67 research outputs found


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    Visualization of multivariate multidimensional data sets is a challenging task, especially without use of adequate tools and methods. In the last few years, parallel coordinate plots became quite popular and accepted as a very efficient multivariate visualization technique. The aim of this paper was to explore how parallel coordinates can be used in analysis of winter wheat quantitative traits. Data set is obtained from experiment set up by a completely randomized design with two treatments and four replicates. Ten variables (plant height, spike length, stem length, plant weight, spike weight, grain weight per spike, 1000 kernel weight, number of fertile and sterile spikelets per spike and total number of spikelets per spike) and fifty-five winter wheat genotypes were analysed in this paper. In parallel coordinate plots observations are shown as series of unbroken lines, passing through parallel axes, where each axes represents a different variable. Advantage of parallel coordinates, compared to other visualization techniques, is that they can represent multivariate data in two dimensions. From such representation, outliers and grouping among observations are easily detectable. Correlation among variables can also be easily detected from suchrepresentation. Although parallel coordinates cannot efficiently explore details, they are a good technique for visualization of multivariate data sets and they can be used for exploratory analysis of wheat quantitative traits.Grafički prikazati multivarijantno-multidimenzionalni skup podataka bez primjene odgovarajućih alata nije jednostavan posao. U posljednjih nekoliko godina porasla je popularnost paralelnih koordinata, koje su se pokazale kao vrlo učinkovita metoda za vizualizaciju. Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti mogućnosti primjene paralelnih koordinata pri ispitivanju kvantitativnih svojstava ozime pÅ”enice. U radu su koriÅ”teni podaci iz pokusa postavljenoga po potpuno slučajnome planu, s dva tretmana u četiri ponavljanja. U radu je analizirano deset varijabli (visina biljke, duljina stabljike, duljina klasa, masa biljke, masa klasa, masa zrna po klasu, masa 1000 zrna, broj sterilnih i fertilnih klasića, i ukupan broj klasića po klasu) i pedeset pet genotipova ozime pÅ”enice. U dijagramu paralelnih koordinata opservacije su prikazane kao linije koje prolaze kroz paralelne osi, a svaka os predstavlja jednu varijablu. Prednost paralelnih koordinata, u odnosu na druge vizualizacijske metode, je u tome Å”to multidimenzionalne probleme prikazuje u dvije dimenzije te se u takvome prikazu mogu lako uočiti odstupanja i grupiranja pojedinih opservacija te korelaciju među varijablama. Iako paralelne koordinate ne mogu otkriti i istražiti detalje promatranoga skupa, vrlo su korisne u vizualizaciji i eksploraciji multivarijantnih podataka, kao Å”to su kvantitativna svojstva ozime pÅ”enice

    Prva analiza teŔkih metala u perima sivih čaplji Ardea cinerea iz hrvatskih kolonija

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    This study represents the first analysis of heavy metals: lead and cadmium, as well as two metalloids: arsenic and selenium, in the feathers of Grey Herons breeding in Croatia. The Grey Heron was chosen as a model apex predator of the wetland ecosystem due to high trophic level, feeding habits, long lifespan and abundance. Sampling was conducted during the 2019 breeding season in April and May from six Grey Herons colonies in Croatia (Mrsunjski lug, Kopački rit, Piljenice, Kravarsko, Čepin, Slovinci), whose environment is heavily influenced by rivers Danube, Drava and Sava tributaries. The primary and secondary flight feathers were collected under the colonies as shed feathers or from dead birds. The feathers are a suitable non-invasive method for metal and metalloid analysis, and can reflect internal concentrations, depending on the metal. In the Slovinci colony, we measured the highest lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) concentrations (2194.53 Ā± 416.20 Ī¼g kg-1 dw and 79.30 Ā± 9.37 Ī¼g kg-1 dw, respectively). The highest arsenic (As) and selenium (Se) concentrations were found in the Čepin colony (359.70 Ā± 301.46 Ī¼g kg-1 dw and 3375.61 Ā± 2502.80 Ī¼g kg-1 dw, respectively). All the measured levels of heavy metals and metalloids are below concentrations that can cause adverse health effects in birds.Antropogenim aktivnostima povećava se razina metala i polumetala u okoliÅ”u rezultirajući njihovim zagađenjem. Mjerenje teÅ”kih metala i polumetala neinvazivnim metodama dobar je pokazatelj stanja okoliÅ”a. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati prve analize teÅ”kih metala: olova i kadmija te dva metaloida: arsena i selena u perju sivih čaplji Ardea cinerea koje se gnijezde u Hrvatskoj. Uzorkovanje pera sivih čaplji provedeno je tijekom sezone gniježđenja, u travnju i svibnju 2019. iz Å”est hrvatskih kolonija (Mrsunjski lug, Kopački rit, Piljenice, Kravarsko, Čepin i Slovinci). Primarna i sekundarna letna pera odraslih ptica prikupljena su ispod kolonija. Najveće koncentracije olova (Pb) zabilježene su u perju iz Slovinaca (2194,53 Ā± 416,20 Ī¼g kg-1 suhe tvari) i Kopačkog rita (1955,85 Ā± 1373,07 Ī¼g kg-1 suhe tvari). U Čepinu su izmjerene najviÅ”e koncentracije arsena (As; 359,70 Ā± 301,46 Ī¼g kg-1 suhe tvari) i selena (Se; 3375,61 Ā± 2502,80 Ī¼g kg-1 suhe tvari), a najviÅ”a razina kadmija (Cd) izmjerena je u koloniji Slovinci (79,30 Ā± 9,37 Ī¼g kg-1 suhe tvari). Sve izmjerene razine metala i polumetala su ispod koncentracija koje se smatraju toksičnima za ptice. Preliminarni rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na relativno nisku zagađenost okoliÅ”a kontinentalne Hrvatske, no potrebna su dodatna istraživanja i uspostava kontinuiranog praćenja metala i polumetala u okoliÅ”u te njihov utjecaj na vrÅ”ne predator

    The Analysis of Variability of Indicators Associated with Prevalence of Subclinical Ketosis/Acidosis in Dairy Cattle

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    Metabolic disorders of dairy cows, primarily ketosis and acidosis, are one of the most significant problems in dairy herd management. Numerous studies have shown that metabolic disorders induce economic losses for milk producers due to treatment costs, reduced milk production, impaired reproduction, and ultimately increased animal excretion rates. Given the above, and for the purpose of sustainable management of the dairy herd, it is extremely important to detect as early as possible the cows that are at risk of subclinical metabolic disorders and to prevent the development of the clinical form in time. On dairy farms, milk recording is performed every month, which includes the collection of data on the productivity of dairy cattle that are in the system of breeding and selection work. The results of milk recording together with the pedigree data, the basis for calculating the breeding value of cattle and for the implementation of selection in accordance with the breeding program of each breed, also allow the breeder to improve dairy herd management and timely detection of metabolic disorders in the subclinical phase using precision dairy farming technologies. The daily content of milk fat and protein represents the basis for estimating the prevalence, with the optimal values of the ratio of milk fat and protein being 1.1 - 1.5, while the deviation from the same indicates the prevalence of acidosis or ketosis. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of subclinical disorders of Simmental and Holstein cows depending on the season by applying precision dairy farming technologies- that is, the results of milk recording. Our logical control dataset consisted of over 1.6 million of test day records (Holstein cows: 805,247 records/ 69,368 animals/ 4,998 farms; and Simmental cows: 845,514 records/ 78,540 animals/ 7,242 farms). Conducted analysis indicated that daily milk production, stage of lactation, parity, age at first calving, milk recording, and cattle breed significantly affected daily fat and protein content as well as F/P ratio. Also, determined higher values of F/P ratio in winter period indicates higher ketosis prevalence risk, while lower values of F/P ratