1 research outputs found

    Investigaci贸n de la acci贸n de los nitratos y nitritos contenidos en algunos vegetales como causantes de metahemoglobinemia

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    The major acute toxic effect of nitrate and nitrite poisoning is methaemoglobinemia.Methaemoglobin reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and in addition, it shifts the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve to the leftinterferin with the unloading of oxygen.Hypotension and collapse may also occur.The principal concem with exposure to nitrate is its biological reduction to reactive and toxic nitrite.The major use of nitrate is as lertilizer. It is also used in the manufacture of nitrites, nitrous oxide, explosives, pyrotechnics, matches and preserving additive to food.Nitrite es used as a food preservative and colouring agent, e.g. curing 0f meat, in the manufacture of diazo dyes, in the textile industry and in photography.The concentrations of nitrates and nitrites in different vegetable species that supposedly cause methahaemoglobin, being a problematic average concentration of nitrates in: beet 2,139 ppm; turnip 2,038 ppm; spinach 1,195 ppm; medic 66 ppm; carrot 404 ppm were determined by Gas - Liquid Chromatogrephy (GLC).The symptoms of the methehaemoglobin were evaluated experimentally in dogs administering different dose of solution of sodium nitrite. Later on, the methahaemoglobin was quantified by the spectrophotometric method observed thet the dose of 50 mg/kg of weight produced 78% of methaheemoglobin in vivo.El efecto t贸xico m谩s preocupante de la intoxicaci贸n de nitratos y nitritos es la metahemoglobinemia.La metahemoglobinemia reduce la capacidad de transporte de ox铆geno por la sangre y adem谩s cambia la curva de disociaci贸n de oxihemoglobina hacia la izquierda lo cual interfiere con la descarga de ox铆geno. Puede ocurrir tambi茅n hipotensi贸n y colapso.La preocupaci贸n principal puede frente a la exposici贸n de nitratos es su reducci贸n biol贸gica a nitrito reactivo y t贸xico.El mayor uso del nitrato es como fertilizante. Tambi茅n se usa en la fabricaci贸n de nitritos, 贸xido nitroso, explosivos, pirotecnias, f贸sforos, aditivo alimentario.El nitrito se usa como preservante en las comidas y para el curado de las carnes, en la sintesis de diazoicos, en la industria textil y fotogr谩fica.Se determin贸 por Cromatografia Gas - Liquido las concentraciones de nitratos y nitritos en diferentes especies vegetales que supuestamente causan metahemoglobinemia, encontr谩ndose una concentraci贸n promedio preocupante de nitratos en: beterraga 2,139 ppm; nabo 2,038 ppm; espinaca 1,195 ppin; alfalfa 66 ppm; zanahoria 404 ppm.Los sintomas de la metahemoglobinemia fueron evaluados experimentalmente en perros administr谩ndoles diferentes dosis de unasoluci谩n de nitrito de sodio. Posteriormente se cuantific贸 la metahemoglobinemia por el m茅todo espectrofotom茅trico observ谩ndose que la dosis de 50 mgl kg de peso in vivo caus贸 78% de metahemoglobinemia