21 research outputs found

    Unbiased Cosmological Parameter Estimation from Emission Line Surveys with Interlopers

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    The galaxy catalogs generated from low-resolution emission line surveys often contain both foreground and background interlopers due to line misidentification, which can bias the cosmological parameter estimation. In this paper, we present a method for correcting the interloper bias by using the joint-analysis of auto- and cross-power spectra of the main and the interloper samples. In particular, we can measure the interloper fractions from the cross-correlation between the interlopers and survey galaxies, because the true cross-correlation must be negligibly small. The estimated interloper fractions, in turn, remove the interloper bias in the cosmological parameter estimation. For example, in the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) low-redshift (z<0.5z<0.5) [O II] λ3727\lambda3727{\AA} emitters contaminate high-redshift (1.9<z<3.51.9<z<3.5) Lyman-α\alpha line emitters. We demonstrate that the joint-analysis method yields a high signal-to-noise ratio measurement of the interloper fractions while only marginally increasing the uncertainties in the cosmological parameters relative to the case without interlopers. We also show the same is true for the high-latitude spectroscopic survey of Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) mission where contamination occurs between the Balmer-α\alpha line emitters at lower redshifts (1.1<z<1.91.1<z<1.9) and Oxygen ([O III] λ5007\lambda5007{\AA}) line emitters at higher redshifts (1.7<z<2.81.7<z<2.8).Comment: 36 pages, 26 figure

    Physical and Morphological Properties of [O II] Emitting Galaxies in the HETDEX Pilot Survey

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    The Hobby-Eberly Dark Energy Experiment pilot survey identified 284 [O II] 3727 emitting galaxies in a 169 square-arcminute field of sky in the redshift range 0 < z < 0.57. This line flux limited sample provides a bridge between studies in the local universe and higher-redshift [O II] surveys. We present an analysis of the star formation rates (SFRs) of these galaxies as a function of stellar mass as determined via spectral energy distribution fitting. The [O II] emitters fall on the "main sequence" of star-forming galaxies with SFR decreasing at lower masses and redshifts. However, the slope of our relation is flatter than that found for most other samples, a result of the metallicity dependence of the [O II] star formation rate indicator. The mass specific SFR is higher for lower mass objects, supporting the idea that massive galaxies formed more quickly and efficiently than their lower mass counterparts. This is confirmed by the fact that the equivalent widths of the [O II] emission lines trend smaller with larger stellar mass. Examination of the morphologies of the [O II] emitters reveals that their star formation is not a result of mergers, and the galaxies' half-light radii do not indicate evolution of physical sizes.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures, 4 tables, accepted to Ap

    IDCS J1426.5+3508: Cosmological implications of a massive, strong lensing cluster at Z = 1.75

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    The galaxy cluster IDCS J1426.5+3508 at z = 1.75 is the most massive galaxy cluster yet discovered at z > 1.4 and the first cluster at this epoch for which the Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich effect has been observed. In this paper we report on the discovery with HST imaging of a giant arc associated with this cluster. The curvature of the arc suggests that the lensing mass is nearly coincident with the brightest cluster galaxy, and the color is consistent with the arc being a star-forming galaxy. We compare the constraint on M200 based upon strong lensing with Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich results, finding that the two are consistent if the redshift of the arc is z > 3. Finally, we explore the cosmological implications of this system, considering the likelihood of the existence of a strongly lensing galaxy cluster at this epoch in an LCDM universe. While the existence of the cluster itself can potentially be accomodated if one considers the entire volume covered at this redshift by all current high-redshift cluster surveys, the existence of this strongly lensed galaxy greatly exacerbates the long-standing giant arc problem. For standard LCDM structure formation and observed background field galaxy counts this lens system should not exist. Specifically, there should be no giant arcs in the entire sky as bright in F814W as the observed arc for clusters at z \geq 1.75, and only \sim 0.3 as bright in F160W as the observed arc. If we relax the redshift constraint to consider all clusters at z \geq 1.5, the expected number of giant arcs rises to \sim15 in F160W, but the number of giant arcs of this brightness in F814W remains zero. These arc statistic results are independent of the mass of IDCS J1426.5+3508. We consider possible explanations for this discrepancy.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    The Stars of the HETDEX Survey. I. Radial Velocities and Metal-Poor Stars from Low-Resolution Stellar Spectra

