28 research outputs found

    Fluidised bed combustion of two species of energy crops

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    The use of biomass fuels for energy production through combustion has a growing application worldwide mainly for two reasons: first, the utilization of biomass for energy contributes to mitigate emission of green house gases; second, its use decreases the dependence of imported fossil fuels in Europe. The objective of this work was to study the combustion behaviour of two endogenous biomass species: cardoon (cynara cardunculus) and arundo (arundo donax), which were specially produced in energy crops plantations. Mixtures of cardoon and a forestry biomass specie (eucalyptus) were also studied to evaluate potential benefits from synergies between both biomass fuel types. The results showed that the utilization of cardoon, in pelletized form, and loose arundo as feedstock, did not give rise to any operational problems related with the feeding system. It was verified that the mono combustion of cardoon could pose problems at industrial scale in fluidised bed systems, considering the high levels of HCl and NOX emissions obtained and tendency to sinter the bed sand material. The addition of the forestry biomass to cardoon appeared to prevent the bed agglomeration problem. Furthermore, both the NOX and SO2 emissions were found to decrease at the same time suggesting potential synergy of blending different types of biomass regarding pollutant emissions and in bed agglomeration problems

    Ash agglomeration and deposition during combustion of poultry litter in a bubbling fluidized-bed combustor

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    peer-reviewedn this study, we have characterized the ash resulting from fluidized bed combustion of poultry litter as being dominated by a coarse fraction of crystalline ash composed of alkali-Ca-phosphates and a fine fraction of particulate K2SO4 and KCl. Bed agglomeration was found to be coating-induced with two distinct layers present. The inner layer (0.05–0.09 mm thick) was formed due to the reaction of gaseous potassium with the sand (SiO2) surface forming K-silicates with low melting points. Further chemical reaction on the surface of the bed material strengthened the coating forming a molten glassy phase. The outer layer was composed of loosely bound, fine particulate ash originating from the char. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations showed slag formation in the combustion zone is highly temperature-dependent, with slag formation predicted to increase from 1.8 kg at 600 °C to 7.35 kg at 1000 °C per hour of operation (5.21 kg of ash). Of this slag phase, SiO2 and K2O were the dominant phases, accounting for almost 95%, highlighting the role of K-silicates in initiating bed agglomeration. The remaining 5% was predicted to consist mainly of Al2O3, K2SO4, and Na2O. Deposition downstream in the low-temperature regions was found to occur mostly through the vaporization–condensation mechanism, with equilibrium decreasing significantly with decreasing temperatures. The dominant alkali chloride-containing gas predicted to form in the combustion zone was KCl, which corresponds with the high KCl content in the fine baghouse ash

    Ultrastructure and Origin of Membrane Vesicles Associated with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication Complex

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    The RNA replication complexes of mammalian positive-stranded RNA viruses are generally associated with (modified) intracellular membranes, a feature thought to be important for creating an environment suitable for viral RNA synthesis, recruitment of host components, and possibly evasion of host defense mechanisms. Here, using a panel of replicase-specific antisera, we have analyzed the earlier stages of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) infection in Vero E6 cells, in particular focusing on the subcellular localization of the replicase and the ultrastructure of the associated membranes. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated the colocalization, throughout infection, of replicase cleavage products containing different key enzymes for SARS-CoV replication. Electron microscopy revealed the early formation and accumulation of typical double-membrane vesicles, which probably carry the viral replication complex. The vesicles appear to be fragile, and their preservation was significantly improved by using cryofixation protocols and freeze substitution methods. In immunoelectron microscopy, the virus-induced vesicles could be labeled with replicase-specific antibodies. Opposite to what was described for mouse hepatitis virus, we did not observe the late relocalization of specific replicase subunits to the presumed site of virus assembly, which was labeled using an antiserum against the viral membrane protein. This conclusion was further supported using organelle-specific marker proteins and electron microscopy. Similar morphological studies and labeling experiments argued against the previously proposed involvement of the autophagic pathway as the source for the vesicles with which the replicase is associated and instead suggested the endoplasmic reticulum to be the most likely donor of the membranes that carry the SARS-CoV replication complex