35 research outputs found

    Raspberry pomace alters cecal microbial activity and reduces secondary bile acids in rats fed a high-fat diet

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    The profile of bile acids (BA) largely depends on the enzymatic activity of the microbiota, but this can be modulated by the dietary addition of biologically active compounds, e.g., polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of dietary raspberry pomace as a rich source of biologically active compounds on microbial activity and the BA profile in the caecum of rats fed a high-fat diet. Wistar rats were fed the standard diet AIN-93, a high-fat diet or a modified high-fat diet enriched with 7% different types of processed raspberry pomaces produced by standard grinding and fine grinding, with or without seeds. Rats fed the high-fat diet for eight weeks showed some disorders in liver function and cecal BA, as manifested by an increased concentration of cholesterol, total BA in the liver and cholic, deoxycholic, and β-muricholic acids in the cecal digesta. In general, irrespective of the type of raspberry pomace, these dietary preparations decreased liver cholesterol, hepatic fibroblast growth factor receptor 4, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha, cecal ammonia and favorable changed BA profile in the cecum. However, among all dietary pomaces, the finely ground preparation containing seeds had the greatest beneficial effect on the caecum by modulating bacterial activity and reducing the levels of secondary BA

    Supported employment as a way of helping person s with disabilities become active in the labour market

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest tematyce aktywizacji zawodowej osób i niepełnosprawnością, wykluczanych z rynku pracy. Możliwości podjęcia zatrudnienia przez osoby niepełnosprawne są bardzo ograniczone, a tymczasem aktywność zawodowa może przynieść korzyści ekonomiczno-społeczne dla osoby z niepełnosprawnością, jak i dla społeczeństwa. Jedną z możliwości pomocy osobom niepełnosprawnym w znalezieniu pracy jest model zatrudnienia wspomaganego, który scharakteryzowano w artykule. Jednocześnie omówiono koncepcję zatrudnienia dostosowanego do potrzeb, strategię planowania kariery zawodowej, a także funkcje trenera pracy.This article discusses making persons with disabilities active in the labour market, from which they are excluded. Employment opportunities for such persons are still limited while their occupational activity can undoubtedly bring both economic and social benefits to both them and the society. Supported employment is one way to help persons with disabilities in finding a job. The article also discusses the concept of employment adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities, career planning strategies and the role of a job coach

    Effect of repeated low doses of GnRH on follicular development and ovulation in anovulatory dairy cows with follicle growth to emergence size

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of repeated low doses of GnRH agonist buserelin once a day for 5 days on follicle development and ovulation in anovulatory dairy cows with follicles growth only to emergence. The study was conducted on 71 anovulatory Polish Holstein Friesian cows. Anovulation with growth of follicles to emergence was defined as small ovaries with follicles of ≤ 5 mm in diameter and without corpus luteum on two examinations in a 7-10 day interval between 50-60 days after parturition. Cows were allocated to one of two group. Cows from group 1 (n = 58) received 0.4 μg of buserelin (Receptal, MSD, Poland) i.m. once a day for 5 days. Control cows from group 2 (n = 13) received saline. Ovarian structures were monitored weekly after the end of treatment by ultrasound for 4 weeks. The diameter of ovarian follicles on the ovaries was measured and recorded. Occurrence of ovulation was determined by the presence of corpus luteum. Overall, ovulation occurred in 46.6% (27/58) of cows treated with repeated doses of GnRH, while no corpus luteum was observed in the control group during the study period. There were significantly (p<0.05) more follicles 6-9 mm in diameter and 10-20 mm in diameter in cows treated with GnRH than in control cows. In conclusion, repeated low doses of GnRH analogue buserelin once a day for 5 days stimulate the development of ovarian follicles in anovulatory dairy cows with small ovarian follicles and led to ovulation in 46.6% of cows during 4 weeks after the end of the treatment

    Effect of repeated low doses of GnRH analogue (buserelin) on fertility performance of dairy cows with anovulation type I

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the fertility response of dairy cows with anovulation type I on repeated low doses of GnRH agonist buserelin. The study was conducted on 83 anovulatory and 60 cyclic Polish Holstein Friesian cows. Anovulation type I was defined as small ovaries with follicles of ≤ 5 mm in diameter and without corpus luteum on two examinations in a 7-10 day interval between 50–60 days after parturition. Cows from the experimental group (n=58) received 0.4 μg of buserelin i.m. once a day for 5 consecutive days. Cows from the negative control group (n = 25) received saline. Sixty cyclic cows receiving no treatment served as positive controls. Intervals from calving to estrus and from calving to conception, pregnancy rate 30-35 days and 260 days after AI, and pregnancy loss were calculated. The anovulatory cows had a substantially prolonged calving to conception interval, decreased pregnancy rate and increased pregnancy loss and culling rate compared to cyclic herd mates. The average calving to conception interval was significantly (p<0.05) shorter in treated cows compared to non-treated anovulatory cows (153.7 days vs 209.3 days). In conclusion, repeated low doses of GnRH analogue buserelin led to a significant shortening of calving to conception interval. More clinical trials are needed to determine the practical usefulness of this method for the treatment of anovulation type I in dairy cows