27 research outputs found

    The occurrence of adverse events in low-risk non-survivors in pediatric intensive care patients: an exploratory study

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    We studied the occurrence of adverse events (AEs) in low-risk non-survivors (LNs), compared to low-risk survivors (LSs), high-risk non-survivors (HNs), and high-risk survivors (HSs) in two pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). The study was performed as a retrospective patient record review study, using a PICU-trigger tool. A random sample of 48 PICU patients (0–18 years) was chosen, stratified into four subgroups of 12 patients: LNs, LSs, HNs, and HSs. Primary outcome was the occurrence of AEs. The severity, preventability, and nature of the indentified AEs were determined. In total, 45 AEs were found in 20 patients. The occurrence of AEs in the LN group was significantly higher compared to that in the LS group and HN group (AE occurrence: LN 10/12 patients, LS 1/12 patients; HN 2/12 patients; HS 7/12 patients; LN-LS difference, p < 0.001; LN-HN difference, p < 0.01). The AE rate in the LN group was significantly higher compared to that in the LS and HN groups (median [IQR]: LN 0.12 [0.07–0.29], LS 0 [0–0], HN 0 [0–0], and HS 0.03 [0.0–0.17] AE/PICU day; LN-LS difference, p < 0.001; LN-HN difference, p < 0.01). The distribution of the AEs among the four groups was as follows: 25 AEs (LN), 2 AEs (LS), 8 AEs (HN), and 10 AEs (HS). Fifteen of forty-five AEs were preventable. In 2/12 LN patients, death occurred after a preventable AE. Conclusion: The occurrence of AEs in LNs was higher compared to that in LSs and HNs. Some AEs were severe and preventable and contributed to mortality.(Table presented.

    Important factors for effective patient safety governance auditing: a questionnaire survey

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    BACKGROUND: Audits are increasingly used for patient safety governance purposes. However, there is little insight into the factors that hinder or stimulate effective governance based on auditing. The aim of this study is to quantify the factors that influence effective auditing for hospital boards and executives.METHODS: A questionnaire of 32 factors was developed using influencing factors found in a qualitative study on effective auditing. Factors were divided into four categories. The questionnaire was sent to the board of directors, chief of medical staff, nursing officer, medical department head and director of the quality and safety department of 89 acute care hospitals in the Netherlands.RESULTS: We approached 522 people, of whom 211 responded. Of the 32 factors in the questionnaire, 30 factors had an agreement percentage higher than 50%. Important factors per category were 'audit as an improvement tool as well as a control tool', 'department is aware of audit purpose', 'quality of auditors' and 'learning culture at department'. We found 14 factors with a significant difference in agreement between stakeholders of at least 20%. Amongst these were 'medical specialist on the audit team', 'soft signals in the audit report', 'patients as auditors' and 'post-audit support'.CONCLUSION: We found 30 factors for effective auditing, which we synthesised into eight recommendations to optimise audits. Hospitals can use these recommendations as a framework for audits that enable boards to become more in control of patient safety in their hospital

    Direct medical costs of adverse events in Dutch hospitals

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    Background: Various international studies have shown that a substantial number of patients suffer from injuries or even die as a result of care delivered in hospitals. The occurrence of injuries among patients caused by health care management in Dutch hospitals has never been studied systematically. Therefore, an epidemiological study was initiated to determine the incidence, type and impact of adverse events among discharged and deceased patients in Dutch hospitals. Methods/Design: Three stage retrospective patient record review study in 21 hospitals of 8400 patient records of discharged or deceased patients in 2004. The records were reviewed by trained nurses and physicians between August 2005 and October 2006. In addition to the determination of presence, the degree of preventability, and causes of adverse events, also location, timing, classification, and most responsible specialty of the adverse events were measured. Moreover, patient and admission characteristics and the quality of the patient records were recorded. Discussion: In this paper we report on the design of the retrospective patient record study on the occurrence of adverse events in Dutch hospitals. Attention is paid to the strengths and limitations of the study design. Furthermore, alterations made in the original research protocol in comparison with former international studies are described in detail.

