39 research outputs found

    Impact of physical activity on the quality of life of residents of a social welfare home

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    Introduction: Physical activity is the main factor in strengthening health in every phase of life and an important element in connection with the quality of life. When assessing the quality of life of older people it is necessary to take into account various aspects related to health and physical and psychological well-being as well as the indicators of social functioning. The aim of the work is to assess the impact of physical activity on the quality of life of social welfare home residents. Material and methods: The research was carried out with the help of two questionnaires used to assess the quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF, SF-36) and the IPAQ questionnaire thanks to which the physical fitness of patients was assessed. Results: Women are more likely to become more physically active. The somatic sphere has the most connection with physical activity. The subjects showing the sufficient physical activity are characterized by the highest scores on the psychological sense scale. Conclusions: Physical activity is one of the main factors determining the quality of life of older people

    The sense of coherence and the health behavior of students medical and non-medical universities

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    The article presents the sense of coherence in the perspective of health behaviors of students of medical and non-medical universities. The first part introduces the concepts of the sense of coherence and health-related behaviors. The sense of coherence was explored using the Life Orientation Questionnaire (SOC-29), and health behaviors with the Health Behavior Inventory (IZZ). The group taking part in the study consisted of 216 people - 90 students of medical universities and 126 students of non-medical universities. Research results indicate that there is a relationship between the sense of coherence and health behaviors in the study population. Students of medical and non-medical universities differ statistically significantly in terms of health behaviors. In terms of the sense of coherence, the difference is close to statistical significance, which does not make it possible to present unambiguous conclusions. It was noticed that there is a difference in the declared health behaviors due to gender and that there is a relationship between the frequency of physical activity and health behaviors.The article presents the sense of coherence in the perspective of health behaviors of students of medical and non-medical universities. The first part introduces the concepts of the sense of coherence and health-related behaviors. The sense of coherence was explored using the Life Orientation Questionnaire (SOC-29), and health behaviors with the Health Behavior Inventory (IZZ). The group taking part in the study consisted of 216 people - 90 students of medical universities and 126 students of non-medical universities. Research results indicate that there is a relationship between the sense of coherence and health behaviors in the study population. Students of medical and non-medical universities differ statistically significantly in terms of health behaviors. In terms of the sense of coherence, the difference is close to statistical significance, which does not make it possible to present unambiguous conclusions. It was noticed that there is a difference in the declared health behaviors due to gender and that there is a relationship between the frequency of physical activity and health behaviors

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of functional rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. May have individual and dynamic course, with symptoms of varying severity. It takes 4 forms: relapsing-remitting, primary progressive, secondary progressive and relapsing-chronic. Aim of the research: Evaluation of the effectiveness of functional rehabilitation in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. Material and methods: The research group consisted of 94 people (67 women and 27 men) aged 24-70 years, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Study participants went through a four-week process rehabilitation based on functional exercise. In research the survey method was used and the research technique was used proprietary questionnaire. Results: The research confirmed the improvement of physical fitness of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis due to the rehabilitation process. In total, 78.72% of the respondents described their physical condition as better or much better than before rehabilitation. Only a few – 3,19% – considered that rehabilitation did not improve the quality of life. The vast majority of respondents - 70.21% as a result of rehabilitation indicated an improvement in independence in everyday functioning. In 93,62% it influenced a better well-being. Conclusions: A correlation has been demonstrated between the performance of kinesiotherapeutic rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis and the improvement of their physical fitness. A significant difference was found in the degree of satisfaction with one’s own functional state before and after the rehabilitation process

