15 research outputs found

    Promjene u broju eritrocita i trombocita pokazatelji su babezioze u pasa

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    In the present study we evaluated the haematological changes in samples of blood obtained from 30 dogs naturally infected with large Babesia, before and after therapy with imidocarb dipropionate. The results were compared with those obtained from 50 healthy dogs. The evaluation included red blood cell count (RBC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), haematocrit (HTC), red distribution width (RDW), platelet counts (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV) and plateletcrit (PCT). Analyses were performed with an automated blood cell counter (Abbott Cell-Dyn CD 3500). The most common disorders in affected dogs were thrombocytopenia with decreased PCT and increased MPV (suggested activation of platelets). Since RDW did not show any changes in babesiosis (suggested uniform population of RBCā€™s), decreased RBC, MCV and HCT were present in the majority of dogs with babesiosis, before and after therapy. Our results suggest that erythrocyte and platelet indices could provide clinical information about the underlying conditions of anaemia and thrombocytopenia.U istraživanju su vrednovane hematoloÅ”ke promjene u uzorcima krvi 30 pasa s babeziozom, prirodno zaraženih, prije i poslije terapije imidocarb-dipropionatom. Rezultati su uspoređeni s rezultatima dobivenim u 50 zdravih pasa. Istraženi su broj eritrocita, prosječni volumen eritrocita, hematokrit, distribucija eritrocita, broj trombocita, prosječni volumen trombocita i trombokrit. Mjerenja su izvedena upotrebom automatskog hematoloÅ”kog analizatora (Abbott Cell-Dyn CD 3500). NajčeŔća promjena kod pasa s babeziozom bila je trombocitopenija sa sniženim trombokritom i povećanim prosječnim volumenom trombocita, koji upućuje na aktivaciju trombocita. Do promjena u raspodjeli eritrocita nije doÅ”lo kod babezioze (jednolična populacija eritrocita). Sniženi broj eritrocita, prosječni volumen eritrocita i hematokrit bili su prisutni u većine pasa oboljelih od babezioze, prije i poslije liječenja. Rezultati upućuju na to da promjene u broju eritrocita i trombocita mogu biti korisne u pružanju kliničkih informacija o mogućim uzrocima anemije i trombocitopenije

    Haematological and biochemical parameters during pregnancy and lactation in sows

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    The aim of this research was to describe changes in serum concentrations of some micronutrients, and haematological parameters during pregnancy and lactation of sows. Data presented here were obtained by using blood samples from healthy, conventionally managed sows from a breeding herd. The samples were taken at three different points in the physiological production process: I. from the 30th to 35th day following artificial insemination; II. from the 81st to the 87th day of pregnancy; III. from the 12th to the 20th day of lactation. Erythrocyte count, haematocrit, MCV, leukocyte count and copper concentration decreased during pregnancy (P<0.05), while haemoglobin concentration decreased during both pregnancy and lactation (P<0.05). MCH increased at high pregnancy and decreased during lactation. Serum ALT activity, sodium concentration and inorganic phosphorus concentration decreased towards the end of pregnancy and lactation. Concentration of glucose increased during lactation. During pregnancy, zinc concentration increased. Results from this research could help to improve interpretation of laboratory data of sows during pregnancy and lactation

    Promjene u broju eritrocita i trombocita pokazatelji su babezioze u pasa

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    In the present study we evaluated the haematological changes in samples of blood obtained from 30 dogs naturally infected with large Babesia, before and after therapy with imidocarb dipropionate. The results were compared with those obtained from 50 healthy dogs. The evaluation included red blood cell count (RBC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), haematocrit (HTC), red distribution width (RDW), platelet counts (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV) and plateletcrit (PCT). Analyses were performed with an automated blood cell counter (Abbott Cell-Dyn CD 3500). The most common disorders in affected dogs were thrombocytopenia with decreased PCT and increased MPV (suggested activation of platelets). Since RDW did not show any changes in babesiosis (suggested uniform population of RBCā€™s), decreased RBC, MCV and HCT were present in the majority of dogs with babesiosis, before and after therapy. Our results suggest that erythrocyte and platelet indices could provide clinical information about the underlying conditions of anaemia and thrombocytopenia.U istraživanju su vrednovane hematoloÅ”ke promjene u uzorcima krvi 30 pasa s babeziozom, prirodno zaraženih, prije i poslije terapije imidocarb-dipropionatom. Rezultati su uspoređeni s rezultatima dobivenim u 50 zdravih pasa. Istraženi su broj eritrocita, prosječni volumen eritrocita, hematokrit, distribucija eritrocita, broj trombocita, prosječni volumen trombocita i trombokrit. Mjerenja su izvedena upotrebom automatskog hematoloÅ”kog analizatora (Abbott Cell-Dyn CD 3500). NajčeŔća promjena kod pasa s babeziozom bila je trombocitopenija sa sniženim trombokritom i povećanim prosječnim volumenom trombocita, koji upućuje na aktivaciju trombocita. Do promjena u raspodjeli eritrocita nije doÅ”lo kod babezioze (jednolična populacija eritrocita). Sniženi broj eritrocita, prosječni volumen eritrocita i hematokrit bili su prisutni u većine pasa oboljelih od babezioze, prije i poslije liječenja. Rezultati upućuju na to da promjene u broju eritrocita i trombocita mogu biti korisne u pružanju kliničkih informacija o mogućim uzrocima anemije i trombocitopenije

