2 research outputs found

    Languages for safety-certification related propertis

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    The Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components project, in short SafeCer (www.safecer.eu),is targeting increased efficiency and reduced time-to-market by composable safety certification of safety- relevant embedded systems. The industrial domains targeted are within automotive and construction equipment, avionics, and rail. Some of the companies involved are: Volvo Tech- nology, Thales, TTTech, and Intecs among others. SafeCer includes more than 30 partners in six different countries and has a budget of e25.7 millions. A primary objective is to provide support for system safety arguments based on arguments and properties of system components as well as to provide support for generation of corresponding evidence in a similar compositional way. By providing support for efficient reuse of certification and stronger links between certification and development, compo- nent reuse will be facilitated, and by providing support for reuse across domains the amount of components available for reuse will increase dramatically. The resulting efficiency and reduced time to market will, together with increased quality and reduced risk, increase competitiveness and pave the way for a cross-domain market for software components qualified for certification

    Cross-layer Design of Reconfigurable Cyber-Physical Systems

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    In the last few years, besides the concepts of embedded and interconnected systems, also the notion of CyberPhysical Systems (CPS) has emerged: embedded computational collaborating devices, capable of sensing and controlling physical elements and, often, responding to humans. The continuous interaction between physical and computing layers makes their design and maintenance extremely complex. Uncertainty management and runtime reconfigurability, to mention the most relevant ones, are rarely tackled by available toolchains. In this context, the Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments (CERBERO) EU project aims at developing a design environment for CPS based of two pillars: 1) a cross-layer model-based approach to describe, optimize, and analyze the system and all its different views concurrently and 2) an advanced adaptivity support based on a multi-layer autonomous engine. In this work, we describe the components and the required developments for seamless design of reusable and reconfigurable CPS and System of Systems in uncertain hybrid environments