    Design of a retrospective patient record study on the occurrence of adverse events among patients in Dutch hospitals

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    BACKGROUND: Various international studies have shown that a substantial number of patients suffer from injuries or even die as a result of care delivered in hospitals. The occurrence of injuries among patients caused by health care management in Dutch hospitals has never been studied systematically. Therefore, an epidemiological study was initiated to determine the incidence, type and impact of adverse events among discharged and deceased patients in Dutch hospitals. METHODS/DESIGN: Three stage retrospective patient record review study in 21 hospitals of 8400 patient records of discharged or deceased patients in 2004. The records were reviewed by trained nurses and physicians between August 2005 and October 2006. In addition to the determination of presence, the degree of preventability, and causes of adverse events, also location, timing, classification, and most responsible specialty of the adverse events were measured. Moreover, patient and admission characteristics and the quality of the patient records were recorded. DISCUSSION: In this paper we report on the design of the retrospective patient record study on the occurrence of adverse events in Dutch hospitals. Attention is paid to the strengths and limitations of the study design. Furthermore, alterations made in the original research protocol in comparison with former international studies are described in detail

    Fluid hydration to prevent post-ERCP pancreatitis in average- to high-risk patients receiving prophylactic rectal NSAIDs (FLUYT trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis (PEP) is the most common complication of ERCP and may run a severe course. Evidence suggests that vigorous periprocedural hydration can prevent PEP, but studies to date have significant methodological drawbacks. Importantly, evidence for its added value in patients already receiving prophylactic rectal non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is lacking and the cost-effectiveness of the approach has not been investigated. We hypothesize that combination therapy of rectal NSAIDs and periprocedural hydration would significantly lower the incidence of post-ERCP pancreatitis compared to rectal NSAIDs alone in moderate- to high-risk patients undergoing ERCP. Methods: The FLUYT trial is a multicenter, parallel group, open label, superiority randomized controlled trial. A total of 826 moderate- to high-risk patients undergoing ERCP that receive prophylactic rectal NSAIDs will be randomized to a control group (no fluids or normal saline with a maximum of 1.5 mL/kg/h and 3 L/24 h) or intervention group (lactated Ringer's solution with 20 mL/kg over 60 min at start of ERCP, followed by 3 mL/kg/h for 8 h thereafter). The primary endpoint is the incidence of post-ERCP pancreatitis. Secondary endpoints include PEP severity, hydration-related complications, and cost-effectiveness. Discussion: The FLUYT trial design, including hydration schedule, fluid type, and sample size, maximize its power of identifying a potential difference in post-ERCP pancreatitis incidence in patients receiving prophylactic rectal NSAIDs

    Deel VI Het gereedschap:Audits

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    Stap voor stap bouwen aan patiënt­vei­lig­heid is een reis die nooit eindigt. Iedereen die met medisch specialistische zorg te ma­ken heeft, draagt daaraan op zijn eigen, unieke wijze bij: medisch specialisten, verpleegkundigen, leidinggevenden, stafmedewerkers, bestuurders en toezichthouders. Iedereen is immers specialist op het eigen terrein, en samen zorgen zij voor een omgeving waar de patiënt kan rekenen op de juiste zorg op het juiste moment door de juiste zorgverlener.De afgelopen 10 jaar zijn forse vorderingen geboekt bij het verbeteren van patiënt­veiligheid. Dat komt in dit boek aan de orde. Tegelijkertijd zijn verdere stappen nodig en mogelijk. Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat veiligheid intrinsiek is ingebouwd in het ontwerp en de uitvoering van onze zorg? Hoe kan veiligheid gekoppeld worden aan professioneel handelen, zonder overmatig uit te gaan van controle achteraf? Don Berwick schreef 'improving patient safety is not for the faint hearted'. Het vergt een open cultuur binnen complexe professionele organisaties, om te kunnen zien en benoemen hoe het beter kan. Aan die cultuur wil dit boek een bijdrage leveren. Onze patiënten mogen verwachten dat we die handschoen opnemen