    Sindrom sustavnoga upalnoga odgovora i sindrom viŔestrukog zatajivanja organa u pasa s babeziozom

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    Canine babesiosis caused by Babesia canis canis is one of the commonest canine diseases in Croatia, especially in the area of capital city, Zagreb. Babesiosis is a multi-system disease and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) develops from systemic inflfl ammatory response syndrome (SIRS), which is a hallmark of babesiosis. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to conduct detailed research of the incidence of SIRS and MODS as well as organ systems involvement in a large number of dogs naturally infected with B. canis canis in Croatia. Out of 332 dogs with canine babesiosis, 226 dogs (68 percent) fulfilled the SIRS criteria and were considered as SIRS positive. Among them 151 dogs (67%) fulfilled two SIRS criteria, 66 dogs (29%) fulfilled three criteria and only 9 dogs (4%) fulfilled all four SIRS criteria. Thirty-three dogs (10%) fulfilled the MODS criteria. Among them 22 dogs (66%) had two organ involvement, 10 dogs (31%) had three organ involvement and in only 1 dog (3%) four organ dysfunction was present. The incidence of organ involvement in MODS was as follows: renal dysfunction (30/33), liver dysfunction (20/33), muscle involvement (19/33), lung dysfunction (16/33), cerebral involvement (3/33). Among MODS positive dogs, 22 dogs died and 11 dogs survived babesiosis. In dogs with two organ involvement, survival was 45%, in dogs with three organ involvement survival was 10%, while in the group with four organ dysfunction mortality was 100%. It can be concluded that in cases of canine babesiosis caused by B. canis canis, in which MODS developed, an unfavourable outcome should be taken into consideration.Babezioza uzrokovana praživotinjom Babesia canis canis jedna je od najčeŔćih bolesti pasa u Hrvatskoj, osobito u području oko glavnoga grada Zagreba. Babezioza je bolest koja zahvaća viÅ”e organskih sustava, a sindrom viÅ”estrukoga zatajenja organa (engl. multiple organ dysfunction syndrome) razvija se iz sindroma sustavnog upalnog odgovora (engl. systemic infl ammatory response syndrome), koji je karakterističan za babeziozu. Cilj ovoga rada bio je proučiti pojavnost sindroma sustavnog upalnog odgovora i sindroma viÅ”estrukoga zatajenja organa na velikom broju pasa koji boluju od babezioze, kao i učestalost zahvaćenosti pojedinih organskih sustava u sindromu viÅ”estrukoga zatajenja organa. Od 332 psa s potvrđenom babeziozom 226 pasa (68%) razvilo je sindrom sustavnog upalnog odgovora. Od njih je 151 pas (67%) ispunio 2 kriterija, 66 pasa (29%) ispunilo je 3 kriterija, dok su u 9 pasa (4%) bila ispunjena sva četiri kriterija. Trideset i tri psa ispunila su kriterije za sindrom viÅ”estrukoga zatajenja organa. Od njih su 22 psa (66%) imala zahvaćena po dva organska sustava, 10 pasa (31%) imalo je zahvaćena tri organska sustava, dok je samo 1 pas (3%) imao zahvaćena četiri organska sustava. NajčeŔće zahvaćeni organski sustavi u sindromu viÅ”estrukoga zatajenja organa bili su: uropoetski sustav (30/33), jetra (20/33), miÅ”ićje (19/33), diÅ”ni sustav (16/33) i srediÅ”nji živčani sustav (3/33). Od pasa koji su razvili sindrom viÅ”estrukoga zatajenja organa 22 su uginula dok ih je 11 preživjelo babeziozu. Preživljavanje pasa u kojih su bila zahvaćena 2 organska sustava bilo je 45%, sa zahvaćena 3 organska sustava bilo je 10%, dok je smrtnost sa zahvaćena 4 organska sustava iznosila 100%. Na temelju rezultata se može zaključiti da je razvoj sindroma viÅ”estrukoga zatajenja organa u babeziozi pasa prognostički značajan i da u slučaju da se sindrom razvije raste i vjerojatnost nepovoljnog ishoda

    Ukupni broj leukocita te odnos neutrofila i limfocita u pasa oboljelih od jednostavnog i kompliciranog oblika babezioze prouzročene hemoparazitom Babesia canis canis.

