
Wheat Productivity and Plough Land Inequality in Rural Croatia


The unequal distribution of plough land could be according to a prior naive theorizing be a source of inefficiency in wheat production. The paper investigates whether, plough land inequality due to specific less or more egalitarian land distribution, and is a source of possible inefficiency measured by wheat productivity within Croatia's counties. We analyze these issues by using cross-county data on inequality in operational holdings of plough land from Agricultural Survey in 2003. After constructing the Gini coefficient for plough land holdings, and other relevant exogenous variable which cover necessary inputs condition as a average holding size per ha, labor, capital (represented by alternative variables summed by number of combine harvester and tractor), among counties, an estimation of an production function, is done by OLS estimations of wheat output.Wheat Productivity, Production Function, Plough Land Inequality, Croatia

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