7 research outputs found

    Influence of maternal attitudes and parenting style on children`s dental caries experience

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect parental attitudes have on the dental caries experience in children. Methods: Cross-sectional observational data was collected via clinical examinations and questionnaires. The study included 258 mothers of children who came to Yeditepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Paediatric Dentistry for the treatment of their children. Multi-variable Poisson regression model was run to predict prevalence of dental caries (DMFT + dmft: decayed, missing, filled teeth in permanent and primary teeth, respectively). Mothers’ attitudes in family were measured by the Parental Attitude Research Instrument [PARI] questionnaire scores.. Results: Among the five factors of PARI scores, PARI Factor 3 (Rejection of Traditional House-Wife Role) and PARI Factor 5 (Level of Discipline) exhibited a statistically significant negative correlation with prevalence of caries. PARI Factor 4 (Level of Marital Conflict) had a statistically significant positive correlation with prevalence of caries. Conclusion: A healthy family environment and an empowering parental style have positive effects on the oral health of children. Continuous..

    Tooth Fragment Lodged in the Upper Lip after Traumatic Dental Injury: an Unusual Case Report

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    Zubne traume uobičajene su komplikacije u slučaju ozljeda usne šupljine. Kod pacijenata s laceracijskom ranom gornje usne i dentalnom traumom prednjih zuba trebalo bi odmah pregledati preostale fragmente zuba. Desetogodišnji dječak bio je primljen na Odjel dječje stomatologije Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta Marmara u Istambulu. Imao je otečenu usnu, lokaliziranu oteklinu okolnog područja i traumatski oštećen gornji lijevi središnji sjekutić. Temeljitim intraoralnim pregledom otkrivana je nekomplicirana fraktura trajnoga lijevog gornjeg središnjeg sjekutića koja je uključivala caklinu i dentin bez eksponiranja zubne pulpe, a palpacija tkiva gornje usne upućivala je na strano tijelo. To je potvrđeno panoramskim radiogramom na kojem se vidjelo radiopakno tijelo slično koronarnom fragmentu središnjeg sjekutića koji je nedostajao. Taj je dio uklonjen kirurški, a slomljeni zub privremeno je restauriran. Nakon dva tjedna restauriran je adhezivnom tehnikom s pomoću sačuvanog fragmenta. Temeljiti klinički pregled i radiogrami mekih tkiva mogli bi omogućiti rano postavljanje dijagnoze i pravodobno kirurško uklanjanje.Dental fractures are common trauma complications in the oral cavity. When a patient has a laceration in the upper lip and dental trauma to the anterior dentition, an embedded tooth fragment should be suspected. A 10-year old boy was referred to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Dental School, Marmara University, Istanbul with a swollen lip, showing local edema and trauma to the maxillary left central incisor. A thorough intraoral examination revealed a fracture of the permanent left maxillary central incisor involving the enamel and dentin without pulp exposure while carefully palpating the tissues of the upper lip; the presence of a foreign body was felt. This was confirmed by a panoramic radiograph and it showed a radiopaque material, similar to the coronal fragment of the fractured incisor. The coronal fragment of the maxillary left central incisor was surgically removed. The fractured tooth was temporarily restored. After two weeks, the tooth was restored with the fragment using the adhesive technique. A thorough clinical examination with soft-tissue radiographs could provide an early diagnosis and indicate surgical removal

    Is Novamin Toothpaste Effective on Enamel Remineralization? An In-Vitro Study

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    Objectives: New bio-active glass containing toothpaste (NovaMin) is one of the most effective cariostatic products when used as a daily application the aim of this in-vitro study is to evaluate the influence of NovaMin on enamel remineralization.Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight sound human enamel samples were randomly divided into four groups (A-D) each having seven samples as follows: A (Novamin), B (1450 ppm NaF and Novamin), C (CPP-ACP), D (1450ppm NaF). After inducing caries-like lesions, each group was maintained daily for demineralization-remineralization cycle for seven days. During this cycle, samples were treated by the selected toothpaste for each group. Enamel mineral loss was assessed by surface microhardness. Surface enamel microhardness was determined on the enamel blocks. Non-parametric Kruskar-Wallis test compares the amount of surface microhardness recovery (SMHR%) across four different toothpastes.Results: PLM data revealed a mineral precipitation band on the surface layer of all toothpastes; however, when compared to treated lesions, no statistically significant differences among the groups (p>0.05) were found. Conclusions: NovaMin containing dentifrice has similar remineralization potential on carious-like lesions when compared to fluoride containing dentifrices

    The role of stimulated lipid peroxidation and impaired calcium sequestration in the enhancement of cocaine induced hepatotoxicity by ethanol

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate possible mechanism of cocaine-induced hepatotoxicity and its potentiation by ethanol in mice. Ethanol (2 g/kg) and/or cocaine (25 mg/kg) injections were given as binge model (five injections in 3 days). Cocaine administration with or without ethanol caused an increase in lipid peroxidation in liver homogenate and its subcellular fractions. The greatest increases were observed in mitochondrial fraction following cocaine plus ethanol treatment. Also, glutathione (GSH) levels were increased in liver homogenate and its mitochondrial fractions after cocaine and cocaine plus ethanol treatment. Microsomal calcium sequestration was found to decrease in all treatments. These results suggest that increased lipid peroxidation and decreased microsomal calcium sequestration in the liver may play a possible role cocaine-induced hepatotoxicity and its potentiation by ethanol. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved