9 research outputs found

    Interhemispheric asymmetry profile and cognitive functions in adolescents with average and high intelligence

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    Background. The neuropsychological approach suggests that differences in cognitive processes are associated with the variability of combinations of signs of partial dominance of certain brain structures, manifested in the form of individual laterality profiles. However, the problem of identifying and studying the relationship between interhemispheric asymmetry and cognitive functions in adolescents with a high level of intelligence remains not fully resolved, which determines the relevance of this study.The aim of the research was to describe the relationship between the type of profile of interhemispheric asymmetry with the characteristics of cognitive functions in adolescents with average and high levels of intelligence.Materials and methods. The sample included 52 people aged 12–15 years: 26 adolescents with high level intelligence (main group), 26 adolescents with an average level of intelligence (control group). The following research methods were used: Wechsler test (WISC-IV), method for studying the profile of interhemispheric asymmetry (Khomskaya E.D., Efimova I.V.); method “Correction test” by B. Bourdon; method ”Story on a given topic”.Results. The majority of adolescents with a high level of intelligence revealed the severity of right-lateral features, which were traced in the manual, auditory and visual spheres of sensorimotor asymmetry. At the same time, the severity of right-lateral and ambilateral features is accompanied by more pronounced indicators of the development of cognitive functions. Adolescents with the type of profile of interhemispheric asymmetry “Left-handed” were characterized by an insufficient level of attention stability and a reduced ability for detailed speech utterance, regardless of the level of intelligence.Conclusions. The data obtained show that the peculiarity of individual profiles of interhemispheric asymmetry determines the uneven development of a number of mental functions in adolescence and the different readiness of brain mechanisms to support various cognitive processes. We assume that the results of the work will expand the understanding of the role of interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain in the organization of cognitive functions in adolescents with a high level of intelligence

    Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders with spastic forms of cerebral palsy

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    Until now, there is no radical method of treating children with cerebral palsy, which allows us to consider scientific research in this direction reasonable and promising.The aim of the research: to study the effect of exercises on the mini-simulator “Kinesioplatform-swing” with biofeedback on the indicators of motor skills in children with spastic cerebral palsy.Materials and methods. We conducted an open, non-randomized, prospective, comparative, controlled study in pairs (each participant in the main group corresponds to a participant in the control group). The study involved 53 patients aged 4–12 years with cerebral palsy: the intervention group (group 1: n = 27 (13 boys, 14 girls)) and the control group (group 2: n = 26 (11 boys, 15 girls)), comparable in terms of gender, age and severity of movement disorders. Characteristics of the medical intervention: group 1 – botulinum toxin type A (BTA, for exercising against the background of relative muscular normotonus) + exercise therapy + exercises on the mini-simulator “Kinesioplatform-swing” with biofeedback (BFB); group 2 – BTA + exercise therapy. Duration of the study: 2019–2020. The difference between groups in terms of motor skills on the day of hospitalization and after completion of the training program (10 sessions each) was determined. Motor skills were assessed according to the GMFM-66/88 (Gross Motor Function Measure) table using the “Scales for measuring global motor functions”.Results. The inclusion of additional exercises on the mini-simulator “Kinesioplatformswing” with biofeedback in the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders with spastic cerebral palsy (BTA + exercise therapy) in comparison with the control group. However, the question of the long-term effects of such training remains open and requires further study

    Assessment of consequences of COVID-19 in adolescents by the method of questionnaire

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    Background. In Russia, of all detected cases of COVID-19, 18 % were in the pediatric population. According to a number of studies, adolescents develop long-term clinical and psychological consequences after an illness. Therefore, at present, the most relevant is a thorough study of the structure and severity of consequences of COVID-19 in adolescents.The aim of the research was to assess the severity of consequences of COVID-19 in adolescents depending on the time period after diseases.Methods. The sample included 96  people aged 11–16  years: 48  adolescents who  have  undergone COVID-19 (main group); 48  adolescents who  did  not  have  COVID-19 (control group). The main group was divided into six subgroups, depending on the period after COVID-19. The following research methods were used: clinical history using a standardized interview method; “Correction test” method by B.  Bourdon; Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI-1A); Adolescent’s Form of Manifest Anxiety Scale by A.M. Prikhozhan.Results. Clinical symptoms of COVID-19 during the acute phase of the disease were considered in adolescents. It has been established that the most common symptoms include fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, severe fatigue, impaired sense of smell, impaired taste, headache (most often localized in the frontal region). Clinical and psychological symptoms characteristic of post-COVID syndrome were considered as consequences of COVID-19 in adolescents. The majority of the  examined adolescents showed the following clinical symptoms of COVID-19 after discharge: asthenia, disturbances of smell and taste; lasting from 2 to  64 weeks. As psychological symptoms, adolescents were characterized by reduced attention span, reduced speed of information processing and concentration, as well as the presence of symptoms of severe depression and high anxiety. During the second month after COVID-19, the most unfavorable emotional state was revealed in adolescents.Conclusions. The data obtained made it possible to determine that post-COVID syndrome in adolescents is characterized by the presence of an asthenic condition, impaired attention, high anxiety, severe depressive symptoms

    Cognitive and emotional impairments associated with COVID-19 (literature review)

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    Background. Currently, there are two main areas of study of the impact of a new coronavirus infection on mental processes: the first is in connection with the regime of self-isolation and restrictions in a pandemic; the second – with the impact of the pathological process itself and the post-covid syndrome on the central nervous system. The results of the studies indicate the relationship of this infection with local lesions of the brain and the corresponding disturbances in the functioning of mental processes.The aim of the research. To systematize and analyze the results of studies on the main routes of penetration of the SARS-CoV-2 virus into the central nervous system, cognitive and emotional disorders in people who have recovered from COVID-19, and to discuss the areas of psychological rehabilitation for this group of patients.Materials and methods. Information search was carried out using Internet resources (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, bmj.com, eLibrary.ru, frontiersin.org, sciencedirect. com, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), literature sources were analyzed for the period from May of 2020 to November of 2021 for the following keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, cognitive functions, cognitions, cognitive impairments, emotional dysfunction, affective dysfunction.Results. According to the analysis of the literature, most researchers identify the neurogenic pathway of SARS-CoV-2 penetration into the CNS, as well as penetration through the bloodstream or through cerebral lymphatic drainage, which are a possible cause of mental disorders of a neurological nature. Correction of these violations involves the creation of a comprehensive system of rehabilitation with the inclusion of psychotherapeutic methods.Conclusions. Despite the lack of a single picture describing the specifics of cognitive and affective symptoms in COVID-19, in the most general terms, there is a certain consensus. So, quite often, post-COVID cognitive symptoms are characterized by impaired memory and attention, and post-COVID affective symptoms are characterized by increased levels of anxiety, depression, and fatigue. The issues of diagnosis and correction of disorders in post-COVID syndrome and the admissibility of the existence of this diagnosis are still relevant

    Smell and taste disorders in pregnant women with COVID-19

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    Background. Smell disorder is a recognized clinical symptom of COVID-19 infection. The problem of the loss of sense of smell in the structure of COVID-19 pathogenesis during pregnancy remains unresolved.   The aim of the study. To determine the sense of smell and taste in pregnant women with COVID-19, as well as to evaluate the relationship between the sense of smell and the number of SARS-CoV-2 genome equivalents in the nasopharyngeal secretion.   Material and methods. In the case-control study, 121 pregnant women participated: 40 of them were infected with COVID-19; 81 were not infected with COVID-19 earlier and at the time of the study. The survey was conducted in July 2021. Sense of smell was assessed using the Connecticut Chemosensory Clinical Research Center (CCCRC) olfactory test, which includes olfactory threshold determination and odor identification assessment. Taste was measured according to the O. Massarelli method. Viral load was calculated using a standardized method for determining the numberof SARS-CoV-2 RNA copies in 1 ml of nasopharyngeal secretion.   Results. The incidence of olfactory disorders (moderate / severe and anosmia) in pregnant women with COVID-19 is 62.5 % compared to 22.23 % among pregnant women who have never had COVID-19 (p = 0.002). No significant taste disorders were identified. The threshold value for the manifestation of olfactory disorders was 17794 RNA copies of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which corresponds to the 37th threshold cycle (Ct).   Conclusion. During pregnancy in the acute phase of COVID-19, sense of smell is significantly impaired, but not sense of taste. Decreased sense of smell is associated with SARS-CoV-2 viral load

    Влияние применения L-триптофана на динамику когнитивных функций в комплексной терапии задержек психоречевого развития у детей

