6 research outputs found

    Fimbriae reprogram host gene expression – Divergent effects of P and type 1 fimbriae

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    Pathogens rely on a complex virulence gene repertoire to successfully attack their hosts. We were therefore surprised to find that a single fimbrial gene reconstitution can return the virulence-attenuated commensal strain Escherichia coli 83972 to virulence, defined by a disease phenotype in human hosts. E. coli 83972pap stably reprogrammed host gene expression, by activating an acute pyelonephritis-associated, IRF7-dependent gene network. The PapG protein was internalized by human kidney cells and served as a transcriptional agonist of IRF-7, IFN-β and MYC, suggesting direct involvement of the fimbrial adhesin in this process. IRF-7 was further identified as a potent upstream regulator (-log (p-value) = 61), consistent with the effects in inoculated patients. In contrast, E. coli 83972fim transiently attenuated overall gene expression in human hosts, enhancing the effects of E. coli 83972. The inhibition of RNA processing and ribosomal assembly indicated a homeostatic rather than a pathogenic end-point. In parallel, the expression of specific ion channels and neuropeptide gene networks was transiently enhanced, in a FimH-dependent manner. The studies were performed to establish protective asymptomatic bacteriuria in human hosts and the reconstituted E. coli 83972 variants were developed to improve bacterial fitness for the human urinary tract. Unexpectedly, P fimbriae were able to drive a disease response, suggesting that like oncogene addiction in cancer, pathogens may be addicted to single super-virulence factors

    Host Imprints on Bacterial Genomes—Rapid, Divergent Evolution in Individual Patients

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    Bacteria lose or gain genetic material and through selection, new variants become fixed in the population. Here we provide the first, genome-wide example of a single bacterial strain's evolution in different deliberately colonized patients and the surprising insight that hosts appear to personalize their microflora. By first obtaining the complete genome sequence of the prototype asymptomatic bacteriuria strain E. coli 83972 and then resequencing its descendants after therapeutic bladder colonization of different patients, we identified 34 mutations, which affected metabolic and virulence-related genes. Further transcriptome and proteome analysis proved that these genome changes altered bacterial gene expression resulting in unique adaptation patterns in each patient. Our results provide evidence that, in addition to stochastic events, adaptive bacterial evolution is driven by individual host environments. Ongoing loss of gene function supports the hypothesis that evolution towards commensalism rather than virulence is favored during asymptomatic bladder colonization

    Über die Bedeutung der bakteriellen Genomplastizität für die Adaptation und Evolution asymptomatischer Bakteriurie (ABU) Escherichia coli Isolate

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    Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) represents the long term bacterial colonization of the urinary tract, frequently caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), without typical symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI). To investigate characteristics of ABU E. coli isolates in more detail, the geno- and phenotypes of eleven ABU isolates have been compared. Moreover, consecutive in vivo re-isolates of the model ABU strain 83972 were characterized with regard to transcriptomic, proteomic and genomic alterations upon long term in vivo persistence in the human bladder. Finally, the effect of the human host on bacterial adaptation/evolution was assessed by comparison of in vitro and in vivo-propagated strain 83972. ABU isolates represent a heterologous group of organisms. The comparative analysis of different ABU isolates elucidated the remarkable genetic and phenotypic flexibility of E. coli isolates. These isolates could be allocated to all four major E. coli phylogenetic lineages as well as to different clonal groups. Accordingly, they differed markedly in genome content, i.e., the genome size as well as the presence of typical UPEC virulence-associated genes. Multi locus sequence typing suggested that certain ABU strains evolved from UPEC variants that are able to cause symptomatic UTI by genome reduction. Consequently, the high E. coli genome plasticity does not allow a generalized view on geno- and phenotypes of individual isolates within a clone. Reductive evolution by point mutations, DNA rearrangements and deletions resulted in inactivation of genes coding for several UPEC virulence factors, thus supporting the idea that a reduced bacterial activation of host mucosal inflammation promotes the ABU lifestyle of these E. coli isolates. Gene regulation and genetic diversity are strategies which enable bacteria to live and survive under continuously changing environmental conditions. To study adaptational changes upon long term growth in the bladder, consecutive re-isolates of model ABU strain 83972 derived from a human colonisation study and from an in vitro long term cultivation experiment were analysed with regard to transcriptional changes and genome rearrangements. In this context, it could be demonstrated that E. coli, when exposed to different host backgrounds, is able to adapt its metabolic networks resulting in an individual bacterial colonisation strategy. Transcriptome and proteome analyses demonstrated distinct metabolic strategies of nutrients acquisition and energy production of tested in vivo re-isolates of strain 83972 that enabled them to colonise their host. Utilisation of D-serine, deoxy- and ribonucleosides, pentose and glucuronate interconversions were main up-regulated pathways providing in vivo re-isolates with extra energy for efficient growth in the urinary bladder. Moreover, this study explored bacterial response networks to host defence mechanisms: The class III alcohol dehydrogenase AdhC, already proven to be involved in nitric oxide detoxification in pathogens like Haemophilus influenzae, was shown for the first time to be employed in defending E. coli against the host response during asymptomatic bacteriuria. Consecutive in vivo and in vitro re-isolates of strain 83972 were also analysed regarding their genome structure. Several changes in the genome structure of consecutive re-isolates derived from the human colonisation study implied the importance of bacterial interactions with the host during bacterial microevolution. In contrast, the genome structure of re-isolates from the in vitro long term cultivation experiment, where strain 83972 has been propagated without host contact, was not affected. This suggests that exposure to the immune response promotes genome plasticity thus being a driving force for the development of the ABU lifestyle and evolution within the urinary tract.Asymptomatische Bakteriurie (ABU) stellt eine bakterielle Infektion der Harnblase über einen langen Zeitraum dar, die häufig von Escherichia coli hervorgerufen wird, ohne dass typische Symptome einer Harnwegsinfektion auftreten. Um die Charakteristika von ABU E. coli Isolaten genauer zu untersuchen, wurden die Geno- und Phänotypen von 11 ABU-Isolaten verglichen. Außerdem wurden in mehreren aufeinanderfolgenden in vivo-Reisolaten des Modell-ABU Stammes 83972 die Veränderungen im Transkriptom, Proteom und Genom während einer langfristigen Persistenz in der menschlichen Blase charakterisiert. Schließlich wurde der Effekt des menschlichen Wirtes auf die bakterielle Adaptation durch einen Vergleich von in vitro- mit in vivo-kultivierten Stämmen abgeschätzt. ABU-Isolate stellt eine heterogene Gruppe von Organismen dar. Diese können den vier phylogenetischen Hauptgruppen von E. coli sowie unterschiedlichen klonalen Gruppen zugeordnet werden. Dementsprechend unterscheiden sie sich erheblich bezüglich der Zusammensetzung des Genomes, der Genomgröße und auch der Ausstattung mit UPEC-typischen Virulenz-assoziierten Genen. Multi-Lokus-Sequenz-Typisierung legt nahe, dass bestimmte ABU Stämme sich durch Genomreduktion aus UPEC Stämmen entwickelt haben, die eine Harnwegsinfektion mit charakteristischen Symptomen auslösen konnten. Folglich erlaubt die hohe Genomplastizität von E. coli keine generalisierte Betrachtung einzelner Isolate eines Klons. Genomreduktion über Punktmutationen, Genom-Reorganisation und Deletionen resultierte in der Inaktivierung einiger Gene, die für einige UPEC Virulenz-Faktoren kodieren. Dies stützt die Vorstellung, dass eine verminderte bakterielle Aktivierung der Entzündung der Wirtsschleimhaut den Lebensstil von ABU (bei diesen E. coli-)Isolaten fördert. Genregulation und genetische Diversität sind Strategien, die es Bakterien ermöglichen unter sich fortlaufend ändernden Bedingungen zu leben bzw. zu überleben. Um die anpassungsbedingten Veränderungen bei einem langfristigen Wachstum in der Blase zu untersuchen, wurden aufeinanderfolgende Reisolate, denen eine langfristige in vivo-Kolonisierung im menschlichen Wirt beziehungsweise eine in vitro-Kultivierung vorausgegangen ist, im Hinblick auf Veränderungen Genexpression und Genomorganisation analysiert. In diesem Zusammenhang konnte gezeigt werden, dass E. coli in der Lage ist, seine metabolischen Netzwerke verschiedenen Wachstumsbedingungen anzupassen und individuelle bakterielle Kolonisierungsstrategien entwickeln kann. Transkriptom- und Proteom-Analysen zeigten verschiedene metabolische Strategien zur Nährstoffbeschaffung und Energieproduktion bei untersuchten in vivo-Reisolaten vom Stamm 83972, die es ihnen ermöglichen, den Wirt zu kolonisieren. Das Zurückgreifen auf D-Serin, Deoxy- und Ribonucleoside sowie die bidirektionale Umwandlung zwischen Pentose und Glucuronat waren hoch-regulierte Stoffwechselwege, die die in vivo-Reisolate mit zusätzlicher Energie für ein effizientes Wachstum in der Blase versorgen. Zudem wurden in dieser Studie die Netzwerke für eine Reaktion auf Abwehrmechanismen des Wirtes erforscht: Erstmals wurde hier die Rolle der Klasse-III-Alkoholdehydrogenase AdhC, bekannt durch ihre Bedeutung bei der Entgiftung von Stickstoffmonoxid, bei der Wirtsantwort während einer asymptomatischen Bakteriurie gezeigt. Aufeinanderfolgende in vivo- und in vitro-Reisolate vom Stamm 83972 wurden ebenfalls bezüglich ihrer Genomstruktur analysiert. Einige Veränderungen in der Genomstruktur der aufeinanderfolgenden Reisolate, die von einer humanen Kolonisierungsstudie stammen, implizieren die Bedeutung einer Interaktion der Bakterien mit dem Wirt bei der Mikroevolution der Bakterien. Dagegen war die Genomstruktur von Reisolaten eines langfristigen in vitro-Kultivierungsexperiments, bei dem sich der Stamm 83972 ohne Wirtskontakt vermehrt hat, nicht von Veränderungen betroffen. Das legt nahe, dass die Immunantwort eine Genomplastizität fördert und somit eine treibende Kraft für den ABU Lebensstil und die Evolution im Harnwegstrakt ist

    Molecular Basis of Commensalism in the Urinary Tract: Low Virulence or Virulence Attenuation?▿ †

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    In some patients, Escherichia coli strains establish significant bacteriuria without causing symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI). These asymptomatic-bacteriuria (ABU) strains have been shown to express fewer virulence factors than the uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) strains that cause severe, symptomatic UTI. Paradoxically, ABU strains carry many typical UPEC virulence genes, and the molecular basis of their low virulence therefore remains unclear. This study examined whether ABU strains might evolve from UPEC by genome loss and virulence gene attenuation. The presence of conserved E. coli K-12 genes was examined using an E. coli K-12 strain MG1655-specific DNA array and the distribution of UPEC virulence-related genes was examined with the E. coli pathoarray. Two groups of strains could be distinguished. Several ABU strains were shown by multilocus sequence typing and by comparative genomic analyses to be related to UPEC but to have smaller genome sizes. There were significant alterations in essential virulence genes, including reductive evolution by point mutations, DNA rearrangements, and deletions. Other strains were unrelated to UPEC and lacked most of the virulence-associated genes. The results suggest that some ABU strains arise from virulent strains by attenuation of virulence genes while others are nonvirulent and resemble commensal strains. We propose that virulence attenuation might constitute a general mechanism for mucosal pathogens to evolve toward commensalism

    Rare emergence of symptoms during long-term asymptomatic E. coli 83972 carriage, without altered virulence factor repertoire.

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    Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU), established by intravesical inoculation of E.coli 83972, is protective in patients with recurrent UTI. In an RCT cross-over study, two patients developed three symptomatic UTI episodes while carrying E.coli 83972. This study examined if a reacquisition of virulence by symptom isolates may account for the switch from ABU to symptomatic UTI