16 research outputs found

    Translation, psychometric evaluation and validation of the “diabetes health profile-18” questionnaire in Arabic

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    Introduction: measuring quality of life requires an instrument validated in the population language. The purpose of our study was to translate and analyze the psychometric properties of the literary Arabic version of the “diabetes health profile (DHP)-18”. Methods: we conducted a methodological study for psychometric evaluation and validation of the DHP-18, following the steps of the cross-cultural validation described by Vallerand. A convenience sample of people with diabetes was collected for this purpose. The developed questionnaire included participants‘ demographic characteristics, diabetes data and the experimental version of the DHP-18 questionnaire. Validity, reliability and questionnaire standards establishment were carried out. Results: a sample of 333 diabetics was recruited. Test-retest correlation coefficient (r = 0.985; p<0.01) and Cronbach's alpha coefficient (alpha = 0.840) showed that the experimental version was accurate in terms of temporal stability and internal consistency. The content validity index was 0.84 and showed that the questionnaire statements accurately measured the concepts under study. The exploratory principal axis factoring, using the orthogonal varimax rotation, allowed the extraction of a factorial solution with four independent factors, grouping the 18 items of the questionnaire. Correlation coefficients between the three corresponding dimensions of the theoretical model of the questionnaire were low and positive, between 0.431 and 0.535, confirming that each dimension measured a unique content. Conclusion: the literary Arabic version of the DHP-18 has proven to be valid, reliable and ready for use in clinical practice in Tunisian people with diabetes

    L'accouchement des grossesses gĂ©mellaires et pronostic materno-fƓtal dans un Centre Universitaire Tunisien de niveau 3: Ă©tude rĂ©trospective Ă  propos de 399 cas

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    En dĂ©pit des progrĂšs obstĂ©tricaux et pĂ©diatriques, les grossesses gĂ©mellaires reprĂ©sentent une situation Ă  haut risque aussi bien pour le dĂ©roulement de la grossesse que pour lÂŽaccouchement et reste encore une situation angoissante pour lÂŽĂ©quipe obstĂ©tricale. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©crire la pratique des accouchements des grossesses gĂ©mellaires au service de gynĂ©cologie obstĂ©trique de Sousse, de dĂ©crire le pronostic maternel et fƓtal et dÂŽanalyser les facteurs pouvant lÂŽinfluencer. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude descriptive, rĂ©trospective portant sur les accouchements des grossesses gĂ©mellaires sur une pĂ©riode de deux ans. Ont Ă©tĂ© incluses dans lÂŽĂ©tude les grossesses gĂ©mellaires ayant atteint au moins 28 semaines dÂŽamĂ©norrhĂ©e (SA) et les femmes ayants une grossesse gĂ©mellaire compliquĂ©e d'une mort fƓtale in utĂ©ro. Ont Ă©tĂ© exclues les femmes ayant une grossesse gĂ©mellaire et accouchĂ©s avant 28 SA. Les grossesses bi-choriales bi-amniotiques reprĂ©sentaient 67% des cas, contre seulement 11,5% de grossesses mono-choriales bi-amniotiques et 3% de grossesses mono-choriale mono-amniotique. Nous avons recensĂ©s 52 cĂ©sariennes programmĂ©es. Le travail a Ă©tĂ© spontanĂ© dans 304 cas. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©clenchĂ© dans 43 cas. Au total 178 parturientes ont accouchĂ© par voie basse (44,6%), contre 215 par voie haute (53,9%). Le taux de cĂ©sarienne pour le deuxiĂšme jumeau Ă©tait de 1,5%. Quand l'accouchement Ă©tait par voie basse, 19 cas de complications ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s (10,7%). Nous avons analysĂ© le score d'Apgar du premier jumeau et du deuxiĂšme jumeau en fonction du mode d'accouchement. Il n'y a pas eu de diffĂ©rence statistiquement significative du score d'Apgar entre les deux voies d'accouchement. La morbi-mortalitĂ© pĂ©rinatale est plus importante pour le deuxiĂšme jumeau que pour le premier jumeau. La morbiditĂ© maternelle en cas dÂŽaccouchement par voie basse Ă©tait supĂ©rieur Ă  la morbiditĂ© en cas dÂŽaccouchement par cĂ©sarienne. Il nÂŽy a pas de diffĂ©rences significatives dans le score dÂŽApgar selon que les enfants sont nĂ©s par voie basse ou par cĂ©sarienne

