1,624 research outputs found

    Dynamics of DNA Bubble in Viscous Medium

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    The damping effect to the DNA bubble is investigated within the Peyrard-Bishop model. In the continuum limit, the dynamics of the bubble of DNA is described by the damped nonlinear Schrodinger equation and studied by means of variational method. It is shown that the propagation of solitary wave pattern is not vanishing in a non-viscous system. Inversely, the solitary wave vanishes soon as the viscous force is introduced.Comment: 4 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1112.471

    Cepstral analysis based on the Glimpse proportion measure for improving the intelligibility of HMM-based synthetic speech in noise

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    In this paper we introduce a new cepstral coefficient extraction method based on an intelligibility measure for speech in noise, the Glimpse Proportion measure. This new method aims to increase the intelligibility of speech in noise by modifying the clean speech, and has applications in scenarios such as public announcement and car navigation systems. We first explain how the Glimpse Proportion measure operates and further show how we approximated it to integrate it into an existing spectral envelope parameter extraction method commonly used in the HMM-based speech synthesis framework. We then demonstrate how this new method changes the modelled spectrum according to the characteristics of the noise and show results for a listening test with vocoded and HMM-based synthetic speech. The test indicates that the proposed method can significantly improve intelligibility of synthetic speech in speech shaped noise. Index Terms — cepstral coefficient extraction, objective measure for speech intelligibility, Lombard speech, HMM-based speech synthesis 1

    Politik Uang Dalam Pandangan Hukum Positif Dan Syariah

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    : Money Politics in the View of the Positive Law and the Sharia. Money Politics is a phenomenon that has been going on from election to election and is often untouched by law enforcement in Indonesia. This symptom is clearly in contrast to the principle of fairness and may potentially result in uncredible leaders. In the Islamic view, money politics can be clasified as an act of bribery (risywah), that is money or a gift given to other people, persuading him to do a certain thing in return. Risywah is forbidden in Islam and its prohibition was revealed in since the early period of Muhammad prophethood, together with a ban against the practice of idolatery. The Qur'an mentions several times about the prohibition against bribery and it is also supported by a number of Hadith

    Comparative Analysis Spread Spectrum and Parity Coding Steganography in E-commerce

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    The transaction data online has increased compared to the previous communications that mostly in the form of voice and text messaging. To improve the security, data must be protected such a way that it cannot be attacked by unauthorized parties. In this case, a good security system must be able to transmit the original information to the second party without having to know the existence and validity by a third party. One of the security systems that can be used is steganography. In this paper, we will compare the performance of Spread Spectrum and Parity Coding in e-commerce based on Android in case of processing time between insertion and retrieval information, and the changing image size during the insertion process. Our experimental results show that parity coding has better performance on client side that use low performance smart phone based on Android operating system and spread spectrum has better performance on blackberry store server that use laptop PC

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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