14 research outputs found
Relationship between periodontal disease and aterosclerosis – the dentist’s role
Bolile parodontale sunt considerate, astazi, boli inflamatorii de origine microbiana ce determina cresterea markerilor inflamatiei (IL-1, PCR,
TNF-α). Acest lucru explica de ce bolile parodontale sunt factori de risc
potentiali pentru unele boli sistemice – diabetul zaharat, afectiunile perinatale, cardiovasculare etc.
Sunt prezentate datele actuale privind atat rolul inflamatiei in etiopatogenia bolilor parodontale, cat si relatia dintre bolile parodontale si cele
cardiovasculare, insistandu-se pe colaborarea care trebuie sa existe intre
medicul dentist si medicii de alte specialitati (cardiolog, neurolog).Summary.
Periodontal disease is considered nowadays an inflammatory disease of
microbial origin, which determines an increase in inflammation markers
(IL-1, PCR, TNF-α). This explains why periodontal diseases are potential
risk factors for some systemic afflictions such as diabetes mellitus, prenatal
and cardiovascular diseases.
New information, concerning also the role of inflammation in periodontal disease pathology and the relationship between the periodontal and
cardiovascular disease, are presented, insisting on the understanding that
must exist between the dentist and other specialist doctors (cardiologist,
Association between severe periodontitis and dislypidemia
Scopul studiului il reprezinta evaluarea unei posibile corelatii intre parodontitele cronice stadiul sever si nivelul lipidelor serice.
Materiale si metoda: Un lot de 59 de pacienti cu varsta intre 45-54 de
ani carora li s-au efectuat anamneza si examenul clinic, precum si analize
generale (colesterol si trigliceride).
Rezultate: 44,8% dintre pacienti prezentau nivele crescute ale trigliceridelor (valoare medie 212 mg/dl), iar 55,17% dintre pacienti prezentau un
nivel crescut al colesterolului total (valoare medie 256mg/dl).
Concluzii: Exista o corelatie intre parodontitele severe si nivelele serice
crescute ale colesterolului si trigliceridelor, fapt ce trebuie sa atraga atentia
medicului dentist.Summary.
The purpose of the study is the evaluation of a possible correlation between severe stage chronic periodontitis and the level of serum lipids.
Materials and method: A sample of 59 patients, between 45 - 54 years
old, who underwent clinical dental examination and a set of blood analysis
(cholesterol and triglycerides).
Results: 44,8% of the patients exhibited high levels of triglycerides (median value of 212 mg/dl), and 55,17% of them exhibited a high level of total
cholesterol (median value 256mg/dl).
Conclusion: There is a relationship between severe periodontal disease
and high serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, a fact requires the
attention of the dentist
Imaging of periodontal disease in patients with ischemic stroke
Objectives: Links between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases have been well documented by epidemiological studies. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the European countries, including Romania. One focus of interest is atherosclerosis, the underlying event of cardiovascular diseases due to its serious health impact. The aim of this study was to analyze a possible association between ischemic stroke and periodontitis by marginal bone loss assessment on panoramic radiography (PR), Dental CT or CBCT.Material and methods: 103 patients, 28 to 50 years old, with recent history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack diagnosed by specialist doctors (neurologists) were selected. Several parameters were evaluated in first five days in the dental office according to the health questionnaire and the recommended blood tests (cholesterol, triglycerides, complete hemoleucogram, C-reactive protein etc.). The same examiner and also two radiologist assessed the odontal and periodontal status of each patient on the PR, Dental CT or CBCT. We analyzed irredeemable teeth, periapical lesions, interradicular lesions, 4-5mm bone loss from the enamel-cement junction (ECJ) and >6mm bone loss from the enamel-cement junction (ECJ).Results: The study group analyzed by PR, Dental CT or CBCT presented high percents of irredeemable teeth (12%), teeth with periapical lesions (>3 mm; 3%), interradicular lesions (10%), 4-5 mm proximal bone loss (11%) and >6 mm bone loss (19%) associated with different localization of ischemic stroke.Conclusions: The present study confirms the existence of correlations between endodontic infections, periodontal infections demonstrated by panoramic radiography, CT/CBCT and ischemic stroke
With its localized and generalized forms, aggressive periodontitis is a progressing disease which affects
especially young patients in good health. The periodontal pathogens most associated to cases of aggressive
periodontitis are Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Pophyromonas gingivalis. We present to you a more
unusual case of a 51-year-old man suffering from an aggressive periodontitis, with all the clinical, radiographic and
bacteriologic findings. The therapy phase included scaling and root planning followed by a combination of
Amoxicillin and Metronidazole 500mg of each, every 8 hours, for 7 days. The therapeutic outcomes were very
Bone Density Changes In Patients With Periodontal Disease
Common radiologic exams offer information about the presence and type of marginal bone loss, but they cannot provide any data on the bone density assessment. Materials and methods We selected 69 CT scans of patients with different degrees of the supporting periodontal tissue diseases, and measured the interdental septum density. Results The present study confirms the dental CT scanning utility in diagnostic imaging of the proximal, interdental bone. The results of the mean alveolar bone density measurements in different depths of the interdental septum show that its correlation with periodontal diseases becomes evident between at a depth of 3 up to 5.5mm. Conclusion Classic or volumetric CT scanning provide valuable data on the interdental bone density, information that cannot be obtained with the same accuracy by any other classic radiologic exa
A Cross-Sectional, Questionnaire-Based Survey on Air Infection Control among Romanian People
(1) Background: Infection control should be one of the main objectives in the comprehensive medical approach. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from June–July 2022. A questionnaire including 22 questions with multiple answers was applied online to 202 subjects selected at random. The questionnaire collected data on the subjects’ knowledge about protective measures against airborne infections. For this study, a descriptive statistic was performed. Pearson’s Chi-square test was used for data comparison. (3) Results: Only 61.39% (124) of the subjects consider that protective equipment is mandatory for the dental team, 40.10% (81) know to a very large extent and 44.06% (89) to a large extent that when talking, a respiratory infection can be transmitted. A rather large percentage of the subjects take into account the cost of the protective mask to a very large extent 39.60% (80). Only 30.20% (61) of the subjects would vaccinate to a very large extent and 24.75% (50) to a large extent against micro-organisms transmitted by air p > 0.05. (4) Conclusions: Most people know the aspects related to air decontamination, the priority being the promotion of control methods of airborne infections, and it is necessary to improve the level of knowledge on a large scale within the population
Correlation Between Severe Periodontitis And Cardiovascular Disease: A Radiographyc Study
Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the European countries, including Romania. Over the last several years, many studies on the relationship between oral infections, especially periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases were published. The aim of this study was to analyse a possible association between cardiovascular diseases and periodontitis by marginal bone loss assessment on orthopantomographs (OPGs). Materials and methods: 171 patients with history of cardiovascular diseases diagnosed by specialist doctors (cardiologist, neurologist) were selected. Several parameters were evaluated in the dental office according to the health questionnaire and the recommended blood tests (cholesterol, triglycerides, complete hemoleucogram, C-reactive protein etc.). The same examiner assessed the dental and periodontal status of each patient on the OPGs. We analysed irredeemable teeth, periapical lesions, interradicular lesions, 4-5mm bone loss from the enamel-cement junction (ECJ) and >6mm bone loss from the enamel-cement junction (ECJ). Results: The study group presented high percents of irredeemable teeth (11%), teeth with periapical lesions (>3 mm; 4%), interradicular lesions (12%), 4-5 mm proximal bone loss (11%) and >6 mm bone loss (17%). Conclusions: The present study confirms the existence of correlations between endodontic infections, periodontal infections and cardiovascular diseases; idea supported by authors and justified by the influence of permanent discharge of proinflammatory factors (cytokines, Il-1 β, TNF-α, etc.) from the oral cavity into the bloodstream, contributing with other factors (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) to the appearance and evolution of cardiovascular diseases