1,573 research outputs found

    The progenitors of Type Ia supernovae with long delay times

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    The nature of the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is still unclear. In this paper, by considering the effect of the instability of accretion disk on the evolution of white dwarf (WD) binaries, we performed binary evolution calculations for about 2400 close WD binaries, in which a carbon--oxygen WD accretes material from a main-sequence star or a slightly evolved subgiant star (WD + MS channel), or a red-giant star (WD + RG channel) to increase its mass to the Chandrasekhar (Ch) mass limit. According to these calculations, we mapped out the initial parameters for SNe Ia in the orbital period--secondary mass (logPiM2i\log P^{\rm i}-M^{\rm i}_2) plane for various WD masses for these two channels, respectively. We confirm that WDs in the WD + MS channel with a mass as low as 0.61M0.61 M_\odot can accrete efficiently and reach the Ch limit, while the lowest WD mass for the WD + RG channel is 1.0M1.0 \rm M_\odot. We have implemented these results in a binary population synthesis study to obtain the SN Ia birthrates and the evolution of SN Ia birthrates with time for both a constant star formation rate and a single starburst. We find that the Galactic SN Ia birthrate from the WD + MS channel is \sim1.8×103yr11.8\times 10^{-3} {\rm yr}^{-1} according to our standard model, which is higher than previous results. However, similar to previous studies, the birthrate from the WD + RG channel is still low (\sim3×105yr13\times 10^{-5} {\rm yr}^{-1}). We also find that about one third of SNe Ia from the WD + MS channel and all SNe Ia from the WD + RG channel can contribute to the old populations (\ga1 Gyr) of SN Ia progenitors.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Types of the geodesic motions in Kerr-Sen-AdS4_{4} spacetime

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    We consider the geodesic motions in the Kerr-Sen-AdS4_4 spacetime. We obtain the equations of motion for light rays and test particles. Using the parametric diagrams, we shown some regions where the radial and latitudinal geodesic motions are allowed. We analyse the impact of parameter related to dilatonic scalar on the orbit and find that it will result in more rich and complex orbital types.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Not All Instances Contribute Equally: Instance-adaptive Class Representation Learning for Few-Shot Visual Recognition

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    Few-shot visual recognition refers to recognize novel visual concepts from a few labeled instances. Many few-shot visual recognition methods adopt the metric-based meta-learning paradigm by comparing the query representation with class representations to predict the category of query instance. However, current metric-based methods generally treat all instances equally and consequently often obtain biased class representation, considering not all instances are equally significant when summarizing the instance-level representations for the class-level representation. For example, some instances may contain unrepresentative information, such as too much background and information of unrelated concepts, which skew the results. To address the above issues, we propose a novel metric-based meta-learning framework termed instance-adaptive class representation learning network (ICRL-Net) for few-shot visual recognition. Specifically, we develop an adaptive instance revaluing network with the capability to address the biased representation issue when generating the class representation, by learning and assigning adaptive weights for different instances according to their relative significance in the support set of corresponding class. Additionally, we design an improved bilinear instance representation and incorporate two novel structural losses, i.e., intra-class instance clustering loss and inter-class representation distinguishing loss, to further regulate the instance revaluation process and refine the class representation. We conduct extensive experiments on four commonly adopted few-shot benchmarks: miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CIFAR-FS, and FC100 datasets. The experimental results compared with the state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate the superiority of our ICRL-Net

    The rotation of surviving companion stars after type Ia supernova explosions in the WD+MS scenario

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    In the SD scenario of SNe Ia the companion survives the SN explosion and thus should be visible near the center of the SN remnant and may show some unusual features. A promising approach to test progenitor models of SNe Ia is to search for the companion in SNRs. Here we present the results of 3D hydrodynamics simulations of the interaction between the SN Ia blast wave and a MS companion taking into consideration its orbital motion and spin. The primary goal of this work is to investigate the rotation of surviving companions after SN Ia explosions in the WD+MS scenario. We use Eggleton's code including the optically thick accretion wind model to obtain realistic models of companions. The impact of the SN blast wave on these companions is followed in 3D hydrodynamic simulations employing the SPH code GADGET3. We find that the rotation of the companion does not significantly affect the amount of stripped mass and the kick velocity caused by the SN impact. However, in our simulations, the rotational velocity of the companion is significantly reduced to about 14% to 32% of its pre-explosion value due to the expansion of the companion and the fact that 55%-89% of the initial angular momentum is carried away by the stripped matter. Compared with the observed rotational velocity of the presumed companion star of Tycho's SN, Tycho G, of 6 km/s the final rotational velocity we obtain is still higher by at least a factor of two. Whether this difference is significant, and may cast doubts on the suggestion that Tycho G is the companion of SN 1572, has to be investigated in future studies. Based on binary population synthesis results we present, for the first time, the expected distribution of rotational velocities of companions after the explosion which may provide useful information for the identification of the surviving companion in observational searches in other historical SNRs.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Effects of current on nanoscale ring-shaped magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We report the observation and micromagnetic analysis of current-driven magnetization switching in nanoscale ring-shaped magnetic tunnel junctions. When the electric current density exceeds a critical value of the order of 6×1066\times 10^{6}A/cm2^2, the magnetization of the two magnetic rings can be switched back and forth between parallel and antiparallel onion states. Theoretical analysis and micromagnetic simulation show that the dominant mechanism for the observed current-driven switching is the spin torque rather than the current-induced circular Oersted field

    The first symbiotic stars from the LAMOST survey

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    Symbiotic stars are interacting binary systems with the longest orbital periods. They are typically formed by a white dwarf, a red giant and a nebula. These objects are natural astrophysical laboratories for studying the evolution of binaries. Current estimates of the population of Milky Way symbiotic stars vary from 3000 up to 400000. However, the current census is less than 300. The Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) survey can obtain hundreds of thousands of stellar spectra per year, providing a good opportunity to search for new symbiotic stars. In this work we detect 4 of such binaries among 4,147,802 spectra released by the LAMOST, of which two are new identifications. The first is LAMOST J12280490-014825.7, considered to be an S-type halo symbiotic star. The second is LAMOST J202629.80+423652.0, a D-type symbiotic star