7 research outputs found

    Wilhelm Conrad Ryontgen: The Visionary Who Taught The World To See The Invisible

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    There are some discoveries that are not affected by time and whose value increases rather than decreases over time. Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen‘s discovery marked the beginning of a new discipline in medicine, turned the 20th century into the century of X-rays, and shed new light on the understanding of the structure of living and dead nature and the structure of the micro- and macrocosm. The purpose of the review is to acquaint the audience with the dreams and difficulties that accompanied the life of the genius and formed him as a person. Methods: A documentary method was used in order to perform a study and analysis of various literary and Internet sources describing the life and work of Röntgen and his personal and creative path. The rays he discovered, named after Röntgen himself, saved the lives of many individuals and took the world and humanity to new heights in medicine and scientific research

    The effect of Interscalene Plexus Block (ISPB) on intraoperative opioid consumption during an open shoulder surgery

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    Shoulder surgery is a growing field in geriatric orthopedics and sports medicine. Surgical methods are applied to diseases where non-invasive treatment techniques have failed. In recent years, the efficacy of peripheral nerve blocks has been repeatedly compared, but studies have focused primarily on their postoperative effects without evaluating intraoperative analgesia and opioid consumption.Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefits of preoperatively administered ISPB in terms of intraoperative pain control and total intraoperative opioid analgesic consumption.Materials and Methods: A total of 89 patients undergoing open shoulder surgery were included in this study. Of these, 21 underwent shoulder joint replacement surgery, 59 underwent surgery for proximal humeral fracture, and 9 patients underwent open shoulder surgery other than the above-mentioned. Preoperatively, 57 patients underwent ISPB, and 32 patients were without a brachial plexus block. The study was prospective and retrospective because we obtained the data of patients without preoperative ISPB from the hospital records.Results: Administered preoperatively, the ISPB effectively reduced intraoperative opioid analgesic consumption during open shoulder joint and proximal humerus surgery.Conclusion: Interscalene plexus block is an excellent adjunct to multimodal analgesia, not only for postoperative pain control but also as part of intraoperative analgesia

    Changes in Streptomyces hygroscopicus 155 endopeptidase and aminopeptidase activity and heat resistance under starvation and increased temperature

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    The influence of temperature stress and starvation for amino acids, glucose and phosphates, on the heat resistance of mycelium and endo- and aminopeptidase activity of Streptomyces hygroscopicus   155, was studied. The strongest growth inhibition was determined at temperature elevation from 30° to 39°C and at starvation for amino acids. Also these stress treatments mostly induce the heat resistance of the mycelium. A correlation between the intracellular endo- and aminopeptidase activity and decrease in biomass yield was registered. The process of catabolization of proteins, during the adaptation to stress treatments, depends on energy and is stimulated by the presence of Mg2+ ions


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    The influence of temperature stress and starvation for amino acids, glucose and phosphates, on the heat resistance of mycelium and endo- and aminopeptidase activity of Streptomyces hygroscopicus 155, was studied. The strongest growth inhibition was determined at temperature elevation from 30\ub0 to 39\ub0C and at starvation for amino acids. Also these stress treatments mostly induce the heat resistance of the mycelium. A correlation between the intracellular endo- and aminopeptidase activity and decrease in biomass yield was registered. The process of catabolization of proteins, during the adaptation to stress treatments, depends on energy and is stimulated by the presence of Mg2+ ions

    Chloroplast genome assembly approaches from NGS data

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    The advent of Next Generation Sequencing platforms led to increase of research in whole genome assembly algorithms and software. Illumina Genome Analyzer produces a large amount of sequencing data, with a shorted read length, higher coverage and different errors in comparison to Sanger Sequencing. In response to this, several new assemblers were developed specifically for de novo assembly of next generation sequencing. This study compares software assembly packages named Edena, SPAdes, ABySS and analyzes results delivered by de novo assembly experiments. We show that assembly job of small genome can be completed in a short time on a 32 bit Linux OS with 4 GB RAM, indicating than de novo assembly can be executed and millions of very reads assembled on a desktop computer


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    Background: The removable prosthetics is a big part of Prosthetic Dentistry. The prosthetic field is very important for successful treatment with partial or complete dentures. Maxillary bone is covered with soft tissues, but its anatomy is essential for retention, chewing stability and comfort of the patients. Purpose: The study’s aim was to evaluate the dimensions of maxillary bone in specific zones for removable dentures. Methods: Sixteen craniums were measured in 10 different zones. It was used an Electronic Digital Caliper 0-150 mm. Results: Consistently were applied F-test and Welch t-test for equality of variance and group’s comparison mean, respectively. The spread of the data was described by calculating range and standard deviation. The estimated value of range was highest in the FI-A1P, followed by FI-AC and FI-A2P. The smallest amplitude was established in the TM-PP and SNA. The estimated value of standard deviation was 2,57/2,51 in FI-AC zone, 2,46/2,59 in FI-A1P zone and a few smaller 2,08/2,13 in FI-A2P zone. The lowest values were in TM-PP and SNA areas. Conclusion: Tuber maxillae and Spina nasalis anterior have stable dimensions. The areas of canine and premolars are varied, because the zone is tasked by chewing function

    The Multiverse of Plant Small RNAs: How Can We Explore It?

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    Plant small RNAs (sRNAs) are a heterogeneous group of noncoding RNAs with a length of 20–24 nucleotides that are widely studied due to their importance as major regulators in various biological processes. sRNAs are divided into two main classes—microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)—which differ in their biogenesis and functional pathways. Their identification and enrichment with new structural variants would not be possible without the use of various high-throughput sequencing (NGS) techniques, allowing for the detection of the total population of sRNAs in plants. Classifying sRNAs and predicting their functional role based on such high-performance datasets is a nontrivial bioinformatics task, as plants can generate millions of sRNAs from a variety of biosynthetic pathways. Over the years, many computing tools have been developed to meet this challenge. Here, we review more than 35 tools developed specifically for plant sRNAs over the past few years and explore some of their basic algorithms for performing tasks related to predicting, identifying, categorizing, and quantifying individual sRNAs in plant samples, as well as visualizing the results of these analyzes. We believe that this review will be practical for biologists who want to analyze their plant sRNA datasets but are overwhelmed by the number of tools available, thus answering the basic question of how to choose the right one for a particular study