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    Canine babesiosis caused by B. canis is very common cause of morbidity and mortality of dogs in Croatia. Although white blood cell populations play a crucial role in the SIRS it has been poorly described in canine babesiosis. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate serial changes in circulating total white blood cells and relationship between circulating neutrophil and lymphocyte counts in uncomplicated and complicated canine babesiosis caused by B. canis canis. The study was performed on two groups of animals naturally infected by B. Canis canis. Group 1 consisted of 30 dogs with uncomplicated babesiosis while group 2 consisted of 30 dogs with various complications. The blood samples for the analyses were collected at the day of the admission, and the second and seventh day after the administration of imidocarb dipropionat. White blood cell count (WBC) was determined using an automatic haematology analyzer (System 9120; Serono Baker Diagnostic, Pennsylvania, USA). The ratio of neutrophil to lymphocyte count was acquired from relative percentages of neutrophils and lymphocytes that were manually determined from Romanowsky stained blood smears. The percentage of parasitemia was determined by counting the number of parasitized erythrocytes on one thousand erythrocytes. The differential count was determined manually in Romanovsky-stained blood smears. The WBC counts, relative number of neutrophils and lymphocytes, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and levels of parasitemia were compared between the two groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. White blood cell count was significantly higher on the seventh day after the antibabesial treatment in the group of complicated babesiosis. The relative number of neutrophiles was significantly higher on the second and seventh days after the antibabesial treatment in complicated babesiosis and the relative number of lymphocytes was significantly lower in the group of complicated babesiosis on the second day after the antibabesial treatment. The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio was significantly higher on the second day after the treatment in the complicated babesiosis. Parasitemia levels were significantly higher in complicated canine babesiosis. On the basis of these results it may be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the severity of clinical course and increase in neutrophils and decrease in lymphocyte percentage. The ratio of neutrophil and lymphocyte counts (in absolute or relative values) is an easily measurable parameter which may express the severity of the affliction and serve as a good prognostic marker.Babezioza pasa prouzročena parazitom B. canis čest je uzrok uginuća pasa u Hrvatskoj. Leukociti imaju ključnu ulogu u nastanku sustavnoga upalnoga odgovora koji je temeljni patofizioloÅ”ki mehanizam u babeziozi. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti promjene u ukupnom broju leukocita te odnos između neutrofila i limfocita u jednostavnoj i kompliciranoj babeziozi pasa, prouzročenoj vrstom B. canis canis. Istraživanje je provedeno na dvije skupine prirodno invadiranih pasa. Unutar prve skupine bilo je 30 pasa oboljelih od nekomplicirane, a unutar druge 30 pasa oboljelih od različitih oblika komplicirane babezioze. Uzorci krvi prikupljani su trokratno; na dan pregleda te drugi i sedmi dan nakon primjene antibabezijskoga sredstva (imidokarb dipropionat). Ukupan broj leukocita određen je hematoloÅ”kim brojačem (System 9120; Serono Baker Diagnostic). Diferencijalna krvna slika dobivena je brojenjem udjela segmentiranih i nesegmentiranih neutrofilnih granulocita, eozinofilnih i bazofilnih granulocita, monocita i limfocita na 100 leukocita u krvnim razmascima. Omjer neutrofila i limfocita izračunat je iz postotka neutrofila i limfocita izbrojenih u obojenom krvnom razmasku. Postotak parazitemije određen je brojenjem parazitiranih eritrocita na tisuću eritrocita. Ukupni broj leukocita, postotak neutrofila i limfocita, omjer neutrofila i limfocita i postupak parazitemije između istraživanih skupina uspoređen je Mann-Whitney-evim U testom. Ukupni broj leukocita bio je značajno viÅ”i sedmi dan nakon antibabezijske terapije u skupini pasa oboljelih od kompliciranoga oblika bolesti. Udio neutrofila bio je značajno viÅ”i drugi i sedmi dan nakon terapije, dok je udio limfocita bio značajno niži drugi dan nakon terapije, isto u skupini pasa oboljelih od kompliciranoga oblika bolesti. Međusobni omjer neutrofila i limfocita bio je značajno viÅ”i drugi dan nakon terapije u pacijenata u kojih se razvio komplicirani oblik babezioze. Isto tako je i postotak parazitemije bio značajno viÅ”i u pacijenata s komplikacijama. Zaključno možemo ustvrditi da u pasa oboljelih od babezioze postoji signifikantna koleracija između težine kliničkih znakova te neutrofilije i limfopenije. Međusobni odnos neutrofila i limfocita je dostupan i lako odrediv pokazatelj koji odražava jačinu oÅ”tećenja i može poslužiti kao dobar prognostički pokazatelj


