44 research outputs found


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    In order to be more successful and achieve higher profits, supermarket chains have recognized and used the possibility of creating their own brands. Creating private labels, modeled after manufacturerā€™s products, enables differentiation from competitors, market competition, sales growth by accumulating new buyers and gaining their loyalty. In recent years, the trend of private label consumption in the Republic of Croatia has grown and positive perception has been created. Apart from lower price, which has been the most significant advantage, buyersā€™ perception has lately been focused on the benefit with regard to their investment. As the private label is bought by various consumer categories, this paper focuses on the segment of students. The aim of this paper is to research how a place of study in relation to the place of residence of students has an impact on the perception of private labels. The primary research was conducted on two groups, namely students studying outside their place of residence and students studying in their place of residence aged from 18 to 26. Furthermore, the study analyzes studentsā€™ shopping habits, the influence of other individuals on students in the final decision on buying as well as preferences of the respondents to a particular private label


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    Many countries in the world, including Croatia, are facing crises in their economies. There are numerous reasons for this situation, and problems of the business market present one of them. Nevertheless, successful business relationships are what keeps the market alive. Those relationships, namely buyer-seller relationships, are creating and influencing the market and economy on the whole. However, Croatia is living in the age of neoliberalism. As a dominant ideology of todayĀ“s world, it influences how companies behave on the market. On the one hand, it suggests competition as the best solution for existence. On the other hand, the interaction approach, teaches us to change our perspective and to cooperate on the market. In order to benefit the most, the aim of this paper was to review and compare these two approaches, to highlight their features and main differences, and to support them with empirical evidence. The cases of three Croatian companies show the reality of todayĀ“s market and an urgent need for a new business theory and practice


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    In today\u27s global market, a major challenge for every economic entity is to be competitive and achieve its objectives. The method of survival shows that those companies with the lowest costs will survive and remain on the market. G. J. Stigler explained this technique on the market share of different sized companies in the steel industry in the United States. In his method he groups enterprises by size (small, medium and large). Historically, it is known that economic entities have been joining together since the Middle Ages. At that time, traders who formed associations were not engaged only in trade, but also in transportation and monetary activity. Economic entities are still joining together today, mostly in the form of a cooperative, cluster, cooperation, public private partnership or holding. The reason for that lies in the reduction of costs, risks and competition and the possibility of increasing the capacity of economic entities. Also, it should be noted that there is a synergy effect when economic entities join together. We are witnesses of many failed businesses, which did not respond to the economic crisis and the needs of the market.The aim of this paper is to try to connect the technique of survival and joining of economic entities and show how a merger is one of the survival models that in conditions of economic crisis provides options to business entities. Only companies with the lowest costs and high-quality technology can survive and compete in today\u27s market

    Aktualna kretanja na europskom i svjetskom tržiŔtu stoke

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    Iznenadna pojava kravljeg encefalitisa u Velikoj Britaniji moze dovesti do nepredvidljivih poremećaja na do sada izrazito stabilnom europskom tržiÅ”tu stoke i mesa. Velika Britanija je donedavno uz Francusku i Njemačku zauzimala vrlo značajno mjesto na europskoj ljestvici izvoznika živih goveda. Buduci da su ove tri zemlje, uz Sjedinjene Američke Države, i najveći svjetski izvoznici goveda, realno su moguće i neke gospodarske i političke implikacije poremećaja prouzrokovanih pojavom kravljeg encefalitisa

    The Role and Significance of EU Funds for the Republic of Croatia

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    Republika Hrvatska je 18. lipnja 2004. godine dobila službeni status države kandidatkinje za članstvo u Europskoj uniji. Time su joj na koriÅ”tenje dani pretpristupni fondovi za pomoć prilagodbi europskim zakonima i propisima. Sam čin ulaska u zajednicu za Hrvatsku predstavlja velike promjene u dosadaÅ”njem načinu života i rada. Stoga je u radu anketirano 106 ispitanika kako bi se analizirala upoznatost ljudi s tematikom projektnog menadžmenta te EU fondova i mogućnostima koje se nude putem njih. Međutim, problemi koji se trenutno javljaju u Hrvatskoj proizlaze iz visoke nezaposlenosti, česte fluktuacije i nedostatka stručnog kadra, nedovoljne informiranosti i iskustva te straha od rizika i neuspjeÅ”nosti projekata.. Kao posljedica tome javlja se nespremnost potpunog koriÅ”tenja novčanih sredstava iz fondova. Iako će Republici Hrvatskoj nakon ulaska u Europsku uniju na raspolaganju biti i Strukturni te kohezijski fondovi te brojne mogućnosti dobivanja sredstava za izgradnju cestovnih, željezničkih i plovnih putova, razvoj druÅ”tva, izobrazbu nezaposlenih i stvaranje novih radnih mjesta, razmjenu mladih, promoviranje raznolikosti, zaÅ”titu prirode i pronalaženje novih izvora energije, prijeko je potrebno imati dobro informirane i obučene ljude koji znaju napisati dobar projekt te ga i provesti u skladu s europskim procedurama. S obzirom na navedeno, neophodno je i od iznimne važnosti ulaganje u edukaciju kako Å”ire javnosti, tako i potencijalnih budućih stručnjaka, od strane vlade i javnih institucija.The Republic of Croatia was granted the official candidate country status for the membership in the European Union on 18 June 2004. Thus it gained the opportunity to use pre-accession funds aimed at helping the candidates to bring their institutions and standards in line with the EU legislation. Nevertheless, full EU membership will bring further major changes. The paper presents a survey conducted on 106 respondents, which intended to establish how familiar people are with the topic of project management, EU funds and possibilities afforded by those funds. The problems currently noticeable in Croatia arise from high unemployment, lack of highly skilled personnel and their high turnover, low level of information and experience, coupled with risk aversion and fear of project failure. The consequence is less than full preparedness for taking advantage of all the available funding. Following full EU membership Croatia will gain access to the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund which provide numerous opportunities for financing of infrastructural projects such as roads, railways and waterways, social development, retraining for the unemployed and creating new jobs, youth mobility, promoting diversity, environment protection and alternative energy sources. This requires a fair number of well-informed and trained people, capable of writing a good project and of implementing it in line with EU procedures. It is therefore imperative for the government and public institutions to invest into training of both the general public and potential future experts

    Introducing the interaction approach for successful business relationships

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    Many countries in the world, including Croatia, are facing crises in their economies. There are numerous reasons for this situation, and problems of the business market present one of them. Nevertheless, successful business relationships are what keeps the market alive. Those relationships, namely buyer-seller relationships, are creating and influencing the market and economy on the whole. However, Croatia is living in the age of neoliberalism. As a dominant ideology of todayĀ“s world, it influences how companies behave on the market. On the one hand, it suggests competition as the best solution for existence. On the other hand, the interaction approach, teaches us to change our perspective and to cooperate on the market. In order to benefit the most, the aim of this paper was to review and compare these two approaches, to highlight their features and main differences, and to support them with empirical evidence. The cases of three Croatian companies show the reality of todayĀ“s market and an urgent need for a new business theory and practice

    Market values of pig carcasses that differ in muscular tissue portions

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    TržiÅ”te svinjskog mesa u nas zahtjevno je s obzirom na udio miÅ”ićnog tkiva u polovicama. U R. Hrvatskoj najbrojnije pasmine svinja su Å”vedski landras (Å L) i veliki jorkÅ”ir (VJ), koje se koriste za proizvodnju F1 križanki i zatim se oplođuju s nerastima izuzetno mesnatih pasmina. U radu se istražuje tržiÅ”na vrijednost svinjskih polovica podrijetlom od trostrukih križanaca gdje se kao terminalna pasmina nerasta koristio pietren (P) u prvoj skupini, odnosno njemački landras (NJL) u drugoj skupini. Mesnatost svinjskih polovica procijenjena je metodom ā€ždvije točkeā€œ prema Pravilniku (1999., 2001.). Svinjske polovice razvrstane su prema udjelu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trgovačke klase (S)EURO, pri čemu je učestalost navedenih klasa u 1. skupini bila S 42,37%, E 55,93%, U 1,69%, a u 2. skupini distribucija polovica prema navedenim klasama bila je: E 54,17%, U 33,33%, R 12,50%. Razvrstavanje svinjskih polovica u trgovačke klase pokazalo je da postoji značajna razlika u njihovoj tržiÅ”noj vrijednosti s obzirom na istraživane genotipove svinja. Izračun cijene koÅ”tanja svinjskih polovica, uzimajući u obzir udjele miÅ”ićnog tkiva u njima i cijene svinjskog mesa na domaćem tržiÅ”tu, pokazao je da izbor nerasta kao terminalne pasmine može biti posebno značajan. Uz cijenu koÅ”tanja od 32,73 kn/kg (4,42 ā‚¬/kg) miÅ”ićnog tkiva, svinjske polovice genotipa (VJxÅ L)xP na tržiÅ”tu ostvaruju povoljniji financijski učinak od svinjskih polovica genotipa (VJxÅ L)xNJL. Iz navedenog proizlazi da je potrebito formiranje cijene koÅ”tanja svinjskih polovica prema udjelu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u njima, jer taj pokazatelj determinira tržiÅ”nu vrijednost svinjskih polovica i utječe na njihov plasman, a uzgajivače svinja potiče na selekcijski rad prema postavljenim zahtjevima tržiÅ”ta.Market of pig meat is quite demanding when it comes to issues of muscle tissue in pig carcasses. The most numerous pig breeds in the Republic of Croatia are Swedish Landrace (SL) and Large White (LW), crossed together to produce F1 females, which are then further crossed with males of meaty breeds. This study investigates market value of pig carcasses originating from three-way crossbreeds, out of which the first group was crossed in the terminal sire line with Pietrain (P) and the second one with German Landrace (GL). In order to evaluate meatiness of pig carcasses, the two-point method was applied in accordance with the Croatian regulations (Pravilnik, 1999, 2001). With respect to portions of muscle tissue, carcasses were classified into (S)EURO commercial classes, distributed in the 1st group as S 42.37%, E 55.93%, U 1.69%, and in the 2nd group as E 54.17%, U 33.33% and R 12.50%. Commercial classification of pig carcasses showed that there was a considerable difference in their market value if considering the investigated pig genotypes. Calculation of carcass price, with respect to portions of muscle tissue in carcass, as well as pig meat price on domestic market, proved that the correct choice of sire line in crossbreeds plays an important role. If muscle tissue priced 32.73 HRK/kg (4.42 ā‚¬/kg) of right carcasses of (LWxSL)xP genotype have better financial results than those of (LWxSL)xGL genotype. It is concluded that pricing is fattened pigs with respect to muscle tissue portion is to be considered the correct procedure, as the muscle tissue portion is an indicator, which determines market value of pig carcasses and affects their marketing. Furthermore, it also encourages farmers to produce pigs selectively, conforming to set market requirements


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    Jedinstven okus suhomesnatih proizvoda, kvaliteta i posebna aroma koja ih obilježava samo su neka od svojstava koja privlače velik broj ljudi različite kupovne moći. Za potrebe istraživanja provedena je anketa na području Osječko ā€“ baranjske županije o preferencijama potroÅ”ača suhomesnatih proizvoda. Unatoč visokim cijenama suhomesnatih proizvoda, čak 95% od ukupnoga broja ispitanika konzumira suhomesnate proizvode. NajviÅ”e njih (50%) odlučuje se isključivo na kupovinu tih proizvoda u specijaliziranim trgovinama, dok 35% njih proizvode sami i kupuju iste, a svega 15% konzumira proizvode samo iz kućne radinosti. Podaci govore kako velik broj ljudi konzumira sve suhomesnate proizvode isključivo kupnjom u različitim trgovinama (50%), gdje najviÅ”e pozornosti jednako pridaju cijeni i kvaliteti kupljenoga proizvoda (75%). PotroÅ”ačima je, također, vrlo bitna i marka proizvoda, tj. proizvođač (68%), uz pravovaljanu deklaraciju i obavezni pregled nadležne inspekcije. 62% osoba iskazalo je povjerenje u higijensko ā€“ toksikoloÅ”ku ispravnost suhomesnatih proizvoda. Ispitanici najrađe konzumiraju sve suhomesnate proizvode (40%), najviÅ”e ih potom konzumira kobasicu (22%), Å”unku (20%), kulen (10%), slaninu (5%) te čvarke (3%). Podaci nam govore kako velik broj ljudi ne pozna dovoljno ponudu na tržiÅ”tu i/ili nisu upoznati s razlikom između industrijskih i pravih domaćih proizvoda.Exceptional taste of smoke-dried meat products; its quality and special flavour that marks they are characterized with attracted to many people of various purchasing power. For the purpose of resarch; a survey on consumption of smoke-dried meats was carried out among inhabitants of the Osijek-Baranya County. Despite high prices of smoke-dried meat products even 95% of examinees consume the same products. Most of them (50%) exclusively buying smoke-dried meat products in specialized stores; while 35% of them produce and buy the same ones whereas only 15% consume home made products. Data shows that large number of people consume all smoke-dried meat products buying them exclusively from different stores (50%); where most attention is devoted to price and quality (75%). The brand is also essential to consumers (68%); along with the valid declaration and inevitable examination by authorized inspection. 62% of persons expressed trust in sanitary-toxic validity of smoke-dried meat products. Among examinees; all smoke-dried meats are most preferred (40%) followed by sausage (22%); ham (20%); kulen sausage (10%); bacon (5%) and scraps (3%). The result show that large number of people do not know a real offer on the market and/or are not informed on difference between industrial and real domestic products


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    In the modern market economy, the system of organic agriculture, especially the system of organic food production, becomes more and more important factor of nationaland international economic system development. The importance of organic food marketing is conditioned by the fact that it enables producers for better understanding of customersā€™ needs, serving the purpose of better meeting their needs and it also enables consumers to realise better organic products supply. Defining the main feature of organic agricultureand its importance is the starting point for conceptual establishment of organic agriculture. In the organic food products supply of Eastern Croatia mostly represented are cereals (wheat and corn), oilseeds (soybeans and sunflower seeds), vegetables, fruits and various different food products. The primary organic food production has a lower price than the conventional one due to lower investments, which on the other side results in lower yields. The market price of organic food is higher then the conventional one and the reason for that are insufficiently organised distribution subjects. Organic food products are new products onthe Eastern-Croatian market, so they are still not well-known to the customers. The important role in informing potential customers quicker and easier plays the promotion of organic food at agricultural fairs, symposia and through the activities of organic food production associations.U suvremenom tržiÅ”nom načinu gospodarenja sustav organske poljoprivrede, posebice sustav proizvodnje organske hane, postaje sve važniji činitelj razvoja domaćih i međunarodnih gospodarskih sustava. Taj se sustav mora prilagoditi brojnim kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim promjenama okruženja, a to podrazumijeva primjenu marketinga. Važnost marketinga organske hrane uvjetovana je činjenicom da on omogućuje proizvođačima bolje razumijevanje zahtjeva potroÅ”ača, u cilju boljeg zadovoljavanja njihovih potreba, a potroÅ”ač ima bolju spoznaju ponude organskih proizvoda. Određivanje osnovnog obilježja organske poljoprivrede i njene važnosti osnovno su polaziÅ”te za koncepcijsko postavljanje marketinga organske poljoprivrede. Marketing-miks čine proizvod, cijena, distribucija i promocija čijom se kombinacijom postiže tražena razina prodaje na ciljnom tržiÅ”tu. U strukturi ponude organskih proizvoda istočne Hrvatske, najzastupljenije su žitarice (pÅ”enice i kukuruz), uljarice (soja isuncokret), povrće, voće i prerađevine. Primarna proizvodnja organskih proizvoda ima nižu cijenu koÅ”tanja od konvencionalne zbog nižih ulaganja, ali su stoga i prinosi manji. TržiÅ”na cijena organske hrane je viÅ”a od konvencionalne, a razlog tome su nedovoljno organizirani distribucijski subjekti. Organski proizvodi su novi proizvodi na tržiÅ”tu istočne Hrvatske s joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno poznati potroÅ”ačima. U bržem i lakÅ”em informiranju potencijalnih potroÅ”ača značajnu ulogu ima promocija na poljoprivrednim sajmovima, stručnim skupovima i aktivnostima udruga koji zastupaju organske proizvođače hrane