13 research outputs found

    Energetska rehabilitacija postojećih objekata: Projektantski studio

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    This paper presents the methodology and results of design studio whose main topic is sustainability, specifically relating to existing building energy refurbishment, at the postgraduate level - specialist academic studies – Energy efficient and green architecture at the University of Belgrade-Faculty of Architecture. Weaknesses and opportunities in teaching sustainability in a design studio are discussed. It points to concrete challenges that the theme of building energy conservation and refurbishment present, and to ways in which they might be integrated in education. This paper considers how the design studio pedagogy could encourage deep and active learning for sustainable design in an attempt to expand the role of the architect to be more responsive to the environmental needs of contemporary society. Methodology of this studio uses the approach of project-oriented learning by simulating a real-life multidisciplinary project development environment. Three phases of design development are described as: research phase, refurbishment phase and redesign phase. It starts with the research phase, which is developed in parallel with the refurbishment phase. This is because the refurbishment process in this studio is not just limited to the technical aspects of energy efficiency improvement, verified through calculations and simulations. Several design scenarios are developed, examining the minimal, optimal and maximal range of energy efficiency improvements in technical systems and building thermal envelope. Analysis of these scenarios, but also analysis of a much wider spectre of aspects influencing the refurbishment design, results in a final redesign proposal which is a comprehensive, deep refurbishment proposal, tackling not only energy (under)performance, but also possibilities for upgrade of functional, technical and aesthetical aspects of existing building.U ovom radu je predstavljena studija slučaja dizajn studija sa temom energetske sanacije postojećih zgrada, na postdiplomskim studijama – Specijalističke akademske studije – Energetski efikasna i zelena arhitektura, na Univerzitetu u Beogradu – Arhitektonskom fakultetu. Metodologija ovog studija koristi pristup projektno orijentisanom učenju, simulirajući realno multidisciplinarno okruženje za razvoj projekata. Opisane su tri faze razvoja dizajna: faza istraživanja, faza renoviranja i faza redizajna. Počinje sa fazom istraživanja, koja se razvija paralelno sa fazom obnove. To je zato što proces renoviranja u ovom studiju nije ograničen samo na tehničke aspekte poboljšanja energetske efikasnosti, verifikovane proračunima i simulacijama. Razvijeno je nekoliko scenarija projektovanja koji ispituju minimalni, optimalni i maksimalni opseg poboljšanja energetske efikasnosti u tehničkim sistemima i toplotnom omotaču zgrade. Analiza ovih scenarija, ali i analiza mnogo šireg spektra aspekata koji utiču na dizajn rekonstrukcije, rezultiraju konačnim predlogom redizajna koji je sveobuhvatan, duboki predlog renoviranja, koji se bavi, ne samo energetskim (pod)performansama, već i mogućnostima za nadogradnju. funkcionalnih, tehničkih i estetskih aspekata postojećeg objekta

    Енергетска обнова јавних зграда - градских општина у Београду, Србији

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    The paper presents the methodological approach for improvement of energy performance of public buildings in the process of partial refurbishment, having in mind the constrains that are originating from existing technological, material and stylistic characteristics. Being the carriers of wider social and historical connotations, these buildings are often under the certain level of protection as the parts of the cultural heritage making the process of improvement a complex one. For this reason, an improvement path algorithm has been defined and consequently tested on two representative cases investigating the boundaries, possibilities and outcomes of the energy refurbishment procedures.Овај рад представља методолошки приступ унапређењу енергетских перформанси јавних зграда у процесу парцијалне обнове, узимајући у обзир ограничења условљена постојећим технолошким, материјалним и стилским карактеристикама зграде. Као носиоци ширих друштвених и историјских конотација, ови објекти су често под одређеним степеном заштите као културна добра, што процес њихове обнове чини веома комплексним. Из овог разлога, дефинисан је сет корака унапређења, који је потом тестиран на два репрезентативна случаја испитујући границе, могућности и исходе процеса енергетске санације објеката

