46 research outputs found

    DFT-D3 study of H 2 and N 2 chemisorption over cobalt promoted Ta 3 N 5-(100), (010) and (001) surfaces

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    The reactants for ammonia synthesis have been studied, employing density functional theory (DFT), with respect to their adsorption on tantalum nitride surfaces. The adsorption of nitrogen was found to be mostly molecular and non-activated with side-on, end-on and tilt configurations. At bridging nitrogen sites (Ta–N–Ta) it results in an azide functional group formation with a formation energy of 205 kJ mol−1. H2 was found also to chemisorb molecularly with an adsorption energy in the range −81 to −91 kJ mol−1. At bridging nitrogen sites it adsorbs dissociatively forming >NH groups with an exothermic formation energy of −175 kJ mol−1 per H2. The nitrogen vacancy formation energies were relatively high compared to other metal nitrides found to be 2.89 eV, 2.32 eV and 1.95 eV for plain, surface co-adsorbed cobalt and sub-surface co-adsorbed cobalt Ta3N5-(010). Co-adsorption of cobalt was found to occur mostly at nitrogen rich sites of the surface with an adsorption energy that ranged between −200 to −400 kJ mol−1. The co-adsorption of cobalt was found to enhance the dissociation of molecular hydrogen on the surface of Ta3N5. The studies offer significant new insight with respect to the chemistry of N2 and H2 with tantalum nitride surfaces in the presence of cobalt promoters

    The integration of experiment and computational modelling in heterogeneously catalysed ammonia synthesis over metal nitrides

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    In this perspective we present recent experimental and computational progress in catalytic ammonia synthesis research on metal nitrides involving a combined approach. On this basis, it suggested that the consideration of nitrogen vacancies in the synthesis of ammonia can offer new low energy pathways that were previously unknown. We have shown that metal nitrides that are also known to have high activity for ammonia synthesis can readily form nitrogen vacancies on their surfaces. These vacancies adsorb dinitrogen much more strongly than the defect-free surfaces and can efficiently activate the strong N–N triple bond. These fundamental studies suggest that heterogeneously catalysed ammonia synthesis over metal nitrides is strongly affected by bulk and surface defects and that further progress in the discovery of low temperature catalysts relies on more careful consideration of nitrogen vacancies. The potential occurrence of an associative pathway in the case of the Co3Mo3N catalytic system provides a possible link with enzymatic catalysis, which will be of importance in the design of heterogeneous catalytic systems operational under process conditions of reduced severity which are necessary for the development of localised facilities for the production of more sustainable “green” ammonia

    The potential of manganese nitride based materials as nitrogen transfer reagents for nitrogen chemical looping

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    A systematic study was carried out to investigate the potential of manganese nitride related materials for ammonia production. A-Mn-N (A = Fe, Co, K, Li) materials were synthesised by nitriding their oxide counterparts at low temperature using NaNH2 as a source of reactive nitrogen. The reactivity of lattice nitrogen was assessed using ammonia synthesis as a model reaction. In the case of Mn3N2, limited reactivity was observed and only 3.1% of the available lattice nitrogen was found to be reactive towards hydrogen to yield ammonia while most of the lattice nitrogen was lost as N2. However, the presence of a co-metal played a key role in shaping the nitrogen transfer properties of manganese nitride and impacted strongly upon its reactivity. In particular, doping manganese nitride with low levels of lithium resulted in enhanced reactivity at low temperature. In the case of the Li-Mn-N system, the fraction of ammonia formed at 400 °C corresponded to the reaction of 15% of the total available lattice nitrogen towards hydrogen. Li-Mn-N presented high thermochemical stability after reduction with hydrogen which limited the regeneration step using N2 from the gas phase. However, the results presented herein demonstrate the Li-Mn-N system to be worthy of further attention

    Low-T mechanisms of ammonia synthesis on Co3Mo3N

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    Dispersion-corrected periodic DFT calculations have been applied to elucidate the Langmuir–Hinshelwood (dissociative) and an Eley–Rideal/Mars–van Krevelen (associative) mechanism for ammonia synthesis over Co3Mo3N surfaces, in the presence of surface defects. Comparison of the two distinct mechanisms clearly suggests that apart from the conventional dissociative mechanism, there is another mechanism that proceeds via hydrazine and diazane intermediates that are formed by Eley–Rideal type chemistry, where hydrogen reacts directly with surface activated nitrogen, in order to form ammonia at considerably milder conditions. This result clearly suggests that via surface defects ammonia synthesis activity can be enhanced at milder conditions on one of the most active catalysts for ammonia synthesis

