19 research outputs found


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    Présentation Ce nô appartient à la catégorie dite « pièces de guerriers » et il prend sa source dans le Heike Monogatari, une chronique militaire récitée par des bonzes aveugles qui sillonnaient le pays et gagnaient leur vie en récitant des poèmes épiques tout en s’accompagnant du « biwa » (luth). Recueillis en 1371, ces poèmes font partie du patrimoine de la littérature japonaise. D’après le Heike Monogatari, Kiyotsune, le troisième fils de Shigemori, un seigneur du clan des Heike, est décr..


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    Yuya, pieza del teatro Noh

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    Lady Aoi (7 photos)

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    Blackface--racist portrayals of African American characters by white actors--has a long history in American theater, and productions at Trinity were no different. Insensitive portrayals of non-white races occurred in many Trinity productions. Photographs from these productions are included here uncensored and in their original form, as it is important to acknowledge and document the shortcomings in the school's history


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    La veste di piume (hagoromo)

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    ZEAMI MOTOKIYO - HIDETOSHI NAGASAWA La veste di piume, 2013 50x35/ 36 pag/ 75 cod B17 Esemplare testo del teatro Nō del XV secolo, nella versione originale e nella traduzione inedita di Luca Milasi. Composizione testi in italiano di Rodolfo Campi in Dante c 14, stampati su Amatruda puro cotone da 200 g da Tipoteca Italiana Fondazione. I primi 35 esemplari corredati da un multiplo su rame di Hidetoshi Nagasawa numerato e firmato dall'artista, realizzato con la collaborazione tecnica di Roberto Giudici e Tommaso Grillini. Legatura artigianale di Sandro Francescon.Hagoromo, a Noh play allegedly composed by the greatest Noh author and critic Zeami (fifteenth century) in both the original version and Italian translation. Limited edition (75 copies). The first 35 copies are accompanied by a multiple of copper by Hidetoshi Nagasawa numbered and signed by the artist, realized with the technical collaboration of Roberto Giudici and Thomas Grillini. Handmade binding executed by Sandro Francescon