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    Začeci hrvatskog zakonodavstva o lovu sežu u 18. stoljeće (čl.22. Trećeg dekreta hrvatsko-ugarskog kralja Karla III iz 1729, odredbe carice Marije Terezije, čl. 11. Vojnog regimenta iz 1751, "Patent od lovaā€œ cara reformatora Josipa II iz 1786.). Prve oglase o lovostaju koji su imali zakonsku snagu 50-tih godina 19. stoljeća donose službena glasila. Prvu uredbu o lovu donijelo je c.k. "namiestniÅ”tvo" pod nazivom "Obznana c.k. Hrvatsko-slavonskoga namiesniÅ”tva od 4. travnja 1859.". Sabor Kraljevine Hrvatske donosi god. 1871. Zakon o lovu kojim se ukida regalno pravo lova i prihvaćaju načela modernog lova. Kao nadopunu ovom zakonu hrvatsko-ugarski sabor donosi Zakon o oružju, porezu na lov i puÅ”ke, god. 1875. Na inicijativu "DruÅ”tva za obranu lova u Kraljevinah Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji" donesen je suvremeni Zakon o lovu god. 1893. U Kraljevini SHS god. 1931. donesen je Zakon o lovu, koji je bio jedinstven za cijelu zemlju a bio j e sročen na dominalnom sistemu. U Jugoslaviji zakonski propisi donose se kao federalni i republički. Prvi savezni zakon o lovu donesen je god. 1947., a Hrvatska je na osnovi njega donijela svoj zakon god. 1949. Prema njemu izmijenjen je princip podjele loviÅ”ta i gospodarenja u njima (državna loviÅ”ta, druÅ”tvena loviÅ”ta). Godine 1965. donesen je drugi zakon o lovu na razini federacija, a Hrvatska je donijela republički propis god. 1966. Tim zakonom izmijenjen je način dodjele loviÅ”ta i pooÅ”treno je pitanje odgovornosti korisnika loviÅ”ta. Sabor Republike Hrvatske donio je god. 1973. Zakon o lovstvu kojim je općina označena kao ustanova koja vodi lovnu politiku. U novoj suverenoj državi Hrvatskoj donesen je god. 1994. novi Zakon o lovu. Slijedom njegovih odredbi prelazi se ponovo na dominalni sustav. Perspektive hrvatskog lovstva bit će jasne kad se zavrÅ”i pretvorba i uklone negativni čimbenici sada prisutni u prirodi.The Croatian hunting Legislation dates from the 18th century (art.22 of the 3rd decree of the Croatian-Hunganan King Charles- lll from 1729, regulations passed by the Empress Maria Theresa, art 11 of the Military Regiment from 1751, "Patent od lova" passed by the Emperor Joseph ll in 1786). The first announcements on close season with a legislative power were published in the official gazettes. The first Act on Hunting was passed by the lmperial Regency under the tile: "Obznana c.k. Hrvatsko-slavonskoga namiesniÅ”tva od 4. travnja 1859". In 1871, the Parliament of the Kingdom of Croatia passed the Law on Hunting by which the regal right on hunting was abolished and the principle of modern hunting was accepted. ln 1875, the Croatian-Hungarian"Parliament passed ammendments on the Law concerning taxes on hunting and guns. In 1893, modern Law on Hunting was passed on the initiative of the "Society for Protection of Hunting in the Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia". ln 1931, in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovens the Law on Hunting was based on the dominal system and was aplicable to the whole country. In the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia federal and republic legislative acts were passed. The first federal Law on Hunting was passed in .1947. Croatia passed its Law on Hunting in 1949. By this law the principle of the administration of hunting grounds and their management was changed (state -owned hunting grounds, socially-owned hunting grounds) In 1965, the Second Federal Law on hunting was passed. In 1966, Croatia passed a republic law. By this act the principle of the assignment of hunting grounds was changed and the attention was drawn to the responsibility of the users. In 1973, the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia passed the Law on Hunting stating that the municipality was in charge of implementing hunting policy. In the independent and sovereign Republic of Croatia the Law on Hunting was passed in 1994. According to its regulations dominal system was reintroduces. The prospects of the Croatian hunting will be more transparent after the transformation of ownership has been completed and the negative influences on nature reduced