887 research outputs found


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    Polyurethane is an important class of polymer which is being used for various industrial applications in the form of rigid foams, flexible foams, thermoplastic, elastomer, coating, and adhesive. Especially there is a huge market for rigid polyurethane foams for their applications as thermal insulating material in building and housing. In general, polyurethanes are prepared using polyols and diisocyanates. Most of the polyols used by industries are petrochemical based. In this project, a novel polyol from an orange peel oil-based derivative, limonene dimercaptan, was synthesized using one step photochemical thiol-ene reaction. The synthesized polyol was used to prepare flame retardant polyurethane foams using dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP) as an additive flame retardant (AFR) and a new bromine containing reactive flame retardant (RFR) derived from 2,4,6-tribromophenol. The foams using DMMP with phosphorus loading of 0, 0.23, 0.45, 0.90, 1.3, and 1.7 wt% and bromine-polyol with a bromine content of 0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0 wt% were prepared and analyzed. Our results suggest that prepared polyurethanes showed moderate density and high closed cell content. Both flame retardants lead to rigid polyurethane foams with excellent physicomechanical properties with a short self-extinguishing time and low weight loss after burning test. The reactive bromine-polyol leads to rigid polyurethanes with better physicomechanical properties than those of foams based on AFR, but the flame retardant properties of foams prepared using AFR are superior to the foams prepared using bromine-polyol (RFR). From the overall observations, the bio-based polyurethane foams showed efficient flame retardant properties and can be used as flame retardant foam for various applications


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    An integral sliding-mode parallel control approach for general nonlinear systems via piecewise affine linear models

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    The fundamental problem of stabilizing a general nonaffine continuous-time nonlinear system is investigated via piecewise affine linear models (PALMs) in this article. A novel integral sliding-mode parallel control (ISMPC) approach is developed, where an uncertain piecewise affine system (PWA) is constructed to model a nonaffine continuous-time nonlinear system equivalently on a compact region containing the origin. A piecewise sliding-mode parallel controller is designed to globally stabilize the PALM and, consequently, to semiglobally stabilize the original nonlinear system. The proposed scheme enjoys three favorable features: (i) some restrictions on the system input channel are eliminated, thus the developed method is more relaxed compared with the published approaches; (ii) it is convenient to be used to deal with both matched and unmatched uncertainties of the system; and (iii) the proposed piecewise parallel controller generates smooth control signals even around the boundaries between different subspaces, which makes the developed control strategy more implementable and reliable. Moreover, we provide discussions about the universality analysis of the developed control strategy for two kinds of typical nonlinear systems. Simulation results from two numerical examples further demonstrate the performance of the developed control approach

    Rethink left-behind experience: new categories and its relationship with aggression

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    Left-behind experience refers to the experience of children staying behind in their hometown under the care of only one parent or their relatives while one or both of their parents leave to work in other places. College students with left-behind experience showed higher aggression levels. To further explore the relationship between left-behind experience and aggression, the current study categorized left-behind experience using latent class analysis and explored its relationship with aggression. One thousand twenty-eight Chinese college students with left-behind experience were recruited, and their aggression levels were assessed. The results showed that there were four categories of left-behind experience: “starting from preschool, frequent contact” (35.5%), “less than 10 years in duration, limited contact” (27.0%), “starting from preschool, over 10 years in duration, limited contact” (10.9%), and “starting from school age, frequent contact” (26.6%). Overall, college students who reported frequent contact with their parents during the left-behind period showed lower levels of aggression than others did. Females were less aggressive than males in the “starting from preschool, frequent contact” left-behind situation, while males were less aggressive than females in the “starting from school age, frequent contact” situation. These findings indicate that frequent contact with leaving parents contributes to decreasing aggression of college students with left-behind experience. Meanwhile, gender is an important factor in this relationship