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of L-tryptophan used in complex therapy of delayed psycho-speech development in children to influence the dynamics of cognitive performance.Materials and methods. The study included 80 children aged 3–7 years with delayed psycho-speech development (DPSD). The main group consisted of 37 children (25 male and 12 female), a control group – 43 patients (30 male and 13 female). Both groups of children were comparable in age, sex, degree of speech and cognitive impairment, and IQ level. Patients in the main group have taken standard therapy with L-tryptophan (25–50 mg per day depending on the age) supplement for 14 days. Control patients have taken standard therapy only. Psychodiagnostic tests at the entrance and exit of patients from this study was carried out for evaluation the dynamics of cognitive functions. All differences were considered significant at p < 0.05.Results. The study suggests that oral L-tryptophan intake selectively affects the dynamics of cognitive performance in children with DPSD. So, we studied pre- and post-treatment cognitive performance in both group patients and noted a significant improvement in the visual memory (p < 0.001) and an increase in thinking productivity (p < 0.001) in the tryptophan group versus similar indicators in the control group. Intergroup differences (p < 0.001 and p = 0.026, respectively, for the main and control groups) also found.Conclusion. Two-week L-tryptophan intake in complex therapy of DPSD in children can significantly improve the cognitive activity, and greatly increase both the effectiveness and sustainability of treatment outcomes, which will significantly reduce the time and frequency of hospitalization and financial costs for the rehabilitation of this patients. Цель исследования – оценка способности L-триптофана, применяемого в комплексной терапии задержек психоречевого развития у детей, влиять на динамику показателей когнитивной деятельности.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 80 детей в возрасте 3–7 лет с задержкой психоречевого развития (ЗПРР). Основную группу составили 37 детей (25 мальчиков и 12 девочек), контрольную группу – 43 пациента (30 мальчиков и 13 девочек). Обе группы детей были сопоставимы по полу, возрасту, степени речевой и когнитивной недостаточности, уровню интеллекта. Пациентами основной группы на фоне стандартной терапии дополнительно осуществлялся прием L-триптофана в суточной дозе 25–50 мг/кг в зависимости от возраста в течение 14 дней. Пациенты контрольной группы были пролечены только по стандартной схеме терапии ЗПРР. Оценка динамики когнитивных функций проводилась с помощью психодиагностических тестов на входе и выходе пациентов из данного исследования. Значимость различий рассчитывали с учетом критического значения p < 0,05.Результаты. В результате проведения исследования были получены данные о том, что триптофан избирательно влияет на динамику показателей когнитивной деятельности при задержках психоречевого развития у детей. Так, при исследовании состояния когнитивных функций у детей с ЗПРР до и после курса терапии, включающей прием L-триптофана, отмечены значительное улучшение зрительной памяти (p < 0,001) и повышение продуктивности мышления (p < 0,001) относительно аналогичных показателей пациентов, пролеченных без дополнительной фармакологической нагрузки данным препаратом. При этом достоверные отличия выявлены и при межгрупповом сравнении результатов лечения (p < 0,001 и p = 0,026 соответственно для основной и контрольной групп).Заключение. Следовательно, введение L-триптофана в комплексную терапию ЗПРР у детей способно заметно улучшить состояние когнитивной деятельности и значительно повысить как эффективность, так и устойчивость результатов лечения, что позволит существенно сократить сроки и кратность госпитализации и финансовые издержки на реабилитацию данной категории пациентов.

    Information sources in the educational activities of students of a medical university

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    The article presents the results of a study devoted to the study of information sources that students use during the period of distance learning due to the covid-19 pandemic. During the study, it was shown that 5th year students are aware of the existence of most authoritative sources of information, however, their application in the educational process is limited. It was also shown that 56% of students participate in additional educational activities 1-2 times a year or less, which requires the development of corrective measuresВ статье приведены результаты исследования, посвященного изучению информационных источников, к которым прибегают студенты в период дистанционного обучения, обусловленного пандемией «ковид-19». В ходе исследования было показано, что студенты 5 курса осведомлены о существовании большинства авторитетных источников информации, однако применение их в учебном процессе ограничено. Также было показано, что 56% студентов участвуют в дополнительных образовательных мероприятиях 1-2 раза в год и реже, что требует разработки корректирующих мероприятий

    Status and initial physics performance studies of the MPD experiment at NICA

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    The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is under construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), with commissioning of the facility expected in late 2022. The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) has been designed to operate at NICA and its components are currently in production. The detector is expected to be ready for data taking with the first beams from NICA. This document provides an overview of the landscape of the investigation of the QCD phase diagram in the region of maximum baryonic density, where NICA and MPD will be able to provide significant and unique input. It also provides a detailed description of the MPD set-up, including its various subsystems as well as its support and computing infrastructures. Selected performance studies for particular physics measurements at MPD are presented and discussed in the context of existing data and theoretical expectations