488 research outputs found

    Junk food marketing on instagram: Content analysis

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    Background: Omnipresent marketing of processed foods is a key driver of dietary choices and brand loyalty. Market data indicate a shift in food marketing expenditures to digital media, including social media. These platforms have greater potential to influence young people, given their unique peer-to-peer transmission and youths\u27 susceptibility to social pressures. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of images and videos posted by the most popular, energy-dense, nutrient-poor food and beverage brands on Instagram and the marketing strategies used in these images, including any healthy choice claims. Methods: A content analysis of 15 accounts was conducted, using 12 months of Instagram posts from March 15, 2015, to March 15, 2016. A pre-established hierarchical coding guide was used to identify the primary marketing strategy of each post. Results: Each brand used 6 to 11 different marketing strategies in their Instagram accounts; however, they often adhered to an overall theme such as athleticism or relatable consumers. There was a high level of branding, although not necessarily product information on all accounts, and there were very few health claims. Conclusions: Brands are using social media platforms such as Instagram to market their products to a growing number of consumers, using a high frequency of targeted and curated posts that manipulate consumer emotions rather than present information about their products. Policy action is needed that better reflects the current media environment. Public health bodies also need to engage with emerging media platforms and develop compelling social counter-marketing campaigns

    Sociodemographic Background Characteristics of Patients Who Participate in a Lung Cancer Screening Program

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    Introduction: Despite decreasing lung cancer incidence and mortality rates, disparities in prevalence and outcomes persist between Black and White patients. Secondary analysis of the National Lung Screening Trial found screening with low-dose CT (LDCT) reduced lung cancer mortality more in Blacks than Whites. However, it is unknown if racial disparities exist in screening results, and the involved sociodemographic factors. Objective: The study aims to analyze characteristics that may predict screening outcomes (Lung-RADS category) in patients who received LDCT through the Jefferson Lung Cancer Screening Program (LCSP). Methods: Retrospective data (n=733, May 2015 to July 2017) were merged with prospective data (n=292, January to September 2018). Lung-RADS scores were categorized into a binary variable (negative=1 and 2 vs. positive=3, 4A, 4B, and 4X). Chi-square and multivariate logistic regression were conducted to examine risk factors (race, gender, age, marital status, smoking status, COPD, and BMI). Results: Of 1025 total participants, 688 met eligibility criteria and underwent LDCT. In adjusted analysis, age and marital status were associated with Lung-RADS result. Older patients (aOR=1.04, 95% CI=1.01-1.08) and never-married patients (aOR=1.88, 95% CI=1.09-3.26) had significantly higher odds of a positive screen. An interaction between race and gender was also identified. Compared to White women, White men (aOR=2.13, 95% CI=1.08-4.19) and Black men (aOR=2.10, 95% CI=1.01-4.42) had higher odds of positive screening results. Discussion: Despite no main effect of race on screening results, an interaction existed between race and gender. These findings can be further explored to develop education programs for earlier detection and treatment, increasing screening awareness in vulnerable populations

    Characterization of an Fe≡N−NH_2 Intermediate Relevant to Catalytic N_2 Reduction to NH_3

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    The ability of certain transition metals to mediate the reduction of N_2 to NH_3 has attracted broad interest in the biological and inorganic chemistry communities. Early transition metals such as Mo and W readily bind N_2 and mediate its protonation at one or more N atoms to furnish M(N_xH_y) species that can be characterized and, in turn, extrude NH_3. By contrast, the direct protonation of Fe–N_2 species to Fe(N_xH_y) products that can be characterized has been elusive. Herein, we show that addition of acid at low temperature to [(TPB)Fe(N_2)][Na(12-crown-4)] results in a new S = 1/2 Fe species. EPR, ENDOR, Mössbauer, and EXAFS analysis, coupled with a DFT study, unequivocally assign this new species as [(TPB)Fe≡N–NH_2]^+, a doubly protonated hydrazido(2−) complex featuring an Fe-to-N triple bond. This unstable species offers strong evidence that the first steps in Fe-mediated nitrogen reduction by [(TPB)Fe(N_2)][Na(12-crown-4)] can proceed along a distal or “Chatt-type” pathway. A brief discussion of whether subsequent catalytic steps may involve early or late stage cleavage of the N–N bond, as would be found in limiting distal or alternating mechanisms, respectively, is also provided

    Velocity Amplitudes in Global Convection Simulations: The Role of the Prandtl Number and Near-Surface Driving