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    The Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) is an unbiased, massively multiplexed spectroscopic survey, designed to measure the expansion history of the universe through low-resolution (R∼750) spectra of Lyman-Alpha Emitters. In its search for these galaxies, HETDEX will also observe a few 105 stars. In this paper, we present the first stellar value-added catalog within the internal second data release of the HETDEX Survey (HDR2). The new catalog contains 120,571 low-resolution spectra for 98,736 unique stars between 10∘) Galactic latitudes. With these spectra, we measure radial velocities (RVs) for ∼42,000 unique FGK-type stars in the catalog and show that the HETDEX spectra are sufficient to constrain these RVs with a 1σ precision of 28.0 km/s and bias of 3.5 km/s with respect to the LAMOST surveys and 1σ precision of 27.5 km/s and bias of 14.0 km/s compared to the SEGUE survey. Since these RVs are for faint (G≥16) stars, they will be complementary to Gaia. Using t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), we also demonstrate that the HETDEX spectra can be used to determine a star's Teff, and log g and its [Fe/H]. With the t-SNE projection of the FGK-type stars with HETDEX spectra we also identify 416 new candidate metal-poor ([Fe/H] <−1~dex) stars for future study. These encouraging results illustrate the utility of future low-resolution stellar spectroscopic surveys

    The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey: MOO J1142+1527, a 10^(15) M_⊙ Galaxy Cluster at z = 1.19

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    We present confirmation of the cluster MOO J1142+1527, a massive galaxy cluster discovered as part of the Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey. The cluster is confirmed to lie at z = 1.19, and using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy we robustly detect the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) decrement at 13.2σ. The SZ data imply a mass of M_(200m) = (1.1 ± 0.2) × 10^(15)M_⊙, making MOO J1142+1527 the most massive galaxy cluster known at z > 1.15 and the second most massive cluster known at z > 1. For a standard ΛCDM cosmology it is further expected to be one of the ~5 most massive clusters expected to exist at z ≥ 1.19 over the entire sky. Our ongoing Spitzer program targeting ~1750 additional candidate clusters will identify comparably rich galaxy clusters over the full extragalactic sky

    The LIGO HET Response (LIGHETR) Project to Discover and Spectroscopically Follow Optical Transients Associated with Neutron Star Mergers

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    The LIGO HET Response (LIGHETR) project is an enterprise to follow up optical transients (OT) discovered as gravitational wave merger sources by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration (LVC). Early spectroscopy has the potential to constrain crucial parameters such as the aspect angle. The LIGHETR collaboration also includes the capacity to model the spectroscopic evolution of mergers to facilitate a real-time direct comparison of models with our data. The principal facility is the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. LIGHETR uses the massively-replicated VIRUS array of spectrographs to search for associated OTs and obtain early blue spectra and in a complementary role, the low-resolution LRS-2 spectrograph is used to obtain spectra of viable candidates as well as a densely-sampled series of spectra of true counterparts. Once an OT is identified, the anticipated cadence of spectra would match or considerably exceed anything achieved for GW170817 = AT2017gfo for which there were no spectra in the first 12 hours and thereafter only roughly once daily. We describe special HET-specific software written to facilitate the program and attempts to determine the flux limits to undetected sources. We also describe our campaign to follow up OT candidates during the third observational campaign of the LIGO and Virgo Scientific Collaborations. We obtained VIRUS spectroscopy of candidate galaxy hosts for 5 LVC gravitational wave events and LRS-2 spectra of one candidate for the OT associated with S190901ap. We identified that candidate, ZTF19abvionh = AT2019pip, as a possible Wolf-Rayet star in an otherwise unrecognized nearby dwarf galaxy.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figure

    TOI-5205b: A Jupiter transiting an M dwarf near the Convective Boundary

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    We present the discovery of TOI-5205b, a transiting Jovian planet orbiting a solar metallicity M4V star, which was discovered using TESS photometry and then confirmed using a combination of precise radial velocities, ground-based photometry, spectra and speckle imaging. The host star TOI-5205 sits near the eponymous `Jao gap', which is the transition region between partially and fully-convective M dwarfs. TOI-5205b has one of the highest mass ratio for M dwarf planets with a mass ratio of almost 0.3%\%, as it orbits a host star that is just 0.392±0.0150.392 \pm 0.015 M⊙M_{\odot}. Its planetary radius is 1.03±0.03 RJ1.03 \pm 0.03~R_J, while the mass is 1.08±0.06 MJ1.08 \pm 0.06~M_J. Additionally, the large size of the planet orbiting a small star results in a transit depth of ∼7%\sim 7\%, making it one of the deepest transits of a confirmed exoplanet orbiting a main-sequence star. The large transit depth makes TOI-5205b a compelling target to probe its atmospheric properties, as a means of tracing the potential formation pathways. While there have been radial velocity-only discoveries of giant planets around mid M dwarfs, this is the first transiting Jupiter with a mass measurement discovered around such a low-mass host star. The high mass of TOI-5205b stretches conventional theories of planet formation and disk scaling relations that cannot easily recreate the conditions required to form such planets.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Comments are welcome. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.0717