    Intravenous lidocaine as adjuvant to general anesthesia in renal surgery

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    The role of intraoperative intravenous lidocaine infusion has been previously evaluated for pain relief, inflammatory response, and post-operative recovery, particularly in abdominal surgery. The present study is a randomized double-blinded trial in which we evaluated whether IV lidocaine infusion reduces isoflurane requirement, intraoperative remifentanil consumption and time to post-operative recovery in non-laparoscopic renal surgery. Sixty patients scheduled to undergo elective non-laparoscopic renal surgery under general anesthesia were enrolled to receive either systemic lidocaine infusion (group L: bolus 1.5 mg/kg followed by a continuous infusion at the rate of 2 mg/kg/hr until skin closure) or normal saline (0.9% NaCl solution) (Group C). The depth of anesthesia was monitored using the Bispectral Index Scale (BIS), which is based on measurement of the patient’s cerebral electrical activity. Primary outcome of the study was End-tidal of isoflurane concentration (Et-Iso) at BIS values of 40–60. Secondary outcomes include remifentanil consumption during the operation and time to extubation. Et-Iso was significantly lower in group L than in group C (0.63% ± 0.10% vs 0.92% ± 0.11%, p < 10–3). Mean remifentanil consumption of was significantly lower in group L than in group C (0.13 ± 0.04 ÎŒg/kg/min vs 0.18 ± 0.04 ÎŒg/kg/ min, p < 10–3). Thus, IV lidocaine infusion permits a reduction of 31% in isoflurane concentration requirement and 27% in the intraoperative remifentanil need. In addition, recovery from anesthesia and extubation time was shorter in group L (5.8 ± 1.8 min vs 7.9 ± 2.0 min, p < 10–3). By reducing significantly isoflurane and remifentanil requirements during renal surgery, intravenous lidocaine could provide effective strategy to limit volatile agent and intraoperative opioids consumption especially in low and middle income countries.Keywords: intravenous lidocaine; isoflurane; remifentanil; consumption; Bispectral Index Scale (BIS); renal surger

    La médecine générale perçue par les étudiants de la faculté de médecine de Sousse (Tunisie)

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    Introduction: Les Ă©tudiants en dĂ©but du cursus suivent la mĂȘme formation hospitalo-universitaire,  cependant, ils sont peu nombreux Ă  choisir dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment la mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale comme discipline d'exercice mĂ©dical. Notre objectif est de prĂ©ciser auprĂšs des Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine, les facteurs qui dĂ©terminent le choix de la mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale comme carriĂšre et leur vision de cette discipline.  MĂ©thodes: Etude descriptive transversale menĂ©e auprĂšs d'un Ă©chantillon d'Ă©tudiants inscrits Ă  la facultĂ© de mĂ©decine de Sousse (Tunisie) pour l'annĂ©e universitaire 2012-2013. Le recueil des donnĂ©es a Ă©té  pratiquĂ© par l'intermĂ©diaire d'un questionnaire conçu pour les fins de ce travail. La saisie et l'analyse des donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es par le logiciel SPSS 18.0.RĂ©sultats: Notre Ă©tude a portĂ© sur 388 Ă©tudiants dont 69,5% Ă©taient du genre fĂ©minin. L'Ăąge moyen Ă©tait de 22,1 ± 2,8 ans. Cent Ă©tudiants (25,8%) avaient un parent cadre de santĂ© sans que cela n'ait une influence sur le choix de carriĂšre. A l'entrĂ©e Ă  la facultĂ©, seulement 7,1% (n=27) voulaient faire de la mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale leur carriĂšre. Le changement de choix vers la mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale est statistiquement diffĂ©rent Ă  l'entrĂ©e et Ă  la sortie de la facultĂ© chez les internes finissants. Conclusion: Afin d'attirer davantage les Ă©tudiants vers la mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale, il serait judicieux d'adopter des changements majeurs touchant l'enseignement thĂ©orique et pratique et de modifier les conditions de travail en fonction des attentes des gĂ©nĂ©rations futures.Key words: MĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale, enseignement mĂ©dical, choix de spĂ©cialit

    Evaluation de la satisfaction des patientes hospitalisées au service de gynécologie obstétrique de Sousse, Tunisie

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    Introduction: Il est admis que la satisfaction des patients est un indicateur de la qualité des soins. L’objectif de ce travail était de mesurer la satisfaction des patientes du service de gynécologie obstétrique du CHU Farhat Hached de Sousse. Méthodes: Une étude transversale a été menée entre mai et octobre 2005. La collecte des données a été faite par trois internes grâce à des entrevues structurées avec des patientes et à partir d’un questionnaire validé. Résultats: 600 patientes ont été interviewées. L’âge médian était de 30 ans. Prés de quatre vingt cinq pour cent des femmes étaient instruites. Les patientes analphabètes ont exprimé une meilleure satisfaction (score de 56,6 %) par rapport aux autres (p < 10-3). Par ailleurs, nous avons noté : un niveau de satisfaction globale moyen (score de 51%) ; un faible niveau de satisfaction pour la restauration et les conditions de séjour ; un bon niveau de satisfaction pour les soins médicaux et paramédicaux. Les patientes les plus satisfaites étaient celles qui avaient l’impression que leur état de santé s’est amélioré, celles qui s’attendaient à des services de qualité moindre ou de qualité similaire, et celles qui avaient l’intention de recommander l’hôpital à leurs proches. Conclusion: Il est difficile de transposer les résultats de travaux étrangers au contexte tunisien, en raison des différences entre les systèmes de santé d’une part et les caractéristiques socio-démographiques des patientes, d’autre part. En revanche, certains domaines devraient être examinés par des professionnels de la santé afin d'assurer la qualité requise.Key words: Qualité des soins, satisfaction des patients, gynécologie, Tunisi

    Massive influx of victims: staff preparedness and facility readiness of Tunisian general University Hospitals.

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    Introduction: Hospital preparedness for a massive influx of victims relies, to a certain extent, on actions, programs, and systems that are created and executed ahead of time, but also on the knowledge, skills, and professional competences of the hospital's staff. Aim: This study aims to understand the factors influencing the preparedness of Tunisian University Hospital staff in facing a massive influx of victims. Methods: This is a multi-method qualitative descriptive study conducted in nine general University Hospitals in Tunisia. The first component was a phenomenological design via open-ended interviews. The second component was a qualitative observational non-participatory design via field observations. Results: 17 participants were recruited in an intentional, non-probabilistic way. Participants to this study discussed issues related to the material and financial resources of their hospitals as well as the psychological impact of managing an influx of victims. They also discussed their training, their involvement in the process, and the norm versus the circumstances in the field which led to the conclusion that: ''For multiple reasons, the Tunisian University Hospitals are not ready to properly manage a massive influx of victims''. Conclusions: This multi-method qualitative study discussed the factors that affected the preparedness of staff and readiness of University Hospitals included, which were mainly resources (material and financial), psychological burden, lack of training, lack of involvement in the process, and issues related to evidence-based practice. These findings support the idea that more research and more practical interventions needs to be performed to increase the preparedness level of Tunisian University Hospitals and their staff

    Which factors influence the quality of life of Tunisian patients with lung cancer?

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    Introduction - No previous study has established the factors that influence the quality of life (QOL) of tunisian patients with lung cancer (LC).This studyaims to identify the factors that influence QOL of tunisian patients with LC. Methods. A medical questionnaire assessed the general and specific characteristics of 100 patients (90 men), and structured questionnaires (QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13) assessed QOL. Results -Women, elderly, married and illiterate patients had poor QOL. Compared to patients free from comorbidity, those with one to two comorbidities had lower scores of physical and life-role activities. Compared to patients with cancer discovered less than one year ago, those who’s cancer appeared morethan one year ago had lower scores of global health, physical activity, nausea/vomiting, and higher scores of insomnia and anorexia. Patients with advanced cancer had poor QOL in terms of physical and emotional activities, and insomnia and constipation items. Patients with metastases had a poor QOL in terms of global health, physical activity, fatigue symptom, insomnia, anorexia, and diarrhea. The histological and treatment types did not influence QOL. The QLQ-LC13 scores were not influenced by sex. However, compared to patients treated with chemotherapy, those treated with chemotherapy and surgery had higher scores of dyspnea and peripheral neuropathy. Conclusion - The following factors influenced QOL of Tunisian patients with LC: sex, age, civil status, schooling level, comorbidities, LC stage and duration, metastases. Compared to patients treated with chemotherapy, those treated with chemotherapy and surgery had higher scores of dyspnea and peripheral neuropathy

    A Qualitative Study on the Use of the Hospital Safety Index and the Formulation of Recommendations for Future Adaptations

