1,859 research outputs found

    Tafsir Alquran Tentang Akal (sebuah Tinjauan Tematis)

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    This article discusses reason in the concept of the Koran. 'Aql in the Qur'an repeats as many as 49 times, except for one, all come in the form of fi'il mudhari', especially the material that continues with wawu jama'ah. Like the form of ta'qilun or ya'qilun. The verb ta'qilun is repeated 24 times and the verb ya'qilun is 22 times. Whereas, the verbs' aqala, na'qilu, and ya'qilu each have one time. From a number of verses of the Qur'an it can be understood that, reason has several meanings, including the power to understand and describe something, moral drive and power to take lessons and conclusions and wisdo

    Evaluating Chemical Toxicity: A Novel Behavioral Assay Using Daphnia

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    Pharmaceuticals, and personal care products (PPCPs), and other emerging contaminants, such as pesticides, are increasingly being detected in the environment. Important sources of these contaminants are waste water treatment plants and agriculture. Many of these contaminants are biologically active at low concentrations, and may impair physiological processes in exposed organisms, alter reproductive, endocrine or immune system function, and ultimately affect fitness and survival. These chemicals are often found in the environment as complex mixtures, and this complicates their evaluation of their toxicity. There is a need for high-throughput assays to rapidly assess the toxicity of these emerging contaminants. A behavioral assay utilizing freely swimming Daphnia pulex was developed to evaluate the sub-lethal chemical effects. Daphnia, a keystone species, are small planktonic invertebrate crustaceans (0.5-5.0mm) in freshwater ecosystems. They are commonly used for aquatic toxicity testing because of high sensitivity to changes in their environment. This novel optical bioassay was validated with a series of model compounds that have known modes of action. By measuring changes in their swimming activity, concentration-dependent behavioral responses in Daphnia were observed and quantified by the assay. Compounds with similar modes of action were found to elicit similar behavioral responses. Mixtures of compounds were then evaluated using the optical assay to identify possible synergistic, additive or antagonist effects. Additive effects at environmentally relevant concentrations were observed between mixtures of contaminants with similar modes of action, from different classes, and in the presence of wastewater effluent. Finally, in order to address potential ecosystem impacts, alterations in predator-prey interactions caused by exposure to an insecticide were observed in a community study. A prototype of a high-throughput assay that has great utility for evaluating the biological effects of chemicals and chemical mixtures was developed. This assay has demonstrated that chemicals within waste water may interact in complex ways to enhance toxicity, and may have important implications for regulatory agencies. The assay may also serve as a valuable ecotoxicological tool for studies aimed at assessing chemical contamination on ecosystem health

    Tinjauan Aksesibilitas pada Fasilitas Umum Bagi Pengunjung dengan Alat Bantu Berjalan Studi Kasus Mall Bandung Indah Plaza

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    Semua manusia membutuhkan kemudahan dalam mencapai suatu tempat, terutama bagi orang yang memakai alat bantu berjalan. Fasilitas ini sebaiknya terdapat tidak hanya dilingkungan dimana mereka hidup sehari – hari tetapi juga harus di sediakan pada bangunan umum seperti aktifitas bekerja dan aktifitas rekreasi. Kemudahan aksesibilitas pada fasilitas umum ini memungkinkan pengunjung dengan alat bantu berjalan untuk bersosialisasi dengan orang lain diluar dari lingkungan keluarganya.Katakunci: Aksesibilitas, Pengguna Alat Bantu Berjalan, Pusat Pertokoa

    Worldsheet Realization of the Refined Topological String

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    A worldsheet realization of the refined topological string is proposed in terms of physical string amplitudes that compute generalized N=2 F-terms of the form F_{g,n} W^{2g}Y^{2n} in the effective supergravity action. These terms involve the chiral Weyl superfield W and a superfield Y defined as an N=2 chiral projection of a particular anti-chiral T-bar vector multiplet. In Heterotic and Type I theories, obtained upon compactification on the six-dimensional manifold K3xT2, T is the usual K\"ahler modulus of the T2 torus. These amplitudes are computed exactly at the one-loop level in string theory. They are shown to reproduce the correct perturbative part of the Nekrasov partition function in the field theory limit when expanded around an SU(2) enhancement point of the string moduli space. The two deformation parameters epsilon_- and epsilon_+ of the Omega-supergravity background are then identified with the constant field-strength backgrounds for the anti-self-dual graviphoton and self-dual gauge field of the T-bar vector multiplet, respectively.Comment: 35 pages, typos corrected, published in NP

    Linear Response Calculations of Lattice Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Systems

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    We introduce a new linear response method to study the lattice dynamics of materials with strong correlations. It is based on a combination of dynamical mean field theory of strongly correlated electrons and the local density functional theory of electronic structure of solids. We apply the method to study the phonon dispersions of a prototype Mott insulator NiO. Our results show overall much better agreement with experiment than the corresponding local density predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merr) Pada Tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning

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    The research of the effect of liquid organic fertilizer to the soybean growth on podzolik merah kuning soil has been held. The aim of the research is to know the effect of fluid organic fertilizer to he growth of soybean on podzolik merah kuning soil. This research is complete randomized design (RAL) about this research in 6 treatment and 4 repetation. Those are A = 0 ml/polibag, B = 60 ml/polibag, C = 120 ml/polibag, D = 180 ml/polibag, E = 260 ml/polibag, F = 300 ml/polibag. The data is analyzed by various investigation and continued test with DMRT. The result of research shows that it's giving the positive effect of soil's pH, the plant's heigh, plants aged 7, 14, 21, 28, nd 35 days number of leaves, total wet weight's plant, dried weight's plant and number of nodule of these plants shows positive effect of the soybean's growth

    Ekspresi Lingual dalam Kontak Bahasa Komunitas Melayu Langkat di Stabat

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    Komunitas Melayu di Stabat adalah komunitas yang hidup berdampingan dengan berbagai komunitas lainnya. Kondisi ini menyebabkan beragamnya penggunaan bahasa dalam satu kawasan. Pada komunitas yang beragam akan terjadi peristiwa alih kode dan campur kode. Melalui metode pengamatan berpartisipasi terhadap penutur remaja diperoleh data kualitatif yang dapat menggambarkan ekspresi lingual penutur remaja dalam peristiwa alih kode dan campur kode. Alih kode yang terjadi dalam peristiwa komunikasi komunitas remaja adalah alih kode antarkalimat dan alih kode intrakalimat. Pada peristiwa campur kode muncul bentuk-bentuk campuran antara bahasa Melayu Langkat (BML) dan bahasa Indonesia (BI). Bentuk-bentuk yang bercampur itu cenderung disebabkan oleh kemiripan struktur fonologis dan morfologisnya. Bentuk-bentuk lingual yang tampak dalam interaksi komunikasi verbal remaja dengan berbagai interlokutor menunjukkan adanya bentuk-bentuk bahasa campuran, baik dalam-ranah keluarga, tetangga, maupun kekariban