1,853 research outputs found

    Theory of magnetoelectric photocurrent generated by direct interband transitions in semiconductor quantum well

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    A linearly polarized light normally incident on a semiconductor quantum well with spin-orbit coupling may generate pure spin current via direct interband optical transition. An electric photocurrent can be extracted from the pure spin current when an in-plane magnetic field is applied, which has been recently observed in the InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well [Dai et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 246601 (2010)]. Here we present a theoretical study of this magnetoelectric photocurrent effect associated with the interband transition. By employing the density matrix formalism, we show that the photoexcited carrier density has an anisotropic distribution in k space, strongly dependent on the orientation of the electron wavevector and the polarization of the light. This anisotropy provides an intuitive picture of the observed dependence of the photocurrent on the magnetic field and the polarization of the light. We also show that the ratio of the pure spin photocurrent to the magnetoelectric photocurrent is approximately equal to the ratio of the kinetic energy to the Zeeman energy, which enables us to estimate the magnitude of the pure spin photocurrent. The photocurrent density calculated with the help of an anisotropic Rashba model and the Kohn-Luttinger model can produce all three terms in the fitting formula for measured current, with comparable order of magnitude, but discrepancies are still present and further investigation is needed.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    The naturalness in the BLMSSM and B-LSSM

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    In order to interpret the Higgs mass and its decays more naturally, we hope to intrude the BLMSSM and B-LSSM. In the both models, the right-handed neutrino superfields are introduced to better explain the neutrino mass problems. In addition, there are other superfields considered to make these models more natural than MSSM. In this paper, the method of χ2\chi^2 analyses will be adopted in the BLMSSM and B-LSSM to calculate the Higgs mass, Higgs decays and muon g−2g-2. With the fine-tuning in the region 0.67%−2.5%0.67\%-2.5\% and 0.67%−5%0.67\%-5\%, we can obtain the reasonable theoretical values that are in accordance with the experimental results respectively in the BLMSSM and B-LSSM. Meanwhile, the best-fitted benchmark points in the BLMSSM and B-LSSM will be acquired at minimal (χminBL)2=2.34736(\chi^{BL}_{min})^2 = 2.34736 and (χminB−L)2=2.47754(\chi^{B-L}_{min})^2 = 2.47754, respectively

    Transition magnetic moment of Majorana neutrinos in the μν\mu\nuSSM

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    The nonzero vacuum expectative values of sneutrinos induce spontaneously R-parity and lepton number violation, and generate three tiny Majorana neutrino masses through the seesaw mechanism in the μν\mu\nuSSM, which is one of Supersymmetric extensions beyond Standard Model. Applying effective Lagrangian method, we study the transition magnetic moment of Majorana neutrinos in the model here. Under the constraints from neutrino oscillations, we consider the two possibilities on the neutrino mass spectrum with normal or inverted ordering.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in JHEP. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.4352, arXiv:1304.624

    GKZ hypergeometric systems of the three-loop vacuum Feynman integrals

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    We present the Gel'fand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky (GKZ) hypergeometric systems of the Feynman integrals of the three-loop vacuum diagrams with arbitrary masses, basing on Mellin-Barnes representations and Miller's transformation. The codimension of derived GKZ hypergeometric systems equals the number of independent dimensionless ratios among the virtual masses squared. Through GKZ hypergeometric systems, the analytical hypergeometric series solutions can be obtained in neighborhoods of origin including infinity. The linear independent hypergeometric series solutions whose convergent regions have non-empty intersection can constitute a fundamental solution system in a proper subset of the whole parameter space. The analytical expression of the vacuum integral can be formulated as a linear combination of the corresponding fundamental solution system in certain convergent region.Comment: 47 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.1519
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