23 research outputs found

    Fuentes y preservación de materia orgánica en sedimentos recientes del estuario del río Yangtze, China

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    The vertical distributions of bulk and molecular biomarker compositions in the samples from four sediment cores of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary were determined. The changes in the bulk and molecular compositions with depth suggest that there have been recent changes in the marine autogenic and terrigenous supply. In the site at the boundary of the turbidity maximum (Site 8) and the most southern site (Site 26), the autogenic and allochthonous inputs make almost the same contribution to sedimentary organic matter. In the site close to the river mouth (Site 11), the organic matter mainly comes from the terrestrial input carried by the Changjiang water, whereas, in the most eastern site (Site 17), the organic matter consists of a mixture of recent and ancient Changjiang delta sedimentary residues. Significant downcore fluctuations were observed in the patterns of the bulk and molecular compositions, as well as in several biomarker ratios, which also indicates the different anoxic conditions at different depths of the core besides the source variation. In addition, the distributions of molecular compounds show that the organic matter is a mixture of immature and mature in the sediments of the four cores, which further indicates that the microbial activity is active in anoxic conditions, especially in the surface sediment. The vertical distributions of molecular compounds also show that the autogenic marine organic matter is more easily degraded, and that the molecular compounds evolve from unstable steric configurations to stable ones in the early diagenetic processes.Este artículo analiza la distribución vertical de la composición mayoritaria y de biomarcadores moleculares en muestras de sedimentos de cuatro testigos obtenidos en el estuario del río Yangtze. Los cambios de composición en profundidad sugieren variaciones recientes de los aportes autógenos y terrígenos. En el máximo de turbidez y en sus limites (estación 8) y en la estación más al sur (estación 26), los aportes autógenos y alóctonos tienen casi la misma contribución a la materia orgánica sedimentaria. En la estación próxima a la desembocadura (estación 11), la materia orgánica procede principalmente de los aportes terrestres del río Yangtze, mientras que en la estación situada mas al Este (estación 17), la materia orgánica consiste en una mezcla de aportes recientes del río Yangtze y de residuos sedimentarios de un antiguo delta del mismo río. Fluctuaciones significantes de la composición mayoritaria y molecular, así como de biomarcadores, fueron observadas a lo largo de los testigos, lo cual indica también condiciones de anoxia diferentes a distintas profundidades, aparte de las diferencias en la procedencia de los sedimentos. Además, la distribución de compuestos moleculares muestra que la materia orgánica es una mezcla de sedimentos maduros e inmaduros en los cuatro testigos, lo cual indica que la actividad microbiana es activa en condiciones de anoxia, especialmente en los sedimentos superficiales. La distribución vertical de los compuestos moleculares también muestra que la materia orgánica marina autógena es más fácilmente degradable, y que los compuestos moleculares evolucionan desde configuraciones inestables estéricas a configuraciones estables en las primeras fases de la diagénesis

    Ratiometric Dissolved Oxygen Sensors Based on Ruthenium Complex Doped with Silver Nanoparticles

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    A ratiometric optical sensor has been developed with electrospinning processing method for dissolved oxygen measurement. The sensing film is fabricated by using silver nano-particles (Ag NPs) doped with tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium(II) dichloride complex (Ru(DPP)3Cl2) encapsulated in plasticized polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). An insensitive 3-(2-benzothiazolyl)-7-(diethy lamino)-(6CI,7CI) (Coumarin6) is adopted as reference. The ratio of oxygenation is calculated at each image pixel of a 3CCD camera to quantify the oxygen concentration in aqueous environment. Compared to Ag-free film, the response time of Ag-containing films were improved from 1.5 s to 1.0 s upon switching from deoxygenated to air saturation and from 65 s to 45 s from air saturation to fully deoxygenated. The response times of the Ag-free film obtained by knifing was 2.0 s upon switching from deoxygenated to air saturation and 104 s from air saturation to fully deoxygenated. Results of the evaluation of accuracy, limit of detection, stability, and photostability are presented. An experiment measuring the spatiotemporal variation of oxygen distribution within the photosynthesis and respiration of Chlorella vulgaris is demonstrated. It is shown that the nanofiber-based optical sensor film could serve as a promising method for rapid oxygen monitoring in aqueous applications

    Potential of essential oils for poultry and pigs

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    The increasing pressure of abolishing and/or decreasing the use of antibiotics as antimicrobial growth promoters for livestock calls for alternative solutions to sustain the efficiency of current livestock production. Among the alternatives, essential oils have a great potential and are generally considered natural, less toxic, and free from residues. Essential oils have been proven in numerous in vitro studies to exert antimicrobial effects on various pathogens. The current review touched on the basics of essential oils, and the in vivo effects of essential oils on growth, intestinal microflora, anti-oxidation, immune functionality, meat qualities as well as the possible modes of action in poultry and pigs, and the future research areas were proposed. Keywords: Antibiotics, Chickens, Essential oils, Pathogens, Pig

    The distribution and accumulation of mercury and methylmercury in surface sediments beneath the East China Sea

