23 research outputs found
Topological Excitations and Anomalous Transport Phenomena in Condensed Matter Systems
Topological physics is a burgeoning new area of study in condensed matter systems, focusing on the topological excitations as well as the transport phenomena of systems with topologically non-trivial band structures. These systems being either gapped or gapless, are topologically protected and can support new phenomena which are absent in topologically trivial systems. The gapless topological superconductors can host Majorana zero modes, known as the interpretation of the Majorana fermions in condensed matter systems, which have been proposed as the ideal qubit for topological quantum computation due to their non-Abelian topological properties. The gapped topological insulators, on the other hand, can realize the non-dissipation transport charge and spin currents, which are immune to defects and directly related to the topologically non-trivial Berry curvature of the Bloch bands of the electrons. In this thesis, we will discuss the topological features of topological superconductors, higher-order superfluids, and topological insulators. For the studies on topological superconductors, we focus on investigating the properties of Majorana fermions using numerical modeling as well as theoretical methods. We also elucidate the formation of the so-called quasi-Majoranas or partially separated Andreev bound states in semiconductor superconductor heterostructures, and discuss the feasibility of braiding in the quasi-Majorana regime. Using ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices, we propose a Hofstadter-Hubbard model to realize the higher-order topological superfluid capable of supporting the Majorana corner modes, which are degenerate and protected by time-reversal symmetry. In the aspect of the anomalous transport phenomena manifested by the Berry phase effect, we propose the non-linear anomalous Nernst effect and the non-linear anomalous thermal Hall effect in time-reversal invariant systems. By analyzing the anomalous transport coefficients, we also propose the analog of the Wiedemann-Franz law and Mott formula for the non-linear transport phenomena
Wiedemann-Franz law and Mott relation for non-linear anomalous transport phenomena
Berry curvature dipole has been shown to produce non-linear anomalous Hall
effect which is non-zero even in the presence of time-reversal symmetry. In
this paper, within the framework of semiclassical Boltzmann theory, we
calculate the analytical expressions for the non-linear anomalous transport
coefficients, namely, the non-linear anomalous Hall, Nernst, and thermal Hall
coefficients. With these expressions, we predict the fundamental relations
between the non-linear anomalous electric and thermo-electric transport
coefficients, which are the analog of the Wiedemann-Franz law and the Mott
relation in the non-linear regime. We also make experimental predictions for
anomalous thermal Hall coefficient for monolayer transition metal
dichalcogenide which can be verified in experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
Coupling of quantum-dot states via elastic-cotunneling and crossed Andreev reflection in a minimal Kitaev chain
Recently, exciting progress has been made in using the superconducting
nanowires coupled to gate-defined quantum dots (QDs) to mimic the Kiteav chain
and realize the Majorana-bound states via a poor man's route. The essential
ingredient is to balance the interdot elastic-cotunneling (ECT) and crossed
Andreev reflection (CAR). As theoretically proposed, this can be mediated by
the Andreev bound states (ABSs) formed in the superconducting nanowires.
However, most of the gate-tuning asymmetric features observed in experiments
can not be captured using the current theoretical models. To address this
insufficiency, here, we consider a full model that explicitly includes all the
details of both the QD states and the ABSs. Remarkable agreement is found with
the recent experimental observations, where our model correctly reveals the
gate-tuning asymmetry in ECTs and by which the average QD state energy can also
be extracted. In contrast, CARs do not depend on the tuning of QD states.
Moreover, armed with the tunability of ECTs and CARs with QD states, we also
predict a controllable anisotropic superexchange interaction between electron
spins in the two separated QDs
Partially-separated Majorana modes in a disordered medium
Focusing on the implications of recent experiments on Majorana zero modes in
semiconductor-superconductor (SM-SC) heterostructures, we critically examine
the quantization of the zero-bias differential conductance as a possible
unambiguous signature of Majorana physics in the presence of disorder. By
numerically calculating the zero-bias conductance (ZBC) maps as function of
Zeeman splitting and chemical potential for different disorder realizations, we
show that the presence of quantized "islands" characterized by a ZBC value
(approximately) equal to and having a finite area/volume in a
multi-dimensional parameter space represents a unique signature of Majorana
physics supporting Majorana zero modes (MZMs) or partially-separated Majorana
modes (ps-MMs). We find that in the presence of strong disorder Majorana
physics only emerges locally and gives rise to ps-MMs, which, in turn, generate
small quantized islands when one of the Majorana modes is located at the end of
the system. Observing these small islands may require sample selection and the
systematic scanning of a large volume in the control parameter space. Upon
decreasing disorder, the quantized islands increase in size and eventually
coalesce into large topological regions. Since the presence of MZMs localized
at the opposite ends of the system is typically associated with large quantized
islands, looking for MZM-induced edge-to-edge correlations is premature in the
absence of convincing experimental evidence for (even small) quantized islands.
We conclude that the observation of quantized islands demonstrates
unambiguously the presence of the key ingredients necessary for Majorana
physics, provides an excellent diagnostic tool for evaluating the disorder
strength, and, consequently, represents the next natural milestone in the
Majorana search.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Published versio
Third-order Hall effect in the surface states of a topological insulator
Time reversal and inversion symmetric materials fail to yield linear and
nonlinear responses since they possess net zero Berry curvature. However,
higher-order Hall response can be generated in these systems upon constraining
the crystalline symmetries. Motivated by the recently discovered third-order
Hall (TOH) response mediated by Berry connection polarizability, namely, the
variation the Berry connection with respect to an applied electric field, here
we investigate the existence of such Hall effect in the surface states of
hexagonal warped topological insulator (e.g., BiTe) under the
application of electric field only. Using the semiclassical Boltzmann
formalism, we investigate the effect of tilt and hexagonal warping on the Berry
connection polarizability tensor and consequently, the TOH effect provided the
Dirac cone remains gapless. We find that the magnitude of the response
increases significantly with increasing the tilt strength and warping and
therefore, they can provide the tunability of this effect. In addition, we also
explore the effect of chemical doping on TOH response in this system.
Interestingly, we show based on the symmetry analysis, that the TOH can be the
leading-order response in this system which can directly be verified in
experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure