23 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial Stress Response and Cell adaptation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism

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    Different stressful conditions threatening cell homeostasis trigger numerous molecular responses that can result either in cell adaptation to the newly formed conditions and survival, or can cause cell demise. Cell stress response highly depends on the type and level of the insult, but the adaptive capacity of a cell will ultimately determine its fate. Besides its well-recognized bioenergetic function, mitochondria play an important role in many cell regulatory and signaling events, in the responses of cells to a variety of physiological and genetic stresses, inter-organelle communication, cell proliferation and cell death

    The Aspergillus nidulans

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    The N-Acetylcysteine-Insensitive Acetic Acid-Induced Yeast Programmed Cell Death Occurs Without Macroautophagy

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    Programmed cell death can occur through two separate pathways caused by treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with acetic acid (AA-PCD), which differ from one another essentially with respect to their sensitivity to N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and to the role played by cytochrome c and metacaspase YCA1. Moreover, yeast can also undergo macroautophagy which occurs in NAC-insensitive manner. In order to gain some insight into the relationship between AA-PCD and macroautophagy use was made of WT and knock-out cells lacking YCA1 and/or cytochrome c. We show that i. macroautophagy is modulated by YCA1 and by cytochrome c in a negative and positive manner, respectively, ii. the NAC-insensitive AA-PCD and macroautophagy differ from one another and iii. NAC-insensitive AA-PCD pathway takes place essentially without macroautophagy, even if the shift of extracellular pH to acidic values required for AA-PCD to occur leads itself to increased or decreased macroautophagy in YCA1 or cytochrome c-lacking cells

    The role of mitochondria in yeast programmed cell death

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    Mammalian apoptosis and yeast programmed cell death (PCD) share a variety of features including reactive oxygen species production, protease activity and a major role played by mitochondria. In view of this, and of the distinctive characteristics differentiating yeast and multicellular organism PCD, the mitochondrial contribution to cell death in the genetically tractable yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been intensively investigated. In this mini-review we report whether and how yeast mitochondrial function and proteins belonging to oxidative phosphorylation, protein trafficking into and out of mitochondria, and mitochondrial dynamics, play a role in PCD. Since in PCD many processes take place over time, emphasis will be placed on an experimental model based on acetic acid-induced PCD (AA-PCD) which has the unique feature of having been investigated as a function of time. As will be described there are at least two AA-PCD pathways each with a multifaceted role played by mitochondrial components, in particular by cytochrome c

    Targeting Cancer Metabolism Breaks Radioresistance by Impairing the Stress Response

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    Simple Summary Ionizing radiation is a major pillar in the therapy of solid tumors. However, normal tissue toxicities and radioresistance of tumor cells can limit the therapeutic success of radiotherapy. In this study, we investigated the coregulation of the cancer metabolism and the heat shock response with respect to radioresistance. Our results indicate that an inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase, either pharmacologically or by gene knockout of LDHA and LDHB, significantly increases the radiosensitivity in tumor cells by global impairing of the stress response. Therefore, inhibition of the lactate metabolism might provide a promising strategy in the future to improve the clinical outcome of patients with highly aggressive, therapy-resistant tumors. The heightened energetic demand increases lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, the corresponding oncometabolite lactate, expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) and thereby promotes therapy resistance in many malignant tumor cell types. Therefore, we assessed the coregulation of LDH and the heat shock response with respect to radiation resistance in different tumor cells (B16F10 murine melanoma and LS174T human colorectal adenocarcinoma). The inhibition of LDH activity by oxamate or GNE-140, glucose deprivation and LDHA/B double knockout (LDH-/-) in B16F10 and LS174T cells significantly diminish tumor growth; ROS production and the cytosolic expression of different HSPs, including Hsp90, Hsp70 and Hsp27 concomitant with a reduction of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1)/pHSF1. An altered lipid metabolism mediated by a LDHA/B double knockout results in a decreased presence of the Hsp70-anchoring glycosphingolipid Gb3 on the cell surface of tumor cells, which, in turn, reduces the membrane Hsp70 density and increases the extracellular Hsp70 levels. Vice versa, elevated extracellular lactate/pyruvate concentrations increase the membrane Hsp70 expression in wildtype tumor cells. Functionally, an inhibition of LDH causes a generalized reduction of cytosolic and membrane-bound HSPs in tumor cells and significantly increases the radiosensitivity, which is associated with a G2/M arrest. We demonstrate that targeting of the lactate/pyruvate metabolism breaks the radioresistance by impairing the stress response

    Targeting cancer metabolism breaks radioresistance by impairing the stress response.

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    The heightened energetic demand increases lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, the corresponding oncometabolite lactate, expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) and thereby promotes therapy resistance in many malignant tumor cell types. Therefore, we assessed the coregulation of LDH and the heat shock response with respect to radiation resistance in different tumor cells (B16F10 murine melanoma and LS174T human colorectal adenocarcinoma). The inhibition of LDH activity by oxamate or GNE-140, glucose deprivation and LDHA/B double knockout (LDH−/−) in B16F10 and LS174T cells significantly diminish tumor growth; ROS production and the cytosolic expression of different HSPs, including Hsp90, Hsp70 and Hsp27 concomitant with a reduction of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1)/pHSF1. An altered lipid metabolism mediated by a LDHA/B double knockout results in a decreased presence of the Hsp70-anchoring glycosphingolipid Gb3 on the cell surface of tumor cells, which, in turn, reduces the membrane Hsp70 density and increases the extracellular Hsp70 levels. Vice versa, elevated extracellular lactate/pyruvate concentrations increase the membrane Hsp70 expression in wildtype tumor cells. Functionally, an inhibition of LDH causes a generalized reduction of cytosolic and membrane-bound HSPs in tumor cells and significantly increases the radiosensitivity, which is associated with a G2/M arrest. We demonstrate that targeting of the lactate/pyruvate metabolism breaks the radioresistance by impairing the stress response

    Double genetic disruption of lactate dehydrogenases A and B is required to ablate the

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    Increased glucose consumption distinguishes cancer cells from normal cells and is known as the Warburg effect because of increased glycolysis. Lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) is a key glycolytic enzyme, a hallmark of aggressive cancers, and believed to be the major enzyme responsible for pyruvate-to-lactate conversion. To elucidate its role in tumor growth, we disrupted both the LDHA and LDHB genes in two cancer cell lines (human colon adenocarcinoma and murine melanoma cells). Surprisingly, neither LDHA nor LDHB knockout strongly reduced lactate secretion. In contrast, double knockout (LDHA/B-DKO) fully suppressed LDH activity and lactate secretion. Furthermore, under normoxia, LDHA/B-DKO cells survived the genetic block by shifting their metabolism to oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), entailing a 2-fold reduction in proliferation rates in vitro and in vivo compared with their WT counterparts. Under hypoxia (1% oxygen), however, LDHA/B suppression completely abolished in vitro growth, consistent with the reliance on OXPHOS. Interestingly, activation of the respiratory capacity operated by the LDHA/B-DKO genetic block as well as the resilient growth were not consequences of long-term adaptation. They could be reproduced pharmacologically by treating WT cells with an LDHA/B-specific inhibitor (GNE-140). These findings demonstrate that the Warburg effect is not only based on high LDHA expression, as both LDHA and LDHB need to be deleted to suppress fermentative glycolysis. Finally, we demonstrate that the Warburg effect is dispensable even in aggressive tumors and that the metabolic shift to OXPHOS caused by LDHA/B genetic disruptions is responsible for the tumors' escape and growth