95 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic Entropy And The Accessible States of Some Simple Systems

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    Comparison of the thermodynamic entropy with Boltzmann's principle shows that under conditions of constant volume the total number of arrangements in simple thermodynamic systems with temperature-independent heat capacities is TC/k. A physical interpretation of this function is given for three such systems; an ideal monatomic gas, an ideal gas of diatomic molecules with rotational motion, and a solid in the Dulong-Petit limit of high temperature. T1/2 emerges as a natural measure of the number of accessible states for a single particle in one dimension. Extension to N particles in three dimensions leads to TC/k as the total number of possible arrangements or microstates. The different microstates of the system are thus shown a posteriori to be equally probable, with probability T-C/k, which implies that for the purposes of counting states the particles of the gas are distinguishable. The most probable energy state of the system is determined by the degeneracy of the microstates.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Ehrenfest's scheme and thermodynamic geometry in Born-Infeld AdS black holes

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    In this paper we analyze the phase transition phenomena in Born-Infeld AdS black holes using Ehrenfest's scheme of standard thermodynamics. The critical points are marked by the divergences in the heat capacity. In order to investigate the nature of the phase transition, we analytically check both the Ehrenfest's equations near the critical points. Our analysis reveals that this is indeed a second order phase transition. Finally, we analyze the nature of the phase transition using state space geometry approach. This is found to be compatible with the Ehrenfest's scheme.Comment: Published versio

    Critical behavior of Born Infeld AdS black holes in higher dimensions

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    Based on a canonical framework, we investigate the critical behavior of Born-Infeld AdS black holes in higher dimensions. As a special case, considering the appropriate limit, we also analyze the critical phenomena for Reissner Nordstrom AdS black holes. The critical points are marked by the divergences in the heat capacity at constant charge. The static critical exponents associated with various thermodynamic entities are computed and shown to satisfy the thermodynamic scaling laws. These scaling laws have also been found to be compatible with the static scaling hypothesis. Furthermore, we show that the values of these exponents are universal and do not depend on the spatial dimensionality of the AdS space. We also provide a suggestive way to calculate the critical exponents associated with the spatial correlation which satisfy the scaling laws of second kind.Comment: LaTex, 22 pages, 12 figures, minor modifications in text, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effective thermodynamics of strongly coupled qubits

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    Interactions between a quantum system and its environment at low temperatures can lead to violations of thermal laws for the system. The source of these violations is the entanglement between system and environment, which prevents the system from entering into a thermal state. On the other hand, for two-state systems, we show that one can define an effective temperature, placing the system into a `pseudo-thermal' state where effective thermal laws are upheld. We then numerically explore these assertions for an n-state system inspired by the spin-boson environment.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Simulational nanoengineering: Molecular dynamics implementation of an atomistic Stirling engine

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    A nanoscale-sized Stirling engine with an atomistic working fluid has been modeled using molecular dynamics simulation. The design includes heat exchangers based on thermostats, pistons attached to a flywheel under load, and a regenerator. Key aspects of the behavior, including the time-dependent flows, are described. The model is shown to be capable of stable operation while producing net work at a moderate level of efficiency.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures (minor changes

    Effective Action and Thermodynamics of Radiating Shells in General Relativity

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    An effective action is obtained for the area and mass aspect of a thin shell of radiating self-gravitating matter. On following a mini-superspace approach, the geometry of the embedding space-time is not dynamical but fixed to be either Minkowski or Schwarzschild inside the shell and Vaidya in the external space filled with radiation. The Euler-Lagrange equations of motion are discussed and shown to entail the expected invariance of the effective Lagrangian under time-reparametrization. They are equivalent to the usual junction equations and suggest a macroscopic quasi-static thermodynamic description.Comment: LATeX, 20 pages, 2 Fig

    Carnot cycle for an oscillator

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    Carnot established in 1824 that the efficiency of cyclic engines operating between a hot bath at absolute temperature ThotT_{hot} and a bath at a lower temperature TcoldT_{cold} cannot exceed 1Tcold/Thot1-T_{cold}/T_{hot}. We show that linear oscillators alternately in contact with hot and cold baths obey this principle in the quantum as well as in the classical regime. The expression of the work performed is derived from a simple prescription. Reversible and non-reversible cycles are illustrated. The paper begins with historical considerations and is essentially self-contained.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, sumitted to European Journal of Physics Changed content: Fluctuations are considere

    Ideal gas sources for the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi metrics

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    New exact solutions emerge by replacing the dust source of the Lem\^aitre-Tolman-Bondi metrics with a viscous fluid satisfying the monatomic gas equation of state. The solutions have a consistent thermodynamical interpretation. The most general transport equation of Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics is satisfied, with phenomenological coefficients bearing a close resemblance to those characterizing a non relativistic Maxwell-Bolzmann gas.Comment: 7 pages, Plain TeX with IOP macros, important corrections to previous version, 3 figures (to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity, June 1998

    Temperature dependence of bulk viscosity in water using acoustic spectroscopy

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    Despite its fundamental role in the dynamics of compressible fluids, bulk viscosity has received little experimental attention and there remains a paucity of measured data. Acoustic spectroscopy provides a robust and accurate approach to measuring this parameter. Working from the Navier-Stokes model of a compressible fluid one can show that the bulk viscosity makes a significant and measurable contribution to the frequency-squared acoustic attenuation. Here we employ this methodology to determine the bulk viscosity of Millipore water over a temperature range of 7 to 50 degrees Celsius. The measured attenuation spectra are consistent with the theoretical predictions, while the bulk viscosity of water is found to be approximately three times larger than its shear counterpart, reinforcing its significance in acoustic propagation. Moreover, our results demonstrate that this technique can be readily and generally applied to fluids to accurately determine their temperature dependent bulk viscosities.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of the Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference, January 201

    Universal restrictions to the conversion of heat into work derived from the analysis of the Nernst theorem as a uniform limit

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    We revisit the relationship between the Nernst theorem and the Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law. We propose that the exchange of entropy uniformly vanishes as the temperature goes to zero. The analysis of this assumption shows that is equivalent to the fact that the compensation of a Carnot engine scales with the absorbed heat so that the Nernst theorem should be embedded in the statement of the second law. ----- Se analiza la relaci{\'o}n entre el teorema de Nernst y el enunciado de Kelvin-Planck del segundo principio de la termodin{\'a}mica. Se{\~n}alamos el hecho de que el cambio de entrop{\'\i}a tiende uniformemente a cero cuando la temperatura tiende a cero. El an{\'a}lisis de esta hip{\'o}tesis muestra que es equivalente al hecho de que la compensaci{\'o}n de una m{\'a}quina de Carnot escala con el calor absorbido del foco caliente, de forma que el teorema de Nernst puede derivarse del enunciado del segundo principio.Comment: 8pp, 4 ff. Original in english. Also available translation into spanish. Twocolumn format. RevTe