    Challenges and Potentials of Green Roof Retrofit: A Case Study

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    Green roofs are becoming common practice in building new public build-ings and are considered the roofs for the future since they address the issue of energy and environment simultaneously, providing social, environmental and economic benefits. Despite these benefits, retrofitting an existing building with a green roof is not widely practiced. Undergoing such a project is no small task since it requires a thorough investigation of existing building’s constraints, functional, material, and technological to even begin considering design options. Therefore, this process requires specific, case-sensitive approach, especially with the aim of improving the building’s energy performance. This paper presents a methodological approach and design proposals of a green roof retrofit project, through a case study of Belgrade’s “City Housing” building. This retrofit project presents an interesting research topic since it incorporates three distinct roofs, of all of different types, different ways of accessibility and levels of privacy, varying top-to-bottom from a simple extensive roof through a semi-public semi/intensive roof garden to a ground-level public park with trees and intensive vegetation. Also, since this building provides socially signif-icant services, it is frequently visited by general public which presents a potential for introducing educational and demonstration elements in the retrofit project, not only the functional and technological ones. That way, this project can be a showcase example, promoting greening the roofs of Belgrade’s existing public buildings as a way of improving their energy performance.Поглавље је објављено у тематском зборнику "Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition", у склопу низа публикација "The Urban Book Series". Зборник садржи радове презентоване на конференцији CONF.ITECH 2022 одржаној на Sapienza Универзитету у Риму, јула 2022. године

    Decomposition mechanism and kinetics of zinc–isophthalate complex with 2,2’-dipyridylamine as a precursor for obtaining nanosized zinc oxide

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    Studies related to the synthesis of nanosized ZnO as the antibacterial agent have become an interdisciplinary area gathering chemists, physicists, biologists, and medics. The broad scope of materials based on ZnO resulted in the development of various techniques for its preparation. Considering the dependence of particle shape and size onto physical and chemical properties of ZnO, the synthesis procedure is of major importance. In this work, an unconventional methodology of synthesis is proposed for obtaining nanosized ZnO. Polymeric zinc complex containing 2,2’-dipyridylamine (dipya) and dianion of 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid (ipht), [Zn(dipya)(ipht)]n, was used as precursor. Besides the crystal structure of [Zn(dipya)(ipht)]n which was already published [1], the luminescent properties are presented in this work. Also, the amazing antibacterial activity of this precursor prompted us to investigate the relationship between the crystal structure and thermal properties, especially if we bear in mind the lack of similar studies in the literature. Therefore, the mechanism and kinetics of its degradation was investigated under non isothermal conditions in nitrogen and air atmospheres. Degradation enthalpies, thermodynamic activation parameters, pre-exponential factor, A, and the apparent activation energy, Ea, were determined for each step using Kissinger’s and Ozawa’s equations. The complexity of degradation steps has been analyzed using isoconversional methods. TG/DCS data were collected at four different heating rates: 10, 15, 20 and 25 ºC min –1 , while the formation of nanosized ZnO was confirmed using XRPD and FESEM techniques. The influence of precursor on the crystallite size and morphology of the resulting ZnO along with its antibacterial activity was examined. The obtained results will be discussed and compared. [1] L. Radovanović, J. Rogan, D. Poleti, M. Milutinović, M.V. Rodić, Polyhedron 112 (2016) 18

    HERSUS [Commendation at 44th Salon of Architecture]

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    HERSUS (Enhancing of Heritage Awareness and Sustainability of Built Environment in Architectural and Urban Design Higher Education) is Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for higher education which brings together five Universities from Serbia, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, and Spain working together on the design and development of the courses while disseminating knowledge through international training courses, workshops, and a jointly built Sharing Platform

