19 research outputs found

    Do Young Russian Compatriots Living Abroad Need Our Support?

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    The Russian authorities have begun to show great interest in their diverse Russian-speaking diaspora in the world and have proposed an official “Russkiy Mir” political strategy integrated into Russian foreign policy and policies towards Russian compatriots. The purpose of the article is to analyze the need of young Russian compatriots abroad in various forms of state and non – state support from Russia based on the questionnaire survey data. The article considers the results of a questionnaire survey of young Russian compatriots living abroad. The survey was conducted in 54 foreign countries. 2042 respondents aged from 14 to 30 years inclusive were interviewed. Most young Russian compatriots have formed a dual identity – Russian and the country of residence. Empirical data describing the need of young compatriots abroad in various forms of state and non-state support are obtained. Most young compatriots did not use measures of state and non-state support, low coverage of young compatriots by the events was established. The potential for consolidation is highlighted - the Russian language, the common historical and cultural heritage of Russia, viewing Russian media and television shows, as well as the development of economic ties

    Educational work of curators in the Ural state medical university

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    In the numbers of the curators includes the most experienced teachers of theoretical and clinical departments who regularly give talks to the students about the basic regulations of the University. The curators helps to shape personal and communicative competence of students to adapt to the new system of education, to include of the score-rating system.Кураторы представлены наиболее опытными преподавателями теоретических и клинических кафедр, помогают студенту адаптироваться в новых условиях системы образования

    Peculiarities of Research Activities of Students of Universities in Russia

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    В статье рассматриваются особенности научно-исследовательской деятельности аспирантов вузов, а также основные проблемы аспирантов, связанные с написанием научных статей и текста диссертации.The article examines the features of research activities of graduate students of universities, as well as the main problems of graduate students associated with writing scientific articles and the text of the dissertation

    Changes in liver activity in patients with Covid-19 infection

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    The purpose of the study - is to research the changes in the biochemical parameters of hemostasis of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 infection, upon admission and upon discharge, correlate with the patient’s gender, get acquainted with the available database of scientific studies related to liver lesions caused by viral infection.Цель исследования – оценить динамику изменений биохимических показателей анализа крови при инфекции, вызванной вирусом SARS-CoV-2, и обобщить решающую роль некоторых факторов в течении заболевания

    Evaluation of compensatory mechanisms in pre-trained and untrained athletes

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    The purpose of the study - evaluation of compensatory mechanisms in pre-trained and untrained sportsmen.Цель исследования — оценка компенсаторных механизмов у спортсменов донозологической направленности и нетренированных лиц

    The influence of circadian biorhythms on the students' performance and success level

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    The article presents the data of questionnaire survey of students who are study on the faculty of treatment-and-prophylactic USMU. The dependence of student’s success level from their chronotype is given below.В статье изложены данные анкетирования студентов, учащихся на 2 курсе лечебно-профилактического факультета УГМУ. Приведена зависимость успеваемости студентов от их хронотипов и количества часов, посвящённых сн

    Hyperprolactinemia syndrome: impact on reproductive function

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    The purpose of the study. To study the effect of hyperprolactinemia on female reproductive function, to describe the characteristic symptoms based on the analyses of patients undergoing outpatient treatment.Цель исследования. Изучить влияние гиперпролактинемии на женскую репродуктивную функцию, описать характерные симптомы на основании анализов пациенток, проходивших амбулаторное лечение

    The dependence of a person’s temperament on his blood type

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    The purpose of the study – find out whether there is a correlation between human temperament and blood type.Цель исследования – выяснить, существует ли зависимость между темпераментом человека и его группой крови

    Changes in general blood counts in patients treated in an infectious disease hospital with a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19

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    The purpose of the stady - to evaluate the dynamics of blood count changes in SARS-CoV-2 infection and to summarize the crucial role of some hematological parameters in the course of the disease.Цель исследования - оценить динамику изменений анализа крови при инфекции, вызванной вирусом SARS-CoV-2, и обобщить решающую роль некоторых гематологических параметров в течении заболевани

    Dependence of the accommodative ability of the eye on the type of refraction

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    The article conducted an analysis of the accommodative ability of the eyes with different types of refraction in three clinical cases. As a result, the authors come to the conclusion that the type of refraction directly depends on the accommodative ability of a person’s eyes. This information can be used for diagnostic purposes for practicing ophthalmologists.В статье предложен анализ аккомодационной способности глаз при различных типах рефракций в трех клинических случаях. В результате исследования сделан вывод о прямой зависимости определенных типов рефракции глаз человека от их аккомодационной способности, что может быть использовано в диагностических целях у практикующих офтальмологов