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    : The Hospital Safety Index is a tool developed by the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization in 2008 and updated in 2015. Although it is the most widely used instrument of its kind to assess the level of hospital preparedness, scientific literature on its application in real life is scarce. This study aimed to investigate the use of the Hospital Safety Index to assess disaster preparedness in healthcare facilities. A retrospective, qualitative study employing semi-structured online interviews was conducted to gather the opinions and perspectives of professionals who have experience in applying the Hospital Safety Index. Authors of scientific publications using the Hospital Safety Index were recruited. A semi-structured interview guide was developed. It addressed different phases of data collection with the Hospital Safety Index, the challenges and facilitators of using it, and recommendations for future adaptations. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Nine participants who were from three countries (Serbia, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia) and had different professional backgrounds (medical doctors, engineers, spatial planners, etc.) participated in this study. A total of 5 themes and 15 subthemes emerged during data analysis. Most of the participants reported their reasons for choosing the Hospital Safety Index as being its comprehensiveness and the fact that it was issued by the World Health Organization. The tool appears to be very specific and allows investigators to spot details in hospitals; however, it is not easy to use, and training is highly encouraged to learn how to navigate the different components of the tool. Governmental support is a crucial facilitator for investigators to be able to enter hospitals and conduct their evaluations. Overall, the tool has a lot of potential, and it should be used to reach a broader audience, such as community members, and assess the preparedness of other facilities that can take part in the response to disasters (hotels, stadiums, schools, etc.). Nevertheless, it still needs more adaptations to be tailored to different contexts and settings

    Effect of Family Education on Clinical Outcomes in Children with Asthma: A Review

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    Childhood asthma still imposes an enormous burden on children and their families. To the best of our knowledge, no study reviewed the literature on the effect of family asthma education on major asthma outcomes. This study aimed to explore the effect of family education programs on major asthma outcomes in children. Quasi-experimental studies and randomized controlled trials were conducted among children with asthma aged 6–18 years and their parents were included. Pub Med, Science Direct, and Trip databases were used to extract data published in English from 2010 to 2021. Twenty-two studies were reported in this review. It was demonstrated that family empowerment interventions were effective in improving the quality of life of children and their parents, asthma symptom control, and pulmonary function. Family education that was specific to medication improved medication adherence, inhalation technique, and asthma control. Family asthma education enhanced asthma management and family functioning. This approach should be a cornerstone of pediatric asthma therapy. It helps health care professionals to build a strong connection and trustful relationship with children with asthma and their families

    Les styles d’apprentissage des Ă©tudiants de la facultĂ© de mĂ©decine de Sousse (Tunisie)

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    Contexte : Le style d’apprentissage semble jouer un rĂŽle dans le choix de l’approche d’apprentissage prometteuse de succĂšs. Ainsi, il pourrait ĂȘtre opportun que les Ă©ducateurs cherchent Ă  identifier les styles d’apprentissages des Ă©tudiants et Ă  y adapter leurs dispositifs pĂ©dagogiques. But : DĂ©crire les styles d’apprentissage des Ă©tudiants de la facultĂ© de mĂ©decine de Sousse (Tunisie). Sujets et mĂ©thodes : Une Ă©tude descriptive de nature transversale a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e auprĂšs de cinq promotions d’étudiants de la FacultĂ© de mĂ©decine de Sousse au cours de l’annĂ©e universitaire 2009-2010. L’instrument de mesure utilisé  Ă©tait l’Inventaires des Styles d’Apprentissage du Laboratoire d’Enseignement MultimĂ©dia –ISALEM 97, dĂ©veloppĂ© par l’UniversitĂ© de LiĂšge, qui suggĂšre l’existence de quatre styles d’apprentissage. RĂ©sultats : Huit cent cinquante six Ă©tudiants ont participĂ© Ă  l’étude pour un total de 1043 (taux de rĂ©ponse : 82 %). Le style prĂ©dominant Ă©tait le style intuitif-pragmatique dans 40 % des cas, suivi du style mĂ©thodique- pragmatique dans 28 % des cas. La dimension de transformation de l’expĂ©rience diffĂ©rait significativement selon le sexe. L’analyse en composantes principales confirme la structure bidimensionnelle de l’ISALEM 97. Les coefficients de Cronbach Ă©taient ≄ 0,72. Conclusion : Les Ă©tudiants de la facultĂ© de mĂ©decine de Sousse ont plutĂŽt un style intuitif-pragmatique ; ils recourent Ă  l’intuition pour la saisie des concepts et ont tendance Ă  les appliquer dans de nouvelles expĂ©riences pour rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes. Ce profil ne change pas tout au long des annĂ©es d’études mĂ©dicales mais diffĂ©rent lĂ©gĂšrement en fonction du sexe