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    Abstract China is a massive mercury emitter, responsible for a quarter of the world’s mercury emissions, which transit the atmosphere and accumulate throughout its watercourses. The Changjiang (Yangtze) River is the third largest river in the world, integrating mercury emissions over its 1.8 × 106 km2 catchment and channelling them to the East China Sea where they can be buried. Despite its potential global significance, the importance of the East China Sea as a terminal mercury sink remains poorly known. To address this knowledge gap, total mercury and methylmercury concentrations were determined from 51 surface sediment samples revealing their spatial distribution, whilst demonstrating the overall pollution status of the East China Sea. Sedimentary mercury distributions beneath the East China Sea are spatially heterogeneous, with high mercury concentrations (> 25 ng g−1) corresponding to areas of fine-grained sediment accumulation. In contrast, some sites of fine-grained sediment deposition have significantly lower values of methylmercury (< 15 ng g−1), such as the Changjiang estuary and some isolated offshore areas. Fine-grained particles and organic matter availability appear to exert the dominant control over sedimentary mercury distribution in the East China Sea, whereas in situ methylation serves as an additional control governing methylmercury accumulation. Estimated annual sedimentary fluxes of mercury in the East China Sea are 51 × 106 g, which accounts for 9% of China’s annual mercury emissions

    Growth performance of nursery and grower-finisher pigs fed diets supplemented with benzoic acid

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    Two experiments were conducted to investigate the efficacy of benzoic acid on the growth performance of nursery and grower-finisher pigs. A randomized complete block design was used in both experiments with the initial body weight as the blocking factor. There were 3 treatments corresponding to 3 dietary levels of benzoic acid: 0, 0.3%, and 0.5%. In experiment 1, a total of 144 PIC L1050 barrows (initial body weight 7.1 ± 0.6 kg) were used with each treatment replicated 8 times. In experiment 2, a total of 288 PIC L1050 barrows (initial body weight 36.1 ± 3.6 kg) were used with each treatment replicated 16 times. There were 6 barrows in each replicate pen for both experiments. Experiments 1 and 2 lasted 28 and 70 days, respectively. In experiment 1, average daily gain (ADG) of all growth phases increased linearly (P < 0.05) with increasing supplementation of benzoic acid, which led to a linear improvement in average body weight on d 28 (P < 0.05). There was also an improvement in feed conversion ratio (FCR) of d 0 to 14 (linear effect: P < 0.05) and in average daily feed intake (ADFI) of d 14 to 28 and d 0 to 28 (linear effect: P < 0.01). In experiment 2, ADG during d 0 to 35 and d 35 to 70 and average body weight on d 35 improved linearly (P < 0.05) with increasing supplementation of benzoic acid. Average daily gain of d 0 to 70 and average body weight on d 70 increased significantly in a both linear and quadratic manner. There was a linear improvement in FCR in all growth phases (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the dietary inclusion of benzoic acid at the supplementation levels of 0.3% and 0.5% significantly improved the growth performance of nursery and grower-finisher pigs in the current study; the nursery pigs responded to the dietary supplementation of benzoic acid up to 0.5% linearly while the grower-finisher pigs achieved the optimal ADG at the calculated supplementation level of 0.36%

    Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Late Cenozoic Island Carbonates in the South China Sea

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    Marine carbonates, precipitating from seawater through inorganic geochemical and biogeochemical processes, are considered to have recorded the seawater geochemical signatures reflecting the marine environmental conditions during their formation. However, they are susceptible to post-depositional diagenetic alteration. The redox conditions and chemical composition of the diagenetic fluid may be different from those of the overlying seawater. Therefore, assessing whether carbonate rocks that have experienced variable diagenesis could still preserve primary seawater geochemistry is a prerequisite before inferring ancient marine environments using geochemical tracers such as the cerium anomaly (Ce/Ce*). Here, we investigate rare earth elements plus yttrium (REY) geochemical features of reefal carbonates from the XK-1 core in the Xisha Islands of the South China Sea. We aim to evaluate whether island carbonates have the potential to preserve reliable primary seawater REY geochemical characteristics after experiencing meteoric diagenesis, marine burial diagenesis, or dolomitization. The results show that even after variable diagenetic alteration, all carbonate samples exhibit seawater-like REY patterns, which are characterized by negative Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce* &lt; 1), distinctively high Y/Ho ratios (&gt;44), and uniform depletion of light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to heavy rare earth elements (HREE) ((Pr/Yb)N &lt; 1). This suggests that the original seawater REY signatures are retained, regardless of varying degrees of changes in the mineralogical composition, diagenetic fluid composition, and redox state. The unmodifiable REY characteristics in carbonates during diagenesis can be attributed to three aspects: (1) during meteoric diagenesis, the low REY content of meteoric fluids and the short-term reactions between fluids and carbonates make it difficult to significantly alter the REY composition of carbonates; (2) during marine burial diagenesis, the ubiquitous cementation creates a relatively closed environment that facilitates the inheritance of REY signatures from primary carbonates; (3) during dolomitization, the dolomitizing fluids derived from penecontemporaneous seawater would not destroy but rather promote the preservation of the original seawater REY signatures in dolostones. The Ce/Ce* variations indicate that the Xisha carbonates have been deposited under constantly oxic conditions since the Neogene, consistent with paleontological and redox-sensitive element geochemical evidence