18 research outputs found

    Bilateral Interstitial Keratitis Following COVID-19: A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Although the primary target of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is the respiratory tract, the expression of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor in other tissues facilitates viral entry in others parts of the body, including ocular structures. Ocular manifestations may occur before, during, or after systemic infection. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 60-year-old male who presented with bilateral interstitial keratitis after the onset of COVID-19, with ocular symptoms starting within 7 days after systemic symptoms. Laboratory investigation did not identify any alternative etiology for his disease, although the possibility of Epstein-Barr virus or herpes simpex virus could not be definitively ruled out. The patient had already developed significant corneal scarring and visual debilitation by the time topical steroids were initiated, and his final corrected visual acuity with rigid gas permeable contact lenses was 20/50 and 20/80 in the right and left eye, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The involvement of ocular tissue by the virus can lead to permanent sequelae such as severe visual loss, and clinicians should be aware of and recognize ophthalmic manifestations of this disease to prompt early intervention

    Microbial Keratitis After Penetrating and Endothelial Keratoplasty

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study is to review the incidence, risk factors, and outcomes of bacterial and fungal keratitis after penetrating keratoplasty (PK) and endothelial keratoplasty (EK). Methods: The medical records at Wills Eye Hospital were reviewed for all cases of confirmed microbial keratitis following PK or EK performed between May 1, 2007 and September 1, 2018. Charts were examined to obtain demographic information, past ocular history, details of the microbial keratitis, and graft outcomes. Results:A total of 2100 transplants (1269 PK and 831 EK) were performed in 1864 eyes of 1601 patients. The incidence of microbial keratitis after PK (7.5%) was significantly higher than after EK (1.3%) (p Discussion: : Microbial keratitis is a relatively common occurrence in patients with prior keratoplasty, and particularly in eyes with prior PK or multiple prior transplants. Infection is an important cause of graft failure and further surgical intervention. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest review of microbial keratitis in cases of prior PK, and the only review in eyes with prior EK

    Corneal Wound Healing in the Presence of Antifibrotic Antibody Targeting Collagen Fibrillogenesis: A Pilot Study

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    Highly organized collagen fibrils interlacing with proteoglycans form the crucial architecture of the cornea and facilitate its transparency. Corneal scarring from accidental injury, surgery, or infection alters this highly organized tissue, causing severe consequences, including blindness. There are no pharmacological or surgical methods to effectively and safely treat excessive corneal scarring. Thus, we tested the anticorneal scarring utility of a rationally designed anticollagen antibody (ACA) whose antifibrotic effects have already been demonstrated in nonocular models. Utilizing a rabbit model with an incisional corneal wound, we analyzed ACA’s effects on forming collagen and proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrices in scar neotissue. We used microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to quantify these components and measure crucial parameters characterizing the structure and organization of collagen fibrils. Moreover, we analyzed the spatial distribution of collagen and proteoglycans in normal and healing corneas. Our study demonstrated significant changes in the quality and quantity of the analyzed molecules synthesized in scar neotissue. It showed that these changes extend beyond incision margins. It also showed ACA’s positive impact on some crucial parameters defining proper cornea structure. This pilot study provides a stepping stone for future tests of therapeutic approaches that target corneal extracellular scar matrix assembly

    Comparing gene panels for non-retinal indications: A systematic review

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    IMPORTANCE: The options for genetic testing continue to grow for ocular conditions, including optic atrophy, anterior segment dysgenesis, cataracts, corneal dystrophy, nystagmus, and glaucoma. Gene panels can vary in content and coverage, as we and others have evaluated in inherited retinal disease (IRD). OBJECTIVE: To describe gene panel testing options for inherited eye disease phenotypes and their differences. This review is important for making diagnostic decisions. EVIDENCE REVIEW: A licensed, certified genetic counselor (RP) used Concert Genetics and the search terms optic atrophy, corneal dystrophy, cataract, glaucoma, anterior segment dysgenesis, microphthalmia/anophthalmia, and nystagmus to identify available testing options performed by CLIA-certified commercial genetic testing laboratories. Other co-authors were surveyed with respect to genetic panels used for the indications of interest. Ophthalmic panels were then compared using Concert Genetics in addition to their own websites. FINDINGS: Panels from each clinical category were included and summarized. This comparison highlighted the differences and similarities between panels so that clinicians can make informed decisions. CONCLUSIONS: Access to genetic testing is increasing. The diagnostic yield of genetic testing is increasing. Each panel is different, so phenotyping or characterizing clinical characteristics that may help predict a specific genotype, as well as pre-test hypotheses regarding a genotype, should shape the choice of panels

    Beta-Blocker Use Is Associated With Impaired Left Atrial Function in Hypertension

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    BACKGROUND: Impaired left atrial (LA) mechanical function is present in hypertension and likely contributes to various complications, including atrial arrhythmias, stroke, and heart failure. Various antihypertensive drug classes exert differential effects on central hemodynamics and left ventricular function. However, little is known about their effects on LA function. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 212 subjects with hypertension and without heart failure or atrial fibrillation. LA strain was measured from cine steady-state free-precession cardiac MRI images using feature-tracking algorithms. In multivariable models adjusted for age, sex, race, body mass index, blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, LA volume, left ventricular mass, and left ventricular ejection fraction, beta-blocker use was associated with a lower total longitudinal strain (standardized beta=-0.21; P=0.008), and lower LA expansion index (standardized beta=-0.30; P \u3c 0.001), indicating impaired LA reservoir function. Beta-blocker use was also associated with a lower positive strain (standardized beta=-0.19; P=0.012) and early diastolic strain rate (standardized beta=0.15; P=0.039), indicating impaired LA conduit function. Finally, beta-blocker use was associated with a lower (less negative) late-diastolic strain (standardized beta=0.15; P=0.049), strain rate (standardized beta=0.18; P=0.019), and a lower active LA emptying fraction (standardized beta=-0.27; P\u3c 0.001), indicating impaired booster pump function. Use of other antihypertensive agents was not associated with LA function. CONCLUSIONS: Beta-blocker use is significantly associated with impaired LA function in hypertension. This association could underlie the increased risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke seen with the use of beta-blockers (as opposed to other antihypertensive agents) demonstrated in recent trials

    Examining the relationships between early childhood experiences and adolescent and young adult health status in a resource-limited population: A cohort study

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    Background: Adolescence is a critical point in the realization of human capital, as health and educational decisions with long-term impacts are made. We examined the role of early childhood experiences on health, cognitive abilities, and educational outcomes of adolescents followed up from a longitudinal cohort study in Pakistan, hypothesizing that early childhood experiences reflecting poverty would manifest in reduced health and development in adolescence.Methods and findings: Adolescents/young adults previously followed as children aged under 5 years were interviewed. Childhood data were available on diarrhea, pneumonia, and parental/household characteristics. New data were collected on health, anthropometry, education, employment, and languages spoken; nonverbal reasoning was assessed. A multivariable Bayesian network was constructed to explore structural relationships between variables. Of 1,868 children originally enrolled, 1,463 (78.3%) were interviewed as adolescents (range 16.0-29.3 years, mean age 22.6 years); 945 (65%) lived in Oshikhandass. While 1,031 (70.5%) of their mothers and 440 (30.1%) of their fathers had received no formal education, adolescents reported a mean of 11.1 years of education. Childhood diarrhea (calculated as episodes/child-year) had no association with nonverbal reasoning score (an arc was supported in just 4.6% of bootstrap samples), health measures (with BMI, 1% of bootstrap samples; systolic and diastolic blood pressure, 0.1% and 1.6% of bootstrap samples, respectively), education (0.7% of bootstrap samples), or employment (0% of bootstrap samples). Relationships were found between nonverbal reasoning and adolescent height (arc supported in 63% of bootstrap samples), age (84%), educational attainment (100%), and speaking English (100%); speaking English was linked to the childhood home environment, mediated through maternal education and primary language. Speaking English (n = 390, 26.7% of adolescents) was associated with education (100% of bootstrap samples), self-reported child health (82%), current location (85%) and variables describing childhood socioeconomic status. The main limitations of this study were the lack of parental data to characterize the home setting (including parental mental and physical health, and female empowerment) and reliance on self-reporting of health status.Conclusions: In this population, investments in education, especially for females, are associated with an increase in human capital. Against the backdrop of substantial societal change, with the exception of a small and indirect association between childhood malnutrition and cognitive scores, educational opportunities and cultural language groups have stronger associations with aspects of human capital than childhood morbidity

    Identification of the Vibrational Optical Coherence Tomography Corneal Cellular Peak

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    Purpose: Our team previously identified the presence of five corneal resonant frequency (RF) peaks in healthy volunteers using vibrational optical coherence tomography (VOCT). Prior studies have suggested that the ≤100 Hz RF peak represents the cellular element of tissue. The aim of this study was to confirm that this peak reflects the human corneal cellular component using VOCT and histological analysis. Methods: Two human research globes were obtained from the same donor, and VOCT measurements were collected from the full-thickness corneas. A microkeratome was then used to create serial-free corneal caps from each cornea, with VOCT performed on the residual stromal bed after each excision. All lamellar sections from both globes were sent for histological analysis to determine cellularity. Cell counts on the specimens were performed by two independent observers. Results: The average of the normalized ≤100 Hz peak values before lamellar sectioning was significantly higher than the average of this peak values after the first, second, and third cuts (P = 0.023), which was 33.9% less than before any cuts. The cell count values in the first slice were significantly higher than the average cell count values of the three deeper slices (P \u3c 0.001), and the cell count dropped 84.4% after the first slice was removed. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the ≤100 Hz corneal peak identified by VOCT corresponds to the cellular component of the cornea. Translational relevance: This work furthers our understanding of the origin of the corneal ≤100 Hz peak identified using VOCT