    The impact of physical activity on the quality of life of uniformed services

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    Introduction: Public health covers almost all spheres of life that affect the well-being of the society.  However, the most important in this process is the personal lifestyle and the related physical activity, which significantly affects health and the sense of personal satisfaction. For representatives of uniformed services, physical fitness is an extremely important element of everyday professional work and directly affects the effectiveness of actions taken. Aim of the research: The aim of the research was to learn about health behaviors related to physical activity and a subjective assessment of life satisfaction of representatives of the uniformed services of the Army and Police. Material and methods: The survey was conducted among 87 representatives of the power ministries: 47 professional soldiers and 40 policemen.  For subjective assessment of physical fitness, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used. Based on the standardized WHO questionnaire assessing the quality of life (WHOQOL), the subjective level of quality and life satisfaction of representatives of uniformed services was examined. Results: The obtained data indicated that 67.82% of representatives of uniformed services assess their physical activity at the level of  sufficient, and 2.29% of respondents describe their quality of life as unsatisfactory. Representatives of uniformed services largely experience a sense of joy in their lives. Only 5.75% revealed that such a condition occurs in them little or no, and 52.5% of police officers and 40.43% of professional soldiers declared that physical activity was largely important in their lives.  83% of professional soldiers and 50% of policemen feel a very good sense of their own safety in everyday life. Conclusions: Soldiers most often engage in intense physical activity as part of their professional work, and also exercise more frequently in the open air.  Police officers show greater awareness of self-satisfaction, readiness to work, relationships with people, housing conditions, and material wealth. They are also most often involved in intense physical activity, which they undertake on average 4 times a week, both during the service and in their free time.  Sporadically chosen form of spending free time by policemen is: playing on the console, tablet, phone;however, they often use means of transport (car, bus, tram).  Wstęp: Zdrowie dostępne ze swoim zakresem niemalże wszystkich sfery życia, które mają wpływ na dobrostan społeczeństwa. Informacje w tym procesie automatycznej obsługi, która zawiera informacje dotyczące życia, treści i polityki prywatności. Dla pracy służbowej, praca fizyczna jest sposobem pracy, system pracy i pośrednie metody pracy. Celem badań nad badaniem postępów ożywia się ogladami walk o oraz okiem służbami obywatela służby. Badanie i metody: Badanie przeprowadzone przez 87 testów siłowych: 47 agentów i agentów. W celu subiektywnej oceny punktu serwisowego użyto w komunikacji nt. Kwestionariusza Aktywności Fizycznej IPAQ.Na standaryzowanej ankiety WHO oceniający jakość życia (Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia Jakości Życia (WHOQOL) zbadać nie subiektywną jakość i zadowolenia z życia służbowego służbowego. Wyniki : Wyniki wyszukiwania, że ​​służba 67,82% ruchu, oceniając swoją lokalną lokalizację, 2, 2 9% aktywna firma określa swoją jakość jako lokalizacja. Przedstawiciele służbowych służbowych usługowych w swoim zapewnieniu usługi poczucia radości w 5,75% ujawniło, że taki u nich prosi o to, aby nurkował, 52 nurów lub pracowników, 5% pracowników zatrudnionych i 40, 3% 3% pracowników zawodowych zamówionych, że aktywna aktywna aktywność. Bardzo dobrzeła informacja w kontekście serwisu dla osób zatrudnionych 3% osób i 50% osób personelu .Żołrze nadal intensywnie prowadzi działalność w zakresie kontroli, a także praktyki w zakresie mechaniki. Policjanci sprawdzli się na wysoki stosunek zatrudnienia dla siebie, ze swojej strony do pracy, z relacji z ludźmi, manipulacji mieszkaniowych, także z zasobów materialnych. Wzięliśmy udział w aktywnościach aktywnych. Sporad wybierany autobusem, oddziela wolnego czasu wolnego czasu: granie na odstępy czasu, odstępy czasowe od oddzielenia (, odstępy czasu).   &nbsp

    Assessment of the effectiveness of physiotherapy in children with cerebral palsy in the opinion of the parents

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    Many specialists have studied cerebral palsy. Currently, the most accurate definition is that proposed by Bax, who defines cerebral palsy as a disorder of posture and movement caused by damage to the brain.  The factors that predispose to the development of this disorder include: pre-contraceptive, prenatal, perinatal and postnatal. Symptoms indicating the possibility of cerebral palsy can be observed already in the neonatal period, therefore it is important to follow pediatric visits, and in case of alarming symptoms, consult a neurologist.  Early diagnosis of the disorder will allow the introduction of quick, individualized child physiotherapy, which may strengthen the child's psychomotor development. Aim of the research: to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in children with cerebral palsy in the opinion of the parents.  Material and methods: the proprietary questionnaire and two certified scales were used: Gross Motor Classification System to determine the degree of motor disorders and Manual Ability Classification System to check the degree of manual skills.  Results: 67% of parents support the high effectiveness of physiotherapy. Therapeutic sessions most often take place 3-5 times a week (51%); moreover, 97% of children perform rehabilitation exercises at home. Conclusions: Physiotherapy is an effective form of exercise therapy for children with cerebral palsy.  The most popular of the methods used in working with children is NDT-Bobath.  The desirability of early diagnosis of cerebral palsy is associated with the possibility of quick therapeutic sessions, which translates into benefits in psychomotor development and significantly improves the quality of life.Abstract Many specialists have studied cerebral palsy. Currently, the most accurate definition is that proposed by Bax, who defines cerebral palsy as a disorder of posture and movement caused by damage to the brain.  The factors that predispose to the development of this disorder include: pre-contraceptive, prenatal, perinatal and postnatal. Symptoms indicating the possibility of cerebral palsy can be observed already in the neonatal period, therefore it is important to follow pediatric visits, and in case of alarming symptoms, consult a neurologist.  Early diagnosis of the disorder will allow the introduction of quick, individualized child physiotherapy, which may strengthen the child's psychomotor development. Aim of the research: to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapy in children with cerebral palsy in the opinion of the parents.  Material and methods: the proprietary questionnaire and two certified scales were used: Gross Motor Classification System to determine the degree of motor disorders and Manual Ability Classification System to check the degree of manual skills.  Results: 67% of parents support the high effectiveness of physiotherapy. Therapeutic sessions most often take place 3-5 times a week (51%); moreover, 97% of children perform rehabilitation exercises at home. Conclusions: Physiotherapy is an effective form of exercise therapy for children with cerebral palsy.  The most popular of the methods used in working with children is NDT-Bobath.  The desirability of early diagnosis of cerebral palsy is associated with the possibility of quick therapeutic sessions, which translates into benefits in psychomotor development and significantly improves the quality of life

    Assessment of the effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of shoulder pain syndrome

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    Painful shoulder syndrome is a common condition of the musculoskeletal system in adults.  This disorder affects your ability to work, overall body function, sleep, and quality of life.  The treatment of shoulder syndrome is multifaceted and covers a broad spectrum of physiotherapy options. These include progressive strengthening exercises, laser therapy, electrotherapy and magnetotherapy. There are a number of treatments available that are reimbursed by the National Health Fund (NFZ). Aim of the research: The aim of the research was to assess the impact of rehabilitation on the treatment of shoulder pain syndrome. Material and methods: The method used in the study was a diagnostic survey. The research was supplemented with an author's questionnaire to compare demographic data and assess the quality of life.  The ranges of mobility were assessed before and after 10 series of treatments and the level of pain using the VAS scale.  The study involved 80 patients presenting with the diagnosis of painful shoulder syndrome, 60% of whom were women and 40% men. The most numerous age group was between 50-60 years old (31 people) and 30-40 years old (24 people).   Results: The treatment process was successful in patients.  Out of the studied population, 95% of patients experienced an improvement in their health compared to the baseline.  A significant reduction in pain was observed with the use of physiotherapeutic procedures.  The patients most favorably assessed massage, kinesiotherapy and cryotherapy. Conclusions: Conservative treatment reimbursed under the National Health Fund is an effective method of improving mobility and reducing to a large extent discomfort in the shoulder joint.Abstract Painful shoulder syndrome is a common condition of the musculoskeletal system in adults.  This disorder affects your ability to work, overall body function, sleep, and quality of life.  The treatment of shoulder syndrome is multifaceted and covers a broad spectrum of physiotherapy options. These include progressive strengthening exercises, laser therapy, electrotherapy and magnetotherapy. There are a number of treatments available that are reimbursed by the National Health Fund (NFZ). Aim of the research: The aim of the research was to assess the impact of rehabilitation on the treatment of shoulder pain syndrome. Material and methods: The method used in the study was a diagnostic survey. The research was supplemented with an author's questionnaire to compare demographic data and assess the quality of life.  The ranges of mobility were assessed before and after 10 series of treatments and the level of pain using the VAS scale.  The study involved 80 patients presenting with the diagnosis of painful shoulder syndrome, 60% of whom were women and 40% men. The most numerous age group was between 50-60 years old (31 people) and 30-40 years old (24 people).  Results: The treatment process was successful in patients.  Out of the studied population, 95% of patients experienced an improvement in their health compared to the baseline.  A significant reduction in pain was observed with the use of physiotherapeutic procedures.  The patients most favorably assessed massage, kinesiotherapy and cryotherapy. Conclusions: Conservative treatment reimbursed under the National Health Fund is an effective method of improving mobility and reducing to a large extent discomfort in the shoulder joint

    Mental resilience and professional burnout among teachers

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    The article attempts to present the relationship between psychological resilience and professional burnout of primary, secondary and university teachers. The first part introduces the issues of mental resilience and occupational burnout. The study used the Resilience Assessment Questionnaire (KOP-26) and the LBQ Questionnaire assessing the level of occupational burnout. The rest of the article presents the results of research in the area of ​​the relationship between mental resilience and its components (personal competences, family relations and social competences) and the burnout syndrome. The teachers showed significant differences in terms of the level of mental resilience and differed in the degree of occupational burnout. A strong correlation was found between mental resilience and teacher burnout. There was no higher degree of burnout among teachers at lower stages of education. University teachers were characterized by a slightly higher degree of occupational burnout. Moreover, it has been shown that family support has a significant relationship in reducing occupational burnout. The conclusions indicate the need to introduce the prevention of burnout among teachers through psychoeducation in the field of skills that make up individual elements of mental resilience and a separate deepening of research among teachers at each level of education.W artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia zależności między prężnością psychologiczną, a wypaleniem zawodowym nauczycieli szkół podstawowych, ponadpodstawowych oraz uczelni wyższych. W pierwszej części zostały przybliżone zagadnienia prężności psychicznej oraz wypalenia zawodowego. Do przeprowadzenia badania wykorzystano Kwestionariusz Oceny Prężności (KOP-26) i Kwestionariusz LBQ, który ocenia poziom wypalenia zawodowego.  Dalsza część artykułu przedstawia wyniki badań w obszarze zależności między prężnością psychiczną i jej składowymi (kompetencjami osobistymi, relacjami rodzinnymi oraz kompetencjami społecznymi) a syndromem wypalenia zawodowego. Nauczyciele  wykazali istotne różnice pod względem poziomu prężności psychicznej i  różnili się stopniem wypalenia zawodowego. Wykazano silną korelację pomiędzy prężnością psychiczną a wypaleniem zawodowym nauczycieli. Nie zauważono wyższego stopnia wypalenia zawodowego wśród nauczycieli niższych etapów nauczania.  Nauczyciele uczelni wyższych charakteryzowali się minimalnie wyższym stopniem wypalenia zawodowego. Ponadto wykazano, że wsparcie rodziny ma znaczący związek w niwelowaniu wypalenia zawodowego. We wnioskach wskazano potrzebę wprowadzenia profilaktyki wypalenia zawodowego wśród nauczycieli poprzez psychoedukację w zakresie umiejętności składających się na poszczególne elementy prężności psychicznej oraz pogłębienie badań wśród konkretnej grupy nauczycieli

    Personality factors and style of coping with stress in women and men

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    This article presents personality factors juxtaposed with coping styles among men and women aged 18 to 71 years. The first section describes the concept of personality, its components, and the definition of stress and coping styles. Personality traits were examined using the NEO-FFI Personality Inventory and coping styles were examined using the Coping with Stress Questionnaire (CISS). The study was conducted in a sample of 175 men and women, and data were collected using online methods. There was a positive correlation between task-focused style and extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. In contrast, between the emotion-focused style a very strong positive correlation was shown only with neuroticism. There are low or statistically insignificant correlations between avoidance-focused style and personality factors.

    Physical activity and well-being of students of faculties medical and non-medical services during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Physical activity has a positive effect on the human body, well-being and mental health. This is confirmed by the results of studies which show that regular physical exercise has a beneficial effect not only on the cardiovascular, muscular and nervous systems, as well as on mental well-being. The Covid-19 pandemic, which affected society as a whole, changed our lives. The pandemic has a social and economic scope, increasing the number of stressful situations that affect well-being. Aim of the research: The aim of the undertaken research was to check the level of physical activity and well-being of medical and non-medical students during the pandemic. Material and methods: The research used the method of diagnostic survey, with the use of the proprietary questionnaire and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) as well as a 36-point Health Survey were used.  The research group consisted of students of medical and non-medical faculties.  Results: The research confirmed a decrease in physical activity and a change in well-being in students of both faculties. The vast majority of students (80%) noticed a change in well-being during the pandemic. Half of the respondents (50%) undertake physical activity to improve their well-being, and over 60% of the students declared that physical activity helps them maintain their well-being during the pandemic. Conclusions: The results of the conducted research indicate a negative impact of the pandemic on the physical activity and well-being of the respondents.  There was a strong correlation between physical activity and the well-being of research participants. The greatest decrease in physical activity was observed in medical students (52.08%).  On the other hand, students of non-medical faculties (54.17%) showed a lower level of well-being, and higher medical students (45.83%).  It is advisable to take preventive measures through active physical activity in order to eliminate the negative effects of the pandemic.Physical activity has a positive effect on the human body, well-being and mental health. This is confirmed by the results of studies which show that regular physical exercise has a beneficial effect not only on the cardiovascular, muscular and nervous systems, as well as on mental well-being. The Covid-19 pandemic, which affected society as a whole, changed our lives. The pandemic has a social and economic scope, increasing the number of stressful situations that affect well-being. Aim of the research: The aim of the undertaken research was to check the level of physical activity and well-being of medical and non-medical students during the pandemic. Material and methods: The research used the method of diagnostic survey, with the use of the proprietary questionnaire and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) as well as a 36-point Health Survey were used.  The research group consisted of students of medical and non-medical faculties.  Results: The research confirmed a decrease in physical activity and a change in well-being in students of both faculties. The vast majority of students (80%) noticed a change in well-being during the pandemic. Half of the respondents (50%) undertake physical activity to improve their well-being, and over 60% of the students declared that physical activity helps them maintain their well-being during the pandemic. Conclusions: The results of the conducted research indicate a negative impact of the pandemic on the physical activity and well-being of the respondents.  There was a strong correlation between physical activity and the well-being of research participants. The greatest decrease in physical activity was observed in medical students (52.08%).  On the other hand, students of non-medical faculties (54.17%) showed a lower level of well-being, and higher medical students (45.83%).  It is advisable to take preventive measures through active physical activity in order to eliminate the negative effects of the pandemic


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    The article relates to a sense of coherence and styles of coping with stress in a group of students of medical and non-medical universities. In the first part, a brief characteristics of the specifics of studies and future student work from both types of universities were presented. The issue of a sense of coherence and coping with stress in research was approximated closer. The study used a life orientation questionnaire (SOC-29) examining the sense of coherence and a questionnaire of coping in stressful situations (CISS). The level of a sense of coherence and strategies to deal with stress from students from medical and non-medical universities were compared. With the use of SOC-29 and CISS questionnaires, a group of 145 people were examined. Among the respondents there were 72 students from medical universities and 73 students from non-medical universities. In a group of students from medical universities, it has been shown that the level of sense of coherence is significantly different from the level of sense of coherence of non-medical students. The style focused on emotions was most often used in both student groups. There is a relationship between a style focused on emotions and a sense of coherence. In the study groups, no relationship was shown between the style concentrated on avoidance and the sense of coherence. The level of sense of coherence of students from medical universities is significantly different from the level of sense of coherence of students from non-medical universities. Students from both universities most often use the style concentrated on emotions, less often task style. The style focused on emotions correlates at a high level with a sense of coherence. The style focused on avoidance does not correlate with a sense of coherence. A relationship between an emotional style of coping with stress and a low sense of coherence is visible