40 research outputs found

    Magnetic and Transport Properties of PrNi Single Crystal

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    Frequency dependence of χ (T ), different position of a maximum in χ (T ) for different crystal orientations, hysteretic behavior between magnetization measurements in zero-field cooling and field coolding regime are attributed to strong magneto-crystalline anisotropy of PrNi ferromagnetic single crystal with T C = 20.5 K, which is driven by crystal field effect. Applied pressure shifts T C to higher temperatures (dT C /dp = 1 K/GPa). Susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law except for b-axis, which is hard magnetic axis. An anisotropic behavior was seen in resistivity measurements with the largest difference between b-axis and c-axis. Resistivity below TC can be described by power law with ρ ∼ T 2.24 and is field dependent with a positive magnetoresistance

    Magnetic and Transport Properties of PrNi Single Crystal

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    Frequency dependence of χ"(T), different position of a maximum in χ"(T) for different crystal orientations, hysteretic behavior between magnetization measurements in zero-field cooling and field coolding regime are attributed to strong magneto-crystalline anisotropy of PrNi ferromagnetic single crystal with TCT_C=20.5 K, which is driven by crystal field effect. Applied pressure shifts TCT_C to higher temperatures (dTCdT_C/dp=1 K/GPa). Susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law except for b-axis, which is hard magnetic axis. An anisotropic behavior was seen in resistivity measurements with the largest difference between b-axis and c-axis. Resistivity below TCT_C can be described by power law with ρT2.24ρT^{2.24} and is field dependent with a positive magnetoresistance

    Magnetic Properties of Thorium Ferricyanide

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    The magnetic properties of Th3\text{}_{3}[Fe(CN)6\text{}_{6}]·10H2\text{}_{2}O were investigated. It was shown that this compound is antiferromagnetically ordered in the low temperature region. The observed antiferromagnetic ordering is stable only in the low field

    Magnetic Properties of La0.8K0.2MnO3La_{0.8}K_{0.2}MnO_{3} Nanoparticles

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    Magnetic properties of La0.8K0.2MnO3La_{0.8}K_{0.2}MnO_{3} have been studied on nanoparticles prepared by glycine-nitrate method. Crystal structure and particles size were modified by heat treatment. Crystal structure changes from orthorhombic (space group Pbma) to rhombohedral (space group R-3c) after annealing at 600°C/2 hours. The average size of particle varies with annealing from about 30 nm to 135 nm. The Curie temperature TCT_{C} and the saturated magnetization μsμ_{s} increase with annealing. The exchange bias effect was observed on samples with particles size smaller than 60 nm

    The Effect of Pressure on Magnetic Properties of KMnCr(CN)

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    In the contribution we present the effect of pressure on magnetic properties of molecule based magnet KMnCr(CN)6. Applied pressure affects magnetization curves only marginally. The saturation is reached at higher magnetic fields under pressure, but the effect of the pressure on the values of saturated magnetization µs, remnant magnetization µr and coercive field HC are almost negligible. Observed pronounced increase of the Curie temperature TC with increasing pressure can be attributed to strengthening of antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction. Additionally we observed double magnetic transition induced by hydrostatic pressure. All pressure changes were fully reversible

    Effect of Pressure on Magnetic Properties of Hexacyanochromates

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    We present the study of pressure effect on magnetic properties of TM32+[CrIII(CN)6]2nH2OTM^{2+}_3[Cr^{III}(CN)_6]_2 \cdot nH_2O ferrimagnets and ferromagnets (TM = Cr and Co) under pressures up to 0.9 GPa. Applied pressure strengthens super-exchange interaction in Cr2+Cr^{2+}-prussian blue analogues with dominant antiferromagnetic interaction JAFJ_{AF} leading to increase in the Curie temperature TCT_C (ΔT_c/Δp = 29.0 K/GPa) and reduces TCT_C of Co2+Co^{2+}-prussian blue analogues with dominant ferromagnetic interaction JFJ_FTcT_c/Δp = -1.8 K/GPa). The rise of JAFJ_{AF} interaction is attributed to the enhanced value of the single electron overlapping integral S. On the other hand, the applied pressure slightly affects bonding angles between magnetic ions mediated by the cyano-bridge and reduces the strength of magnetic coupling. Changes of the magnetization curve with pressure can be attributed to changes of magnetic anisotropy. The reduction of magnetization with pressure observed on Cr2+Cr^{2+}-prussian blue analogues can be explained by pressure induced transition from Cr2+Cr^{2+} high spin state to Cr2+Cr^{2+} low spin state. All pressure induced changes are reversible

    Effect of doping and annealing on crystal structure and magnetic properties of La₁–xAgxMnO₃ magnetic nanoparticles

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    We study crystal structure and magnetic properties of La₁–xAgxMnO₃ nanopowders prepared by glycine—nitrate method. The particle size and crystal structure were modified by heat treatment. The average size of particle varies from about 26.6(4) nm for as prepared sample to 63.3(9) nm for annealed sample at 900 °C/2 h. Crystal structure changes from orthorhombic Pnma to rhombohedral R3⎯⎯c after annealing at 600 °C/2 h. The saturated magnetization μs and the Curie temperature TC increase with annealing; TC is more than doubled after annealing at 600 °C/2 h. Exchange bias phenomena were first observed on nanoparticles with orthorhombic crystal structure. The hysteresis loop shifts in horizontal and vertical direction after cooling in magnetic field μ₀Hcf ≠ 0 through TC. The values of exchange bias field μ₀HE, coercive field μ₀Hc, remnant asymmetry μE and coercive magnetization μc increase with increasing value of cooling field μ₀Hcf. In addition the training effect was observed

    Magnetic Properties of La

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    Magnetic properties of La0.8K0.2MnO3have been studied on nanoparticles prepared by glycine – nitrate method. As prepared nanoparticles and samples annealed at 300°C/2 hours adopt orthorhombic crystal structure (space group Pbnm). Crystal structure and particles size were modified by heat treatment. The exchange bias effect was observed on samples with particles size smaller than 50 nm.Cooling in magnetic field Hcf≠ 0 through the Curie temperature TCshifts hysteresis loop in horizontal and vertical direction. The values of exchange bias field HE, coercive field Hc, remnant asymmetry μE and coercive magnetization μc increase with increasing value of cooling field Hcf. In addition the training effect was studied. Basic magnetic properties like the Curie temperature TC and the saturated magnetization μsincrease and HE or μE decrease with heat treatment. Heat treatment at 600 °C/2 hours increases the average size of nanoparticles to about 60 nm, crystal structure changes to rhombohedral structure (space group R3ˉ\bar 3c) and EB effect vanishes