3 research outputs found

    Promising Domestic Vegetable Oil and Its Qualitative Characteristics

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    This article describes the relevance and importance of the production of promising oilseeds, including safflower oil, which is one of the main directions for the development of the agro-industrial industry in Kazakhstan. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate the usefulness of safflower oil with the results of scientific research and increase its popularity among manufacturers and consumers. The results of the study revealed the benefits of safflower oil for human health, and also described the benefits of growing safflower for the country's economy. Qualitative indicators of safflower oil are based on modern physico-chemical and analytical research methods. According to the results of the study, it was found that safflower oil contains 伪-tocopherols and phylloquinones, omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids in the amount of 74.82% and many minerals. It is reported about the therapeutic and preventive effects on the human body of fatty acids and vitamins contained in safflower oil. The data and research results presented in the article can become the basis for future scientific work and help in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Currently, due to the growth of safflower cultivation areas in Kazakhstan, the prospects for the efficiency of consumption and exportation of safflower are shown not as a raw material, but as a product with full medicinal properties

    The Effect of Flax Oil Cake on the Structural and Rheological - Properties of Pasta

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    This article discusses the qualitative indicators of pasta products obtained by partially replacing high-quality wheat powder with flaxseed cake. This is due to the fact that flaxseed cake has a high energy value, is rich in essential protein, macro-, microelements and vitamins, fats remaining in flaxseed cake after fat extraction have all useful properties, contain alpha-linolenic (omega-3) fatty acid, as well as other unsaturated fatty acids. After the procedure of "pressing" of raw materials, organoleptic and Physico-chemical parameters were considered, the indicator of shape preservation after the "cooking" process was determined. Quality indicators of GOST 31743-2017 "Pasta. General technical conditions", GOST 31964-2012 "Pasta. Acceptance rules and methods for determining quality", GOST 10974-95 "Flax cake. Technical conditions" are defined in accordance with regulatory and technical documents. The enrichment of pasta with flax cake improves the biological, nutritional properties of the product and allows you to replace high-quality wheat flour with economic raw materials. The results of the study obtained by quality indicators meet the established requirements. The moisture content of pasta when replacing premium wheat powder by 3.8%, 7.7% and 15.5% with flax cake is 28% (after the procedure of "pressing raw materials"). The use of flax cake as a raw material reduces the cooking time of pasta, ensures that the mold after cooking will meet the requirements and will not stick together

    袦袨袧袠孝袨袪袠袧袚 协袣袨袥袨袚袠效袝小袣袨袚袨 小袨小孝袨携袧袠携 袩袨袙袝袪啸袧袨小孝袧蝎啸 袙袨袛 袚袨袪袨袛袗 袧校袪-小校袥孝袗袧 (袪袝小袩校袘袥袠袣袗 袣袗袟袗啸小孝袗袧) 袧袗 袩袪袠袦袝袪袝 袪袝袣袠 袝小袠袥鞋 : Esil river case

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    The article presents data on monitoring the ecological state of surface waters in the city of Nur-Sultan (Republic of Kazakhstan) on the example of the Yesil River, taking into account published data. The content of oxygen, anions and cations was studied in two sections of the Yesil River - at the exit from the Vyacheslav reservoir and in the city of NurSultan under the bridge on the Triathlon Park. Samples were analyzed during the year from April 2021 to April 2022. Samples were taken monthly. Anions and cations were analyzed by ion chromatography. A systematic excess of MPC standards for the content of sodium, sulfates and chlorides was established. The content of nitrates and ammonium does not exceed the MPC. The reason is the influence of both agriculture and the utility sector of the city of Nur-Sultan