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that the velocity amplitude in global simulations of solar convection, U, may be systematically over-estimated. Motivated by these recent results, we explore the factors that determine U and we consider how these might scale to solar parameter regimes. To this end, we decrease the thermal diffusivity Îș\kappa along two paths in parameter space. If the kinematic viscosity Îœ\nu is decreased proportionally with Îș\kappa (fixing the Prandtl number Pr=Îœ/ÎșP_r = \nu/\kappa), we find that U increases but asymptotes toward a constant value, as found by Featherstone & Hindman (2016). However, if Îœ\nu is held fixed while decreasing Îș\kappa (increasing PrP_r), we find that U systematically decreases. We attribute this to an enhancement of the thermal content of downflow plumes, which allows them to carry the solar luminosity with slower flow speeds. We contrast this with the case of Rayleigh-Benard convection which is not subject to this luminosity constraint. This dramatic difference in behavior for the two paths in parameter space (fixed PrP_r or fixed Îœ\nu) persists whether the heat transport by unresolved, near-surface convection is modeled as a thermal conduction or as a fixed flux. The results suggest that if solar convection can operate in a high-PrP_r regime, then this might effectively limit the velocity amplitude. Small-scale magnetism is a possible source of enhanced viscosity that may serve to achieve this high-PrP_r regime.Comment: 34 Pages, 8 Figures, submitted to a special issue of "Advances in Space Research" on "Solar Dynamo Frontiers

    Prebiotic proanthocyanidins inhibit bile reflux–induced esophageal adenocarcinoma through reshaping the gut microbiome and esophageal metabolome

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    The gut and local esophageal microbiome progressively shift from healthy commensal bacteria to inflammation-linked pathogenic bacteria in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). However, mechanisms by which microbial communities and metabolites contribute to reflux-driven EAC remain incompletely understood and challenging to target. Herein, we utilized a rat reflux-induced EAC model to investigate targeting the gut microbiome–esophageal metabolome axis with cranberry proanthocyanidins (C-PAC) to inhibit EAC progression. Sprague-Dawley rats, with or without reflux induction, received water or C-PAC ad libitum (700 ÎŒg/rat/day) for 25 or 40 weeks. C-PAC exerted prebiotic activity abrogating reflux-induced dysbiosis and mitigating bile acid metabolism and transport, culminating in significant inhibition of EAC through TLR/NF-ÎșB/TP53 signaling cascades. At the species level, C-PAC mitigated reflux-induced pathogenic bacteria (Streptococcus parasanguinis, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis). C-PAC specifically reversed reflux-induced bacterial, inflammatory, and immune-implicated proteins and genes, including Ccl4, Cd14, Crp, Cxcl1, Il6, Il1b, Lbp, Lcn2, Myd88, Nfkb1, Tlr2, and Tlr4, aligning with changes in human EAC progression, as confirmed through public databases. C-PAC is a safe, promising dietary constituent that may be utilized alone or potentially as an adjuvant to current therapies to prevent EAC progression through ameliorating reflux-induced dysbiosis, inflammation, and cellular damage

    The UbiI (VisC) aerobic ubiquinone synthase is required for expression of type 1 pili, biofilm formation, and pathogenesis in uropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), which causes the majority of urinary tract infections (UTI), uses pilus-mediated adherence to initiate biofilm formation in the urinary tract. Oxygen gradients within E. coli biofilms regulate expression and localization of adhesive type 1 pili. A transposon mutant screen for strains defective in biofilm formation identified the ubiI (formerly visC) aerobic ubiquinone synthase gene as critical for UPEC biofilm formation. In this study, we characterized a nonpolar ubiI deletion mutant and compared its behavior to that of wild-type bacteria grown under aerobic and anoxic conditions. Consistent with its function as an aerobic ubiquinone-8 synthase, deletion of ubiI in UPEC resulted in reduced membrane potential, diminished motility, and reduced expression of chaperone-usher pathway pili. Loss of aerobic respiration was previously shown to negatively impact expression of type 1 pili. To determine whether this reduction in type 1 pili was due to an energy deficit, wild-type UPEC and the ubiI mutant were compared for energy-dependent phenotypes under anoxic conditions, in which quinone synthesis is undertaken by anaerobic quinone synthases. Under anoxic conditions, the two strains exhibited wild-type levels of motility but produced diminished numbers of type 1 pili, suggesting that the reduction of type 1 pilus expression in the absence of oxygen is not due to a cellular energy deficit. Acute- and chronic-infection studies in a mouse model of UTI revealed a significant virulence deficit in the ubiI mutant, indicating that UPEC encounters enough oxygen in the bladder to induce aerobic ubiquinone synthesis during infection. IMPORTANCE The majority of urinary tract infections are caused by uropathogenic E. coli, a bacterium that can respire in the presence and absence of oxygen. The bladder environment is hypoxic, with oxygen concentrations ranging from 4% to 7%, compared to 21% atmospheric oxygen. This work provides evidence that aerobic ubiquinone synthesis must be engaged during bladder infection, indicating that UPEC bacteria sense and use oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor in the bladder and that this ability drives infection potential despite the fact that UPEC is a facultative anaerobe
