27 research outputs found
A report on decisions on air quality standards for the year 1994
On sale at: Distributioncentre VROM, P.O. Box 351, 2700 AJ
Zoetermeer, the NetherlandsDeze rapportage is gebaseerd op rapportages van provincies en gemeenten over overschrijding van de (uitzonderings) grenswaarden voor zwaveldioxide, fijn stof (zwarte rook), stikstofdioxide, koolstofmonoxide, lood en benzeen. In DUIV-kader (DGM, Unie van Waterschappen, IPO en VNG) is besloten dat gemeenten en provincies vierjaarlijks rapporteren over de luchtkwaliteit in relatie tot de (uitzonderings) grenswaarden en richtwaarden, alsmede over de beleidsmatige consequenties die daaruit getrokken worden en in tussenliggende jaren alleen te rapporteren over (dreigende) overschrijding van (uitzonderings) grenswaarden en (voorgenomen) maatregelen. Deze rapportage over 1994 is de eerste in deze nieuwe reeks jaarlijkse rapportages over de uitvoering van de besluiten luchtkwaliteit. Uit deze rapportage blijkt dat veel gemeenten en provincies niet, te laat en/of onvolledig rapporteren over de luchtkwaliteit en bijbehorende maatregelen in hun gebied. Hierdoor kan geen totaal overzicht voor Nederland worden gegeven.This report is based on reports from provinces and municipalities on exceedances of the air quality standards in 1994 for sulphur dioxide, suspended particulates (black smoke), nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead and benzene. The provincial and municipal authorities report once every four years on exceedances of the air quality standards laid down in the regulations, and on measures to prevent such exceedances. This national report for 1994 is the first in the new series of annual reports compiled by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Directorate-General for Environmental Protection of the Ministry of VROM. This report shows that many municipalities and provinces do not report at all, or report too late and/or incompletely on air quality and the anti-pollution measures in their areas. Making a total overview for the Netherlands impossible.DGM/L
A report on decisions on air quality standards for the year 1995
Available from: Distributioncentre VROM, Postbus 351, 2700
AJ Zoetermeer, the Netherlands, telephone: 31-79-3449449Deze rapportage is gebaseerd op rapportages van provincies en gemeenten over overschrijding van de (uitzonderings-)grenswaarden voor zwaveldioxide, fijn stof (zwarte rook), stikstofdioxide, koolstofmonoxide, lood en benzeen. Rond industriele gebieden zijn geen overschrijdingen van grenswaarden gerapporteerd. Op 99 wegvakken werden overschrijdingen van (uitzonderings)grenswaarden gerapporteerd: 62 keer benzeen, 35 keer stikstofdioxide en 2 keer koolstofmonoxide.This report is based on reports from provinces and municipalities on exceedances of the air quality standards for the compounds sulphur dioxide, suspended particles (black smoke), nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead and benzene. No exceedances of air quality standards were reported for industrial areas. For 99 roadblocks exceedances were reported: 62 times benzene, 35 times nitrogen dioxide and 2 times carbon monoxide.DGM/L
Experimental set-up and results of the process of co-extruded perforated gun propellants
Enhancement of gun performance can be obtained by increasing the propellant loading density or the energy content of the propellant. Serious consequences of these options are difficulties with regard to ignition and to gun barrel wear. Application of co-layered propellants is a good alternative, since with proper burning properties of the two layers both an increased muzzle velocity and a decreased gas temperature can be obtained. Many investigations focus on co-layered propellant disks, which may only be ignited by ETCignition. The manufacture of co-layered sheet propellant is labour intensive and difficult. Co-extrusion of co-layered propellants is a good alternative and offers a wide range of possible applications. Both non-, single-, and multi-perforated propellants can be produced by relatively simple and well known extrusion processes. These types of co-extruded propellants have superior properties with respect to erosivity and performance. Co-extruded propellants are therefore well suitable for use in direct-fire systems, for the upgrading of munitions of conventional howitzers, and for other systems. Besides, other possibilities are offered like the improvement of the ignition of difficult-to-ignite LOVA propellants, or the release of wear reducing agents shortly after ignition
A report on decisions on air quality standards for the year 1996
Available from: Distribution Centre VROM, distribution
code 17514/187, P.O. 351, 2700 AJ Zoetermeer, telephone:
31-79-3449449Deze rapportage is gebaseerd op rapportages van provincies en gemeenten over overschrijding van de (uitzonderings) grenswaarden voor zwaveldioxide, fijn stof (zwarte rook), stikstofdioxide, koolstofmonoxide , lood en benzeen. Rond inrichtingen zijn geen overschrijdingen van grenswaarden gerapporteerd. Op 116 wegvakken werden overschrijdingen van (uitzonderings)grenswaarden gerapporteerd: 52 keer benzeen, 62 keer stikstofdioxide en 2 keer koolstofmonoxide.This report is based on reports from provinces and municipalities on exceedances of the air quality standards for the compounds sulphur dioxide, suspended particles (black smoke), nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead and benzene. No exceedances of air quality standards were reported for industrial areas. For 116 roadblocks exceedances were reported: 52 times benzene, 62 times nitrogen dioxide and 2 times carbon monoxideDGM/L
Continuous solvent-free extrusion of propellant for 35 mm calibre ammunition
In the frame of the evaluation of new 35 mm calibre projectiles, a propellant was manufactured by using a solvent-free continuous twin screw extrusion process. This was developed for the manufacturing of JA-2 equivalent gun propellant for large calibre ammunition [1]. In order to obtain the required combustion rate, a significantly smaller web size, and hence smaller grain size, of the 19-perf propellant grain is required than for the JA-2 equivalent propellant. For this purpose a new die technology was developed and applied. The firing test results showed excellent reproducibility, which is attributed to the homogeneity of the propellant composition and smooth and reproducible flame spreading over the propellant bed. These results demonstrate the applicability of a solvent-free and continuous manufacturing process for propellants used in medium calibre ammunition
Definition of a JA-2 equivalent propellant to be produced by continuous solventless extrusion
In order to eliminate residual solvents in ammunition and to reduce the emissions of volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere, the U.S. Army ARDEC has teamed with TNO in developing a new process for the production of solventless propellant for tank ammunition. To reduce the costs of solventless propellants production, shear roll mill and continuous extrusion processing was investigated. As described in this paper JA-2 a double base propellant cannot be processed without solvent by the extrusion process. An alternative JA-2 equivalent propellant was defined. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the manufacturing of this propellant by solventless continuous twin screw extrusion processing while maintaining gun performance characteristics of conventional JA-2 propellant. This is elucidated by explicitly researching the relationship between interior ballistic properties of the gun propellant and utilizing a continuous manufacturing process. Processing conditions were established, and the propellant was manufactured accordingly. The extruded propellant has the desired properties, which resulted in a comparable gun performance as the conventional JA-2 propellant
Survival of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract with Daily Consumption of a Low-Fat Probiotic Spreadâ–ż
Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Therefore, probiotic strains should be able to survive passage through the human gastrointestinal tract. Human gastrointestinal tract survival of probiotics in a low-fat spread matrix has, however, never been tested. The objective of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human intervention study was to test the human gastrointestinal tract survival of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG after daily consumption of a low-fat probiotic spread by using traditional culturing, as well as molecular methods. Forty-two healthy human volunteers were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups provided with 20 g of placebo spread (n = 13), 20 g of spread with a target dose of 1 Ă— 109 CFU of L. reuteri DSM 17938 (n = 13), or 20 g of spread with a target dose of 5 Ă— 109 CFU of L. rhamnosus GG (n = 16) daily for 3 weeks. Fecal samples were obtained before and after the intervention period. A significant increase, compared to the baseline, in the recovery of viable probiotic lactobacilli in fecal samples was demonstrated after 3 weeks of daily consumption of the spread containing either L. reuteri DSM 17938 or L. rhamnosus GG by selective enumeration. In the placebo group, no increase was detected. The results of selective enumeration were supported by quantitative PCR, detecting a significant increase in DNA resulting from the probiotics after intervention. Overall, our results indicate for the first time that low-fat spread is a suitable carrier for these probiotic strains