    Open House Thessaloniki - Exhibition

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    HERSUS Project Open House in Thessaloniki took place from the 8th till the 16th of June 2023 with an exhibition open to the public at the Centre for Architecture of the Municipality of Thessaloniki. The exhibition presented the activities and results of HERSUS Project, including six Intelectual Outputs, three International Student Workshops, awarded projects with Prize on Modern Built Heritage, as well as HERSUS international presence and media projection. The HERSUS project proposes enhancing and testing of innovative teaching practices in the field of sustainability of the built heritage and strives to enhance the competence and motivation of educators and researchers to include curricula elements that will have tangible results, preparing students and educators to become real actors of the environmental change.HERSUS Consortium Vladan Djokić, Ana Radivojević, Ana Nikezić, Jelena Živković, Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, Milica Milojević, Jelena Ristić Trajković, Aleksandra Milovanović, Aleksandra Djordjević, Mladen Pešić, Ana Zorić, Bojana Zeković, Tamara Popović, Nevena Lukić, Emanuela Sorbo, Enrico Anguillari, Sofia Tonello, Irene Sgarro,Maria Philokyprou, Aimilios Michael, Andreas Savvides, Panayiota Pyla, Odysseas Kontovourkis, Stavroula Thravalou, Maria Nodaraki, Theodora Hadjipetrou, Konstantinos Sakantamis, Alkmini Paka, Kleoniki Axarli, Maria Doussi, Angeliki Chatzidimitriou, Sofoklis Kotsopoulos, Mar Loren-Méndez, José Peral López, Enrique Larive, Julia Rey, Marta García de Casasola Gómez, María Carrascal, Daniel Pinzón-Ayala, María Álvarez de los Corrales, Roberto Alonso-Jiménez. Учесници: Архитектонски факултет, Универзитет у Београду (Србија), IUAV University of Venice (Италија), University of Cyprus (Кипар), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Грчка), и University of Seville – UNESCO Chair on Built Urban Heritage CREhAR in the digital era (Шпанија)

    HERSUS Sharing Platform [Commendation at 44th Salon of Architecture]

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    The HERSUS Sharing Platform is a digital platform for researchers and students conceived as an educational tool and archive of resources around the topics of sustainability and heritage awareness in architecture and urban design. The platform has been designed and developed as a source of reference and inspiration to refer to when doing research in the fields that the HERSUS project aims to investigate. In the platform, links are created between apparently distant subjects, showing underlying narratives, connections and overlappings that bring contents together on different levels

    Open House Seville - Exhibition

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    On 11 May 2023, in the framework of the USE HERSUS Event series, the USE OPEN HOUSE activity of the international HERSUS project took place. The Open House was organized in a form of exhibition which consists of three parts: (1) RESULTS OF THE HERSUS STUDENT WORKSHOPS (The brief preview of the Syllabuses and Student Results – research and designs), (2) AWARDED PROPOSALS OF THE HERSUS PRIZE ON MODERN HERITAGE (The awarded, finalist and shortlisted proposals for each of 4 categories – Edu- cation Students, Education Instructors, Practice, and Research), and (3) PRESENTATION OF HERSUS INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES (Timeline of the HERSUS Intellectual outputs followed by presenta- tion of organized events and main achievements including HERSUS in numbers presentation) The exhibition was held at the LOBBY OF THE USE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE ETSAS with participation and interest of local students, academics, and representatives from practice. Moreover, USE Team organized School tour for all HERSUS Partners and exhibition visitors in order to introduce the school profile and student life.HERSUS Consortium Vladan Djokić, Ana Radivojević, Ana Nikezić, Jelena Živković, Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, Milica Milojević, Jelena Ristić Trajković, Aleksandra Milovanović, Aleksandra Djordjević, Mladen Pešić, Ana Zorić, Bojana Zeković, Tamara Popović, Nevena Lukić, Emanuela Sorbo, Enrico Anguillari, Sofia Tonello, Irene Sgarro,Maria Philokyprou, Aimilios Michael, Andreas Savvides, Panayiota Pyla, Odysseas Kontovourkis, Stavroula Thravalou, Maria Nodaraki, Theodora Hadjipetrou, Konstantinos Sakantamis, Alkmini Paka, Kleoniki Axarli, Maria Doussi, Angeliki Chatzidimitriou, Sofoklis Kotsopoulos, Mar Loren-Méndez, José Peral López, Enrique Larive, Julia Rey, Marta García de Casasola Gómez, María Carrascal, Daniel Pinzón-Ayala, María Álvarez de los Corrales, Roberto Alonso-Jiménez. Учесници: Архитектонски факултет, Универзитет у Београду (Србија), IUAV University of Venice (Италија), University of Cyprus (Кипар), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Грчка), и University of Seville – UNESCO Chair on Built Urban Heritage CREhAR in the digital era (Шпанија)

    Hersus пројекат и дигитална платформа дељења (2020–2023) [65. Међународни сајам технике и техничких достигнућа]

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    HERSUS je Erasmus + стратешко партнерство које окупља пет универзитета из Србије, Италије, Кипра, Грчке и Шпаније који заједно раде на дизајну и развоју иновативних интелектуалних исхода и изградњи дигиталне платформу дељења. HERSUS платформа дељења је дигитална платформа за истраживаче и студенте замишљена као архива ресурса о темама одрживости и свести о наслеђу у архитектури и урбанизму. У платформи се стварају везе између наизглед удаљених тема, показујући основне наративе, везе и преклапања која се налазе на различитим просторним и друштвеним нивоима.Учесници: Архитектонски факултет, Универзитет у Београду (Србија), IUAV University of Venice (Италија), University of Cyprus (Кипар), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Грчка), и University of Seville – UNESCO Chair on Built Urban Heritage CREhAR in the digital era (Шпанија). HERSUS Consortium Vladan Djokić, Ana Radivojević, Ana Nikezić, Jelena Živković, Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, Milica Milojević, Jelena Ristić Trajković, Aleksandra Milovanović, Aleksandra Djordjević, Mladen Pešić, Ana Zorić, Bojana Zeković, Tamara Popović, Nevena Lukić, Emanuela Sorbo, Enrico Anguillari, Sofia Tonello, Irene Sgarro,Maria Philokyprou, Aimilios Michael, Andreas Savvides, Panayiota Pyla, Odysseas Kontovourkis, Stavroula Thravalou, Maria Nodaraki, Theodora Hadjipetrou, Konstantinos Sakantamis, Alkmini Paka, Kleoniki Axarli, Maria Doussi, Angeliki Chatzidimitriou, Sofoklis Kotsopoulos, Mar Loren-Méndez, José Peral López, Enrique Larive, Julia Rey, Marta García de Casasola Gómez, María Carrascal, Daniel Pinzón-Ayala, María Álvarez de los Corrales, Roberto Alonso-Jiménez (2022)

    Open House Venice - Exhibition

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    On 1 APRIL 2023, in the framework of the IUAV OPEN DAY, the Iuav OPEN HOUSE activity of the international HERSUS project took place. For the occasion, the area dedicated to the University's Master's and Bachelor's degree courses in Architecture hosted Hersus POSTERS, DIGITAL MATERIALS AND POSTCARDS for the presentation of the 4 published Intellectual Outputs (01: Review of the Best Practices on Educating Sustainability and Heritage, 02: Questionnaire for the State of Art, 03: Statements for Teaching through Design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness, 04: HERSUS Sharing Platform), the 3 International Workshops (C2: Student Workshop 1: Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas; C3: Student Workshop 2: Adaptive Reuse; C4: Student Workshop 3: Resilience and Climate Change) and the dissemination activities of the project, such as international conferences (C1: Seminar for Teachers: Teaching through design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness; E1: HERSUS Intro Presentation; E2: Presentation of the professional profile) and awards (HERSUS International Prize on Modern Built Heritage). At the event participated MORE THAN 1.250 PEOPLE, including students, parents and teachers from secondary schools and first and second-level university cycles.HERSUS Consortium Vladan Djokić, Ana Radivojević, Ana Nikezić, Jelena Živković, Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, Milica Milojević, Jelena Ristić Trajković, Aleksandra Milovanović, Aleksandra Djordjević, Mladen Pešić, Ana Zorić, Bojana Zeković, Tamara Popović, Nevena Lukić, Emanuela Sorbo, Enrico Anguillari, Sofia Tonello, Irene Sgarro,Maria Philokyprou, Aimilios Michael, Andreas Savvides, Panayiota Pyla, Odysseas Kontovourkis, Stavroula Thravalou, Maria Nodaraki, Theodora Hadjipetrou, Konstantinos Sakantamis, Alkmini Paka, Kleoniki Axarli, Maria Doussi, Angeliki Chatzidimitriou, Sofoklis Kotsopoulos, Mar Loren-Méndez, José Peral López, Enrique Larive, Julia Rey, Marta García de Casasola Gómez, María Carrascal, Daniel Pinzón-Ayala, María Álvarez de los Corrales, Roberto Alonso-Jiménez. Учесници: Архитектонски факултет, Универзитет у Београду (Србија), IUAV University of Venice (Италија), University of Cyprus (Кипар), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Грчка), и University of Seville – UNESCO Chair on Built Urban Heritage CREhAR in the digital era (Шпанија)