5 research outputs found

    Wheat Productivity and Plough Land Inequality in Rural Croatia

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    The unequal distribution of plough land could be according to a prior naive theorizing be a source of inefficiency in wheat production. The paper investigates whether, plough land inequality due to specific less or more egalitarian land distribution, and is a source of possible inefficiency measured by wheat productivity within Croatia's counties. We analyze these issues by using cross-county data on inequality in operational holdings of plough land from Agricultural Survey in 2003. After constructing the Gini coefficient for plough land holdings, and other relevant exogenous variable which cover necessary inputs condition as a average holding size per ha, labor, capital (represented by alternative variables summed by number of combine harvester and tractor), among counties, an estimation of an production function, is done by OLS estimations of wheat output.Wheat Productivity, Production Function, Plough Land Inequality, Croatia


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    Triggered by the phenomenon of globalisation and unrest on both sides of Mediterranean, during recent decades there has been a process of tourism travelling re-switching in the tourism expenditure domain; hence the debate over convergence or divergence of the international tourism flows, caused by abruptly fall out of vogue of some destinations due to negative shocks produced by unrest in that volatile region, has never ended. Following on the extensive multidisciplinary literature on this issue, the purpose of this paper is two-fold 1) to apply a traditional analysis of convergence (sigma and beta convergence) in tourism demand flows and Principal Component and Cluster Analyses to investigate on the existence of different international tourism models, 2) to analyse tourism receipts expressed as a share of total and derive a possible classification of the countries and its profiles by means of a multivariate approach. This paper tries to test the hypothesis of convergence of tourism demand in Mediterranean area. We considered a sample of 20 Mediterranean countries, and used data from the World Indicator Database 1995-2015, keeping all relevant variables that interfere with international tourism demand in that region. The excepted results of this paper can be interpreted as a further contribution to the literature on contemporary positive economics in the international tourism domain


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    This paper explores the relationship between unemployment (UR) and job vacancies rate (VR) on Croatiaā€™s labor market during the observed period from January 1990 to December 2008 on the basis of empirical analysis using the framework of the UV Curve, also known as the Beveridge Curve. We estimated the natural rate of unemployment (in static and dynamic time varying equilibrium version) as a concept which follows from the Beveridge Curve theory that says that changes in vacancy rate push unemployment in the opposite direction.Rad istražuje odnos između nezaposlenosti (UR) i stope slobodnih radnih mjesta (VR ) u Hrvatskoj na tržiÅ”tu rada u razdoblju od siječnja 1990 do prosinca 2008, na bazi empirijske analize koristeći okosnicu dane UV krivulje (poznatu joÅ” kao Beveridge krivulja). Procijenjena je prirodna stopa nezaposlenost (u statičnoj i dinamičnoj ravnotežnoj inačici) koja se kao koncept izvodi iz Beveridge krivulje, prema teoriji da promjena upražnjenih radnih mjesta potiskuje nezaposlenost u suprotnom smjeru


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    Triggered by the phenomenon of globalisation and unrest on both sides of Mediterranean, during recent decades there has been a process of tourism travelling re-switching in the tourism expenditure domain; hence the debate over convergence or divergence of the international tourism flows, caused by abruptly fall out of vogue of some destinations due to negative shocks produced by unrest in that volatile region, has never ended. Following on the extensive multidisciplinary literature on this issue, the purpose of this paper is two-fold 1) to apply a traditional analysis of convergence (sigma and beta convergence) in tourism demand flows and Principal Component and Cluster Analyses to investigate on the existence of different international tourism models, 2) to analyse tourism receipts expressed as a share of total and derive a possible classification of the countries and its profiles by means of a multivariate approach. This paper tries to test the hypothesis of convergence of tourism demand in Mediterranean area. We considered a sample of 20 Mediterranean countries, and used data from the World Indicator Database 1995-2015, keeping all relevant variables that interfere with international tourism demand in that region. The excepted results of this paper can be interpreted as a further contribution to the literature on contemporary positive economics in the international tourism domain