6 research outputs found

    The implications of the neurotrophic factor TNF-α in depressive disorders

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    Introducere: Cercetările efectuate în ultima perioadă au adus în atenție faptul că sistemul inflamator citokinic este activat în diverse afecțiuni, printre care și în cadrul stărilor depresive. Se pare că TNF-α joacă un rol important în mecanismele fiziopatologice de dezvoltare ale sindromului depresiv, din cauza implicării pe care o are în inflamație și în apoptoza celulară programată. Scopul lucrării: Scopul studiului a presupus revizuirea potențialului pe care îl are TNF-α ca biomarker în depresie și evaluarea capacității inhibitorilor TNF-α în reducerea simptomatologiei depresive. Metodă: Acesta este un raport de studiu care include o selecție de dovezi științifice necesare pentru revizuirea potențialului pe care îl are TNF-α ca biomarker în depresie și evaluarea capacității inhibitorilor TNF-α în reducerea simptomatologiei depresive. Discuții: Inflamația cronică crescută determinată de concentrația modificată a citokinelor duce la afectare cognitivă, putând fi responsabilă de apariția unor simptome asemănătoare celor din depresie. TNF-α este un marker inflamator cu rol important în cadrul unor procese biologice, cum sunt imunomodularea și răspunsul inflamator. Pornind de la aceste dovezi, a fost sugerat rolul pe care l-ar putea avea inhibitorii TNF-α în reducerea simptomatologiei depresive.Concluzii: 1. Implicarea TNF-α în patogeneza tulburării depresive majore a permis realizarea unor studii care să evalueze capacitatea inhibitorilor TNFα de a reduce simptomatologia depresivă 2. Sunt necesare studii suplimentare care să examineze direct efectul de modulare al inhibitorilor TNF-α, pentru identificarea unor noi ținte terapeutice care să permită îmbunătățirea managementului terapeutic al pacienților cu tulburare depresivă majoră.Introduction: Research conducted in the recent period has brought to attention the fact that cytokine inflammatory system is activated in several disorders, including depressive states. It seems that TNF-α plays an important role in the pathophysiological mechanisms of the development of depressive syndrome, as it is involved in inflammation and programmed cellular apoptosis. Aim of the study: The aim involved reviewing the potential of TNF-α as a biomarker in depression and evaluating the capacity of TNF-α inhibitors in reducing depressive symptomatology. Methods: This is a study report that includes a selection of scientific evidence necessary for reviewing the potential of TNF-α as a biomarker in depression and evaluating the ability of TNF-α inhibitors in reducing depressive symptomatology. Discussions: Increased chronic inflammation induced by altered cytokines concentration leads to cognitive decline, which may be responsible for the appearance of symptoms similar to those in depression. TNF-α is an inflammatory marker with an important role within biological processes, such as immunomodulation and the inflammatory response. Based on this evidence, the role that TNF-α inhibitors could play in reducing depressive symptomatology has been suggested. Conclusions: 1. The implication of TNF-α in the pathogenesis of MDD has allowed for studies to be conducted aim at evaluating the ability of TNF-α inhibitors to reduce depressive symptomatology 2. Further studies are needed to directly examine the modulating effect of TNF-α inhibitors in order to identify new therapeutic targets that could improve the therapeutic management of patients with MDD

    Safety and Efficacy of Modern Stents in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    The impact of metabolic syndrome (MS) on stent performance and outcomes of patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), including stent implantation, had not yet been fully established. The aim of the present study was to investigate long-term safety and efficacy of 2nd generation DES vs. other stent types in MS patients underwent successful PCI for an acute coronary event. Descriptive epidemiology, angiographic characteristics and one-year clinical outcomes, including major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and target lesion revascularization (TLR) procedures were evaluated according to the stent type inserted for 204 patients. The occurrence of TLR (6.62% vs. 9.43%, p = 0.50) and the composite outcomes (20.52% vs. 24.52%, p = 0.54) did not differ significantly between patients having 2nd generation drug eluting stents (DES) or other stent types implanted at the index procedure. It seems that the PCI in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is similarly efficient regardless of the stent type, suggesting that for the treatment of ACS in MS patients, all stent types show similar results, in terms of TLR or MACE

    Safety and Efficacy of Modern Stents in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    The impact of metabolic syndrome (MS) on stent performance and outcomes of patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), including stent implantation, had not yet been fully established. The aim of the present study was to investigate long-term safety and efficacy of 2nd generation DES vs. other stent types in MS patients underwent successful PCI for an acute coronary event. Descriptive epidemiology, angiographic characteristics and one-year clinical outcomes, including major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) and target lesion revascularization (TLR) procedures were evaluated according to the stent type inserted for 204 patients. The occurrence of TLR (6.62% vs. 9.43%, p = 0.50) and the composite outcomes (20.52% vs. 24.52%, p = 0.54) did not differ significantly between patients having 2nd generation drug eluting stents (DES) or other stent types implanted at the index procedure. It seems that the PCI in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is similarly efficient regardless of the stent type, suggesting that for the treatment of ACS in MS patients, all stent types show similar results, in terms of TLR or MACE

    Antibacterial Effect of Eco-Friendly Silver Nanoparticles and Traditional Techniques on Aged Heritage Textile, Investigated by Dark-Field Microscopy

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    An improper indoor microclimate has adverse effects on the state of preservation of historical textiles arranged in them, favoring the development of bacteriological microflora. The current study aims to combine traditional and innovative methods for cleaning and preserving a 100-year-old traditional blouse from Bihor, Romania. The material of the blouse was impregnated with 30 and 70 ppm silver nanosuspensions and washed with a substance obtained from boiling natural wood ash (lye). The research goals were to determine the antimicrobial action of lye washing and silver nanoparticles applied to the analyzed textile material and identify the way in which the environmental factors (light) act upon the conservation degree of textile objects impregnated with silver nanoparticles. All these procedures are eco-friendly and do not cause any damage to the constituent material of the fabrics. The use of the hyperspectral imaging technique proved the permeation of both 30 and 70 ppm silver nanosuspensions into the textile, producing changes in the textile’s reflectance spectrum after being treated with them. The results showed anti-bactericidal/fungal properties of both silver nanoparticles and lye. Microbiological analyses revealed that bacterial colonies were reduced to more than 95% in both cases. The antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles on the textile material of the blouse was maintained throughout the duration of the study, and under normal environmental conditions, the effects would remain active for a long period

    Intradiploic epidermoid cysts - a series of three cases and our experience with literature data

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    Intracranial epidermoid cysts are rare, representing almost 1% of all primary tumors and when are located in the diploe result from entrapped ectodermal embryonic remnants. Because of frequent complications, imaging studies are mandatory for highlighting erosions of both outer and inner table of the calvaria and treatment preparation. We enlisted three female patients within our study, comparing imaging with histopathology aspects. Even though the bone destruction was evident, no atypia or malignant signs were highlighted in serial sections. The interesting fact that we present is that our patients are all females, opposed to what is written in literature. Although the positive diagnosis can be made by imaging, histopathological examination of these cysts is mandatory for identifying malignant behavior