7 research outputs found

    Modelling populations of complex networks

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    Many real-life systems can be modelled as complex networks, where the agents of the system are represented as nodes and the ties between those agents are represented as edges. Recent advances in data collection technologies give rise to various populations of networks, which capture diļ¬€erent aspects of the data. In this thesis we make an essential progress in the modelling and analysis of three diļ¬€erent populations of complex networks. First, in real-life systems involving measurements obtained from a population of participants, the system may be described by a population of networks where each participant is himself described by a whole network. We formulate a relevant genomics problem by constructing such a population of complex networks, and address a series of biological hypothesis which involve the clustering and classiļ¬cation of this population of networks. Second, real-life situations are modelled as a multiplex network where each layer of the multiplex captures diļ¬€erent type of relationships across the same set of nodes. The nature of the multiplex network raises the question of whether the same connectivity patterns ļ¬t all layers. We use a community detection procedure to address this problem, where random walks on the multiplex are used to detect shared and non-shared community structures across the layers of the multiplex. Third, the interactions between the entities of a system that evolve in time are formalized as a temporal network. When the number of entities in the network is very large, diļ¬€erent levels of detail and how they change in time are interesting. We use a multi-scale community detection procedure to solve the problems by applying spectral graph wavelets on the temporal network to detect changes in the community structure that occur in more than one scale.Open Acces

    Exploring brain transcriptomic patterns:A topological analysis using spatial expression networks

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    Characterizing the transcriptome architecture of the human brain is fundamental in gaining an understanding of brain function and disease. A number of recent studies have investigated patterns of brain gene expression obtained from an extensive anatomical coverage across the entire human brain using experimental data generated by the Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) project. In this paper, we propose a new representation of a gene's transcription activity that explicitly captures the pattern of spatial co-expression across different anatomical brain regions. For each gene, we define a Spatial Expression Network (SEN), a network quantifying co-expression patterns amongst several anatomical locations. Network similarity measures are then employed to quantify the topological resemblance between pairs of SENs and identify naturally occurring clusters. Using network-theoretical measures, three large clusters have been detected featuring distinct topological properties. We then evaluate whether topological diversity of the SENs reflects significant differences in biological function through a gene ontology analysis. We report on evidence suggesting that one of the three SEN clusters consists of genes specifically involved in the nervous system, including genes related to brain disorders, while the remaining two clusters are representative of immunity, transcription and translation. These findings are consistent with previous studies showing that brain gene clusters are generally associated with one of these three major biological processes.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, conferenc

    Detection of stable community structures within gut microbiota co-occurrence networks from different human populations populations

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    Microbes in the gut microbiome form sub-communities based on shared niche specialisations and specific interactions between individual taxa. The inter-microbial relationships that define these communities can be inferred from the co-occurrence of taxa across multiple samples. Here, we present an approach to identify comparable communities within different gut microbiota co-occurrence networks, and demonstrate its use by comparing the gut microbiota community structures of three geographically diverse populations. We combine gut microbiota profiles from 2,764 British, 1,023 Dutch, and 639 Israeli individuals, derive co-occurrence networks between their operational taxonomic units, and detect comparable communities within them. Comparing populations we find that community structure is significantly more similar between datasets than expected by chance. Mapping communities across the datasets, we also show that communities can have similar associations to host phenotypes in different populations. This study shows that the community structure within the gut microbiota is stable across populations, and describes a novel approach that facilitates comparative community-centric microbiome analyses