319 research outputs found

    Automorphism Groups of Geometrically Represented Graphs

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    We describe a technique to determine the automorphism group of a geometrically represented graph, by understanding the structure of the induced action on all geometric representations. Using this, we characterize automorphism groups of interval, permutation and circle graphs. We combine techniques from group theory (products, homomorphisms, actions) with data structures from computer science (PQ-trees, split trees, modular trees) that encode all geometric representations. We prove that interval graphs have the same automorphism groups as trees, and for a given interval graph, we construct a tree with the same automorphism group which answers a question of Hanlon [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc 272(2), 1982]. For permutation and circle graphs, we give an inductive characterization by semidirect and wreath products. We also prove that every abstract group can be realized by the automorphism group of a comparability graph/poset of the dimension at most four

    Combinatorial Problems on HH-graphs

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    Bir\'{o}, Hujter, and Tuza introduced the concept of HH-graphs (1992), intersection graphs of connected subgraphs of a subdivision of a graph HH. They naturally generalize many important classes of graphs, e.g., interval graphs and circular-arc graphs. We continue the study of these graph classes by considering coloring, clique, and isomorphism problems on HH-graphs. We show that for any fixed HH containing a certain 3-node, 6-edge multigraph as a minor that the clique problem is APX-hard on HH-graphs and the isomorphism problem is isomorphism-complete. We also provide positive results on HH-graphs. Namely, when HH is a cactus the clique problem can be solved in polynomial time. Also, when a graph GG has a Helly HH-representation, the clique problem can be solved in polynomial time. Finally, we observe that one can use treewidth techniques to show that both the kk-clique and list kk-coloring problems are FPT on HH-graphs. These FPT results apply more generally to treewidth-bounded graph classes where treewidth is bounded by a function of the clique number

    Automorphism Groups of Geometrically Represented Graphs

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    Interval graphs are intersection graphs of closed intervals and circle graphs are intersection graphs of chords of a circle. We study automorphism groups of these graphs. We show that interval graphs have the same automorphism groups as trees, and circle graphs have the same as pseudoforests, which are graphs with at most one cycle in every connected component. Our technique determines automorphism groups for classes with a strong structure of all geometric representations, and it can be applied to other graph classes. Our results imply polynomial-time algorithms for computing automorphism groups in term of group products

    On the Weisfeiler-Leman dimension of some polyhedral graphs

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    Let mm be a positive integer, XX a graph with vertex set Ω\Omega, and WLm(X){\rm WL}_m(X) the coloring of the Cartesian mm-power Ωm\Omega^m, obtained by the mm-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm. The WL{\rm WL}-dimension of the graph XX is defined to be the smallest mm for which the coloring WLm(X){\rm WL}_m(X) determines XX up to isomorphism. It is known that the WL{\rm WL}-dimension of any planar graph is 22 or 33, but no planar graph of WL{\rm WL}-dimension 33 is known. We prove that the WL{\rm WL}-dimension of a polyhedral (i.e., 33-connected planar) graph XX is at most 22 if the color classes of the coloring WL2(X){\rm WL}_2(X) are the orbits of the componentwise action of the group Aut(X){\rm Aut}(X) on Ω2\Omega^2

    Ältere Migranten in Deutschland: Befunde zur soziodemographischen, sozioökonomischen und psychosozialen Lage sowie zielgruppenbezogene Fragen der Politik- und Praxisfeldentwicklung ; Expertise im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Flüchtlinge und Migration

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    Die Expertise reflektiert kritisch die Forschungssituation zu älteren Migranten in Deutschland. Hierzu werden die Befunde vorliegender Studien mit Ergebnissen des DZA-Alterssurvey 2002 zusammengeführt. Behandelt werden u.a. sozialstrukturelle Merkmale der älteren Migranten, Befunde zur Lebenslage, Rückkehrabsichten und Prozesse der Transmigration sowie der Bedarf an Pflegeleistungen. Abschließend werden Desiderata der Forschung aufgelistet. (BAMF