5 research outputs found

    Plasmodium falciparum Hep1 is required to prevent the self aggregation of PfHsp70-3

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    The majority of mitochondrial proteins are encoded in the nucleus and need to be imported from the cytosol into the mitochondria, and molecular chaperones play a key role in the efficient translocation and proper folding of these proteins in the matrix. One such molecular chaperone is the eukaryotic mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70); however, it is prone to self-aggregation and requires the presence of an essential zinc-finger protein, Hsp70-escort protein 1 (Hep1), to maintain its structure and function. PfHsp70-3, the only Hsp70 predicted to localize in the mitochondria of P. falciparum, may also rely on a Hep1 orthologue to prevent self-aggregation. In this study, we identified a putative Hep1 orthologue in P. falciparum and co-expression of PfHsp70-3 and PfHep1 enhanced the solubility of PfHsp70-3. PfHep1 suppressed the thermally induced aggregation of PfHsp70-3 but not the aggregation of malate dehydrogenase or citrate synthase, thus showing specificity for PfHsp70-3. Zinc ions were indeed essential for maintaining the function of PfHep1, as EDTA chelation abrogated its abilities to suppress the aggregation of PfHsp70-3. Soluble and functional PfHsp70-3, acquired by co-expression with PfHep-1, will facilitate the biochemical characterisation of this particular Hsp70 protein and its evaluation as a drug target for the treatment of malaria

    Goals and feasibility of the deep space quantum link

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    In this article, we review the proposed experiments for the Deep Space Quantum Link (DSQL) mission concept aiming to probe gravitational effects on quantum optical systems. Quantum theory and general relativity are the two most successful frameworks we have to describe the universe. These theories have been validated through experimental confirmations in their domains of application -- the macroscopic domain for relativity, and the microscopic domain for quantum theory. To date, laboratory experiments conducted in a regime where both theories manifest measurable effects on photons are limited. Satellite platforms enable the transmission of quantum states of light between different inertial frames and over distances impossible to emulate in the laboratory. The DSQL concept proposes simultaneous tests of quantum mechanics and general relativity enabled by quantum optical links to one or more spacecrafts

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes