18 research outputs found

    Industrially processed oilseed rape in the production of table eggs

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of feed mixtures with varying proportions of rape cakes to the weight of table eggs, its components, thickness and strength of egg shell. The eggs were from the final laying hybrid ISA Brown reared in the enriched cage system under experimental conditions. An age of laying hens was from 48 to 54 weeks. Egg weight and its components were measured on scales type KERN 440-35N, with an accuracy of 0.01 g and a maximum weight of 400 g. Egg white weight was calculated. The thickness and strength of the egg shell were measured from the dried samples at 55 °C. From each egg shell were cut 3 pcs of samples in the equatorial plane, one sample from the blunt end and one sample from the sharp end. Egg shell thickness was measured by test instrument SOME, type 60/0.01mm with a range of 0 - 10 mm. Egg shell strength was measured according to test instrument Instron with the small body, having a diameter 4.48 mm to exert pressure on the egg shell. The obtained data were assessed in the program system SAS, version 8.2. Based on the results observed in egg weight of our experiment we can conclude that in the group with share 5% of rape cakes was non-statistically significant (p >0.05) decreased egg weight compared to the control group. Egg weight was reduced in the group with share 10% of rape cakes, which confirmed a statistically significant difference compared to egg weight of control group (p Ë‚0.05). The differences among experimental groups with share 5% and 10% of rape cakes in feed mixture and as well as to control group were not statistically significant (p >0.05) in weight of egg yolk, egg white, egg shell and egg shell strength. Egg shell thickness was no statistically significant (p >0.05) increased in experimental group with share 5% of rape cakes and decreased in experimental group with share 10% of rape cakes versus control group. Increase of egg shell thickness in experimental group with share 5% of rape cakes versus decrease in experimental group with share 10% of rape cakes was statistically significant (p <0.05)


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    This work is aimed at the basic analysis of diesel oil and rapeseed methyl ester and evaluation of limited and unlimited emission produced by their combustion. Thereafter, test results are compared, and there is also done the evaluation of emission – greenhouse gases, dangerous exhaust gases and strong carcinogens and their contents during fuel combustion. These measurements were performed at the Research Station Agroscope ART in Tänikon (AAT) in Switzerland and in cooperation with the Department of Transport and Handling (DTH), Faculty of Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra


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    This paper deals with the effect of ecological energy carrier on flow characteristics of a hydraulic pump. A hydraulic oil MOL Farm UTTO Synt was used as an ecological energy carrier. After completing 900 engine hours, the flow efficiency of the hydraulic pump decreased by Δηpr = 1.197 %. Oil samples were taken from the agricultural tractor Zetor Forterra 114 41. These samples were subjected to an IR spectroscopy analysis in an accredited laboratory WearCheck, Hungary. The following oil properties were examined: kinematic viscosity at 40 °C, viscosity index, silicium and ferrum content

    Comparison of Smoke Emissions in Different Combustion Engine Fuels

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    Goal of this study was to investigate and evaluate an impact of two alternative fuels on smoke emissions in comparison to diesel fuel. This study observes three different combustion engine fuels: biodiesel produced by Meroco, Inc. Company (Alternative fuel I); biodiesel produced in factory situated in Sereď (Alternative fuel II); and conventional diesel fuel (Diesel fuel) from Slovnaft, Inc. Company service station. All measurements were repeated three times. Measurements were conducted by free acceleration test at different engine loads. A statistically significant difference (P 0.05). Tested engine has met the requirements of the EURO 3 emission limit values in relation to the measurement results of particulate matter emissions

    Трибологічні експерименти в автомобільній індустрії

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    The competitive environment forces producers in automotive industry to decrease the costs. Producers as well as subsuppliers need to find possible savings. The paper presents results of laboratory experiments with real journal bearings made of bimetallic alloy realised to find out possible replacement of a rolling bearing by a journal bearing. The important correlation between results of laboratory experiments with a model of tribological system and the real journal node may by achieved by maximum approach of simulation features by real running conditions. Thus, the given experiment conditions result from the chosen application, i. e. steering servo unit. The experiments were realised on Tribotestor M’06 testing machine.Конкурентоспроможне середовище змушує виробників автомобільної промисловості знижувати витрати. Виробникам, а також субпостачальникам необхідно знайти можливість для економії. У статті представлені результати лабораторних експериментів з реальними підшипниками ковзання з біметалічного сплаву, виконаними для визначення можливої заміни підшипника кочення підшипником ковзання. Важлива кореляція між результатами лабораторних експериментів з моделлю трибологічної системи і реальним вузлом цапфи може бути досягнута шляхом максимального підходу до симуляції функцій шляхом повторних умов роботи. Таким чином, дані умови експерименту є результатом моделювання конкретного вузла, а саме блоку сервоприводу рульового управління. Експерименти були виконані на випробувальній машині Tribotestor M'06

    Design of Test Equipment for Hydrostatic Transducers and Hydraulic Fluids

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    The article refers to the proposed test equipment used to monitor the service life of hydrostatic transducers and fluids under constant or dynamic operating pressure loading. The proposed laboratory test equipment enables simultaneous testing of hydrostatic transducers and energy carriers in two hydraulic circuits and is designed to measure the flow characteristics and technical life of hydrostatic transducers with different energy carriers. The benefit of the proposed device is the possibility of simultaneous testing of the transducers as well as the performance of verification measurements of individual circuits, which was preceded by the development of a theoretical design. This includes the calculations necessary to determine the power of the drive, the cooling power as well as the definition of other parameters and elements of the hydraulic system. The design of the device was based on technical characteristics, load characteristics obtained by own measurements, and characteristics of individual hydraulic and electrohydraulic elements. On the basis of the prepared laboratory test equipment, it is possible to significantly shorten the time of operational tests and perform repeated tests under the same operational load with different types of energy carriers. The hydraulic circuit (primary or secondary) can be loaded through a proportional electrohydraulic pressure valve, which is able to simulate the load with the operational pressure curve obtained by measurement, as well as the cyclic stress, the frequency, amplitude, and rate of increase of which can be defined according to the selected methodology. A verification measurement of the flow characteristics of the used transducers was also carried out, which confirmed the correct function and design of the test laboratory equipment. The achieved results can be used in mechanical engineering for the accelerated life test of hydrostatic transducers, which are often used in mobile energy devices working in environmentally sensitive areas. The proposed laboratory test equipment will be used for testing ecological energy carriers, increasing the efficiency of energy conversion in agricultural facilities using biomass

    Oxidative stability of fatty acid alkyl esters: a review.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate and to process the current literary knowledge of the physico-chemical properties of vegetable oil raw used for biodiesel production in terms of its qualitative stability. An&nbsp;object of investigation was oxidative stability of biodiesel. In the study, we focused on the qualitative physico-chemical properties of vegetable oils used for biodiesel production, oxidative degradation and its mechanisms, oxidation of lipids, mechanisms of autooxidation, effectivennes of different synthetic antioxidants in relation to oxidative stability of biodiesel and methods of oxidative stability determination. Knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of vegetable oil as raw material and the factors affecting these properties is critical for the production of quality biodiesel and its sustainability. According to the source of oilseed, variations in the chemical composition of the vegetable oil are expressed by variations in the molar ratio among different fatty acids in the structure. The relative ratio of fatty acids present in the raw material is kept relatively constant after the transesterification reaction. The quality of biodiesel physico-chemical properties is influenced by the chain length and the level of unsaturation of the produced fatty acid alkyl esters. A biodiesel is thermodynamically stable. Its instability primarily occurs from contact of oxygen present in the ambient air that is referred to as oxidative instability. For biodiesel is oxidation stability a general term. It is necessary to distinguish &lsquo;storage stability' and &lsquo;thermal stability', in relation to oxidative degradation, which may occur during extended periods of storage, transportation and end use. Fuel instability problems can be of two related types, short-term oxidative instability and long-term storage instability. Storage instability is defined in terms of solid formation, which can plug nozzles, filters, and degrade engine performance. Biodiesels are more susceptible to degradation compared to fossil diesel because of the presence of unsaturated fatty acid chain in it. The mechanisms of oxidative degradation are autoxidation in presence of atmospheric oxygen; thermal or thermal-oxidative degradation from excess heat; hydrolysis in presence of moisture or water during storage and in fuel lines; and microbial contamination from contact with dust particles or water droplets containing fungi or bacteria into the fuel. The oxidation of lipids is a complex process in which unsaturated fatty acids are reacted with molecular oxygen by means of free radicals. The radicals react with lipids, and cause oxidative destruction of unsaturated, polyunsaturated fatty acids, therefore, known as lipid peroxidation. The factors such as heat, oxygen, light, and some metal ions, especially iron and copper, also play a significant role in creating oxidation. Oxidative products formed in biodiesel affect fuel storage life, contribute to deposit formation in tanks, and they may cause clogging of fuel filters and injection systems. The volatile organic acids formed as secondary by products of the oxidative degradation, may stimulate corrosion in the fuel system. Poor stability can lead to increasing acid numbers, increasing fuel viscosity, and the formation of gums and sediments. In general, antioxidants can prevent oxidation. Biodiesel, because it contains large numbers of molecules with double bonds, is much less oxidatively stable than petroleum-based diesel fuel. Oxidation stability is the important parameter to determine the storage of biodiesel for longer period of time. Biodiesel samples were evaluated according to methods on the base of kept in contact with pure oxygen at elevated temperatures and pressures. The results show that the performance antioxidants variation is observed for biodiesel. The most commonly used primary synthetic antioxidants<!--[endif] --

    Comparison of Effect of Conventional Fuel with Newly Developed Biofuel in Operation and Emission Conditions of Piston Combustion Engine

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    The present paper deals with the evaluation of the impact of newly developed biofuels together with a comparison with conventionally produced fuel, diesel, in terms of their impact on the technical and emission condition of a studied vehicle. The main energy and emission parameters of the internal combustion diesel engine were evaluated. For laboratory experiments, a discrete test method was used for comprehensive assessment, the procedure of which is described in the methodology of the paper together with a description of the measurement chain designed to achieve the determined results. The paper deals with the evaluation of the measured results of power, torque, consumption, and emissions such as CO2 and absorption coefficient. Among the technical parameters, the power and torque drop were observed for each biofuel. The decrease is attributed to lower values of calorific value, viscosity, and density. A positive effect was observed for the CO2 and absorption coefficient emission parameters, i.e., a decrease for each of the newly developed biofuels studied

    Alternative Models for Calculation of Static Overturning Angle and Lateral Stability Analysis of Subcompact and Universal Tractors

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    Vehicle lateral stability is evaluated using the static overturning angle. The correct value of this parameter depends on the calculation method. The aim of this study was to compare the latest standard with previously published methodology, to propose two alternative methodologies (Models 1 and 2) and to analyze the influence of various levels of rear wheel ballast weights and overall tire widths on the stability of universal and subcompact tractors. The results showed a significant regression effect of the rear wheel ballast weight on static overturning angle. The influence of the rear wheel ballast weight was higher in the subcompact tractor than in the universal tractor due to a larger distance between the height of the center of gravity and the center of the rear axle. Comparing the latest standard with the previously published methodology, the highest difference values were 13.82% and 7.30%. Both models are based on the previously published methodology and differ from each other in rolling and slope lines. The methodology proposed in Model 2 differed from the standard similarly to the previously published methodology; therefore, it is irrelevant. Model 1 reached differences of only −1.81% and −1.63%, representing a minimal difference from the standard