the improvement of saline soils, for wetland re-vegetation and for the sustainable utilization of soil resources in the Bohai Sea coastal wetland.Soil salinization constitutes an environmental hazard worldwide. The Bohai Sea coastal wetland area is experiencing dramatic soil salinization, which is affecting its economic development. This study focused on the spatial variation and distribution characteristics of soil salinity in this area using geostatistical analysis combined with the kriging interpolation method, based on a large-scale field investigation and layered soil sampling (0-30, 30-60 and 60-100cm). The results revealed that soil salinity in these layers demonstrated strong variability, obvious spatial structure characteristics and strong spatial autocorrelation. Soil salinity displayed a significant zonal distribution, gradually decreasing with increasing distance from the coastline. Apart from the northern part of the study area, which appeared to be not affected by soil salinization, there were varying degrees of soil salinization in nearly 70% of the total area. With increasing soil depth, the areas of non-salinized and mild salinized soil gradually decreased, while those of moderate salinized and strong salinized soils increased. The area of saline soil first decreased and then increased. The study area could be divided into four management zones according to soil salinities in the top 1-m soil body, and utilization measures, adapted to local conditions, were proposed for each zone. The results of our study present an important theoretical basis for the improvement of saline soils, for wetland re-vegetation and for the sustainable utilization of soil resources in the Bohai Sea coastal wetland

    Machine learning–driven multiscale modeling reveals lipid-dependent dynamics of RAS signaling proteins

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    RAS is a signaling protein associated with the cell membrane that is mutated in up to 30% of human cancers. RAS signaling has been proposed to be regulated by dynamic heterogeneity of the cell membrane. Investigating such a mechanism requires near-atomistic detail at macroscopic temporal and spatial scales, which is not possible with conventional computational or experimental techniques. We demonstrate here a multiscale simulation infrastructure that uses machine learning to create a scale-bridging ensemble of over 100,000 simulations of active wild-type KRAS on a complex, asymmetric membrane. Initialized and validated with experimental data (including a new structure of active wild-type KRAS), these simulations represent a substantial advance in the ability to characterize RAS-membrane biology. We report distinctive patterns of local lipid composition that correlate with interfacially promiscuous RAS multimerization. These lipid fingerprints are coupled to RAS dynamics, predicted to influence effector binding, and therefore may be a mechanism for regulating cell signaling cascades

    Three-dimensional detonation cellular structures in rectangular ducts using an improved CESE scheme

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    The three-dimensional premixed H-2-O-2 detonation propagation in rectangular ducts is simulated using an in-house parallel detonation code based on the second-order space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) scheme. The simulation reproduces three typical cellular structures by setting appropriate cross-sectional size and initial perturbation in square tubes. As the cross-sectional size decreases, critical cellular structures transforming the rectangular or diagonal mode into the spinning mode are obtained and discussed in the perspective of phase variation as well as decreasing of triple point lines. Furthermore, multiple cellular structures are observed through examples with typical aspect ratios. Utilizing the visualization of detailed three-dimensional structures, their formation mechanism is further analyzed

    Stress effects on stability and diffusion behavior of sulfur impurity in nickel: A first-principles study

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    A systematic investigation regarding the effect of stress on the stability and diffusion behavior of S impurity in Ni was carried out via first-principles methods. A comparison of the formation energy of S in Ni indicated that S more easily forms as a solution atom with increasing S concentration in Ni supercells, but the binding energy showed that as the concentration of S that dissolved into Ni increased, the structure became less stable. The diffusion barrier via the octahedral-tetrahedral-octahedral site path was always lower than that via the octahedral-octahedral site path. The diffusion barrier of single S decreased with increase in tensile stress. S diffusion accelerated under applied tensile stress, which was disadvantageous in suppressing S retention in Ni. These results implied that even at a low concentration, dissolved S still had a tendency of precipitating from the Ni matrix, to further increase the stability of the system. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved

    Persistence Parameter: a Reliable Measurement for Behavioral Responses of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) to Environmental Stress

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    Online monitoring systems provided a significant evidence for feasibility of the stepwise behavioral response model in detecting the effects of organophosphorus pesticides on movements of medaka (Oryzias latipes), being able to determine the state of indicator organisms, "no effect," "stimulation," "acclimation," "adjustment (readjustment)," and "toxic effect." Though the stepwise behavioral response model postulated that an organism displays a time-dependent sequence of compensatory stepwise behavioral response during exposure to pollutants above their respective thresholds of resistance, it was still a conceptual model based on tendency only in analysis. In this study, the phenomenon of bacterial persistence was used to interpret the relationship between the stepwise behavioral response model and the environmental stress caused by both exposure time and different treatments. Quantitative measurements of the stepwise behavioral response model led to a simple mathematical description of the threshold switch, which evaluated the effects of environmental stress on behavioral responses to decide the tendency. The adjustment ability correlated to "persisters (p)" is very important for test individuals to overcome the "threshold" from the outside environmental stress. The computational modeling results suggested that "persister (p)," as described in the general equations of bacterial persistence model in changing environments, illustrated behavior acclimation and adjustment (or readjustment) clearly. Consequently, the persistence parameter, p, was critical in addressing for medaka to be adapted to fluctuating environments under different environmental stress
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