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    The main aim of this research was to determine to which degree the system of variables used to evaluate specific motor skills correlated with the system of variables used to evaluate successful performance in football play. The study was conducted on a sample of 170 senior football players. There were 16 predictor variables to assess specific motor skills and eight criterion variables to assess successful performance. A canonical correlation analysis was applied in the statistical procedure to determine the relationships (correlations) between these spaces. Correlations were established between the investigated spaces with four pairs of canonical factors, and it has been shown that situational motor skills have high correlations with performance success in the game of football (Can R.=0.71, on average). It is indicated that the participants whose performance in football play was more successful also had better situational motor skills and that the mechanism for structuring movement is shown to be of great importance for the successful performance of tactical and technical elements in football players.Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi stepen povezanost sistema variajbli za procenu situaciono-motoričkih sposobnosti sa varijabliama za procenu uspešnosti u fudbalskoj igri. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 170 ispitanika, fudbalera – seniora. U istraživanju je primenjeno 16 varijabli za procenu specifčnih motoričkih sposobnosti i osam varijabli za procenu uspešnosti u fudbalskoj igri. Za utvrđivanje povezanosti (relacija) između navedenih prostora primenjena je kanonička korelaciona analiza. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, utvrđeno je da su istraživani prostori međusobno povezani sa četiri para kanoničkih faktora, odnosno da situaciono-motoričke sposobnosti imaju visoku povezanost sa uspešnosti u fudbalskoj igri (Can R. = 0.71, u proseku). Pokazalo se da ispitanici koji postižu bolje rezultate u uspešnosti u fudbalskoj igri imaju bolje situaciono-motoričke sposobnosti kao i da je za uspešno izvođenje taktičko tehničkih elemenata kod fudbalera od velike važnosti mehanizam za strukturiranje kretanja. 