    DFT-D3 study of molecular N2 and H2 activation on Co3Mo3N surfaces

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    Cobalt molybdenum nitride (Co3Mo3N) is one of the most active catalysts for ammonia synthesis, although the atomistic details of the reaction mechanism are currently unknown. We present a dispersion-corrected (D3) DFT study of the adsorption and activation of molecular nitrogen and hydrogen on Co3Mo3N-(111) surfaces to identify possible activation sites for ammonia synthesis. H2 was found to adsorb both molecularly on the Mo3N framework and dissociatively on Co8 clusters or Mo3 clusters that were exposed due to N-vacancies. We find that there are two possible activation sites for N2 where both N2 and H2 can coadsorb. The first is a Mo3 triangular cluster that resides at 3f nitrogen vacancies, and the second is a surface cavity where N2 is activated by a Co8 cluster, the second being a more efficient activation site. N2 was found to adsorb in three adsorption configurations: side-on, end-on, and an unusual tilt end-on (155°) configuration, and the existence of these three adsorption configurations is explained via MP2 calculations and the sphere-in-contact model

    The sphere-in-contact model of carbon materials

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    A sphere-in-contact model is presented that is used to build physical models of carbon materials such as graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes and fullerene. Unlike other molecular models, these models have correct scale and proportions because the carbon atoms are represented by their atomic radius, in contrast to the more commonly used space-fill models, where carbon atoms are represented by their van der Waals radii. Based on a survey taken among 65 undergraduate chemistry students and 28 PhD/postdoctoral students with a background in molecular modeling, we found misconceptions arising from incorrect visualization of the size and location of the electron density located in carbon materials. Based on analysis of the survey and on a conceptual basis we show that the sphere-in-contact model provides an improved molecular representation of the electron density of carbon materials compared to other molecular models commonly used in science textbooks (i.e., wire-frame, ball-and-stick, space-fill). We therefore suggest that its use in chemistry textbooks along with the ball-and-stick model would significantly enhance the visualization of molecular structures according to their electron density

    Mechanism of ammonia synthesis on Fe3Mo3N

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    Ammonia (NH3) synthesis is an essential yet energy-demanding industrial process. Hence, there is a need to develop NH3 synthesis catalysts that are highly active under milder conditions. Metal nitrides are promising candidates, with the η-carbide Co3Mo3N having been found to be more active than the industrial Fe-based catalyst. The isostructural Fe3Mo3N catalyst has also been identified as highly active for NH3 synthesis. In the present work, we investigate the catalytic ammonia synthesis mechanisms in Fe3Mo3N, which we compare and contrast with the previously studied Co3Mo3N. We apply plane-wave Density Functional Theory (DFT) to investigate surface N vacancy formation in Fe3Mo3N, and two distinct ammonia synthesis mechanisms. The calculations reveal that whilst N vacancy formation on Fe3Mo3N is more thermodynamically demanding than for Co3Mo3N, the formation energies are comparable, suggesting that surface lattice N vacancies in Fe3Mo3N could facilitate NH3 synthesis. N2 activation was found to be enhanced on Fe3Mo3N compared to Co3Mo3N, for adsorption both at and adjacent to the vacancy. The calculated activation barriers suggest that, as for Co3Mo3N, the associative Mars van Krevelen mechanism affords a much less energy-demanding pathway for ammonia synthesis, especially for initial hydrogenation processes

    An experimental and computational IR and hybrid DFT-D3 study of the conformations of L-lactic and acrylic acid: new insight to the dehydration mechanism of lactic acid to acrylic acid

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    We have studied with hybrid Density Functional Theory (DFT) with an aug-cc-pVTZ basis set and D3 dispersion corrections the intra-molecular hydrogen bond of L-lactic acid and L-lactic-acid analogs with the hydroxyl group on the alpha carbon atom substituted by α -XH (where X = S, Se, Te) as well as the conformations of acrylic acid. The results show there are three types of intramolecular hydrogen bonds that can form only when α-OH is present, whereas other less electronegative functional groups such as -SH, -SeH and -TeH do not exhibit the formation of an intramolecular H-bond. We show that the intra-molecular H-bond formed between the alpha-OH hydrogen and the COOH carbonyl oxygen would enhance the rate of the nucleophilic subsitution of alpha-OH to the K+ sites for the previously suggested dehydration mechanism of L-lactic to acrylic acids. We find that a temperature range between 190-210 °C would be optimum to maximise the rate of the nuleophilic substitution of the alpha-OH group onto the potassium sites during the dehydration mechanism of L-lactic acid to acrylic acid. Additionally, our hybrid-DFT simulation of the infrared spectrum of the various conformers shows that the lowest energy conformer can be identified by a single vibrational band at 3734 cm-1 whereas the other conformers this vibrational band is split with ΔΜ that ranges between 6 cm-1 - 176 cm-1. We also find that the various conformers of acrylic acid can be identified by a double peak for the C=O and O-H vibrations which have ΔΜ' of ΔΜ'' 24 and 42 cm-1, respectively. This computational study is useful for spectroscopic experimental efforts that try to identify the various conformers of L-lactic acid and acrylic acid and to gain mechanistic insight into the dehydration mechanism over K substituted NaY Zeolites