    Assembling a global database of child pneumonia studies to inform WHO pneumonia management algorithm: Methodology and applications

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    Background The existing World Health Organization (WHO) pneumonia case management guidelines rely on clinical symptoms and signs for identifying, classifying, and treating pneumonia in children up to 5 years old. We aimed to collate an individual patient-level data set from large, high-quality pre-existing studies on pneumonia in children to identify a set of signs and symptoms with greater validity in the diagnosis, prognosis, and possible treatment of childhood pneumonia for the improvement of current pneumonia case management guidelines. Methods Using data from a published systematic review and expert knowledge, we identified studies meeting our eligibility criteria and invited investigators to share individual-level patient data. We collected data on demographic information, general medical history, and current illness episode, including history, clinical presentation, chest radiograph findings when available, treatment, and outcome. Data were gathered separately from hospital-based and community-based cases. We performed a narrative synthesis to describe the final data set. Results Forty-one separate data sets were included in the Pneumonia Research Partnership to Assess WHO Recommendations (PREPARE) database, 26 of which were hospital-based and 15 were community-based. The PREPARE database includes 285 839 children with pneumonia (244 323 in the hospital and 41 516 in the community), with detailed descriptions of clinical presentation, clinical progression, and outcome. Of 9185 pneumonia-related deaths, 6836 (74%) occurred in children <1 year of age and 1317 (14%) in children aged 1-2 years. Of the 285 839 episodes, 280 998 occurred in children 0-59 months old, of which 129 584 (46%) were 2-11 months of age and 152 730 (54%) were males. Conclusions This data set could identify an improved specific, sensitive set of criteria for diagnosing clinical pneumonia and help identify sick children in need of referral to a higher level of care or a change of therapy. Field studies could be designed based on insights from PREPARE analyses to validate a potential revised pneumonia algorithm. The PREPARE methodology can also act as a model for disease database assembly

    Resolution of a neurotrophic keratopathy associated hypopyon with cenegermin

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    Purpose: We present a novel case of a neurotrophic keratopathy associated inflammatory hypopyon that resolved after initiation of therapy with cenegermin (Oxervate; Dompe, Milan, Italy), a recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF). This finding illustrates the potential of cenegermin in advanced inflammatory neurotrophic disease. Observations: A 60-year-old female with a history of herpes zoster keratitis was evaluated in our clinic for stage 2 neurotrophic keratopathy. One month later, she presented emergently with a large epithelial defect, infiltrate, and hypopyon. Three separate sets of corneal cultures returned negative. She was treated with oral antivirals and aggressive topical antibiotics with no clinical improvement. Given the presumed diagnosis of stage 3 neurotrophic keratopathy with a sterile hypopyon, she was started on cenegermin 6 times daily for 8 weeks in the absence of a corticosteroid. By 2 weeks after starting cenegermin, the epithelial defect, infiltrate, and hypopyon sizes had improved. Within 4 weeks of starting cenegermin, the hypopyon had clinically resolved. The patient was subsequently started on topical corticosteroid drops for the last 4 weeks of cenegermin therapy. Examination at the conclusion of 8 weeks of cenegermin treatment revealed a closed epithelium and minimal scar. Best-corrected visual acuity with contact lens overrefraction was 20/70. Over the course of 7 months of continued follow-up, the cornea remained epithelialized without recurrent corneal infiltration or hypopyon. Conclusions and importance: While cenegermin has been previously shown to be an effective treatment for neurotrophic keratopathy associated epithelial defects, resolution of a neurotrophic keratopathy associated inflammatory hypopyon with cenegermin is novel

    Retained lens fragment presenting 32 years after cataract extraction

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    Purpose: To report a patient with retained lens material presenting over three decades after initial cataract extraction with fluctuating corneal edema and intraocular inflammation. Observations: A 66-year-old man presented with a first episode of decreased vision and photophobia 32 years after cataract extraction without intraocular lens implantation in the right eye. Slit lamp examination revealed a tan-colored oblong mass in the inferior angle, in addition to corneal edema and an anterior chamber reaction. The patient was aphakic with traumatic mydriasis, and accordingly it was noted that the mass shifted location between anterior and posterior chambers over subsequent evaluations. The anterior chamber inflammation resolved in the latter position. The patient was requested to remain prone prior to clinical evaluation, and an in-office anterior chamber aspiration was performed. Histopathologic evaluation confirmed the presence of lens material and a phacolytic response. Conclusions and importance: Although unusual, retained lens material may manifest with ocular morbidity decades after cataract extraction. In patients with corneal edema and intraocular inflammation, retained lens material should be considered as a possible underlying cause even in patients with a remote history of cataract extraction. This case represents one of the longest reported time periods from cataract extraction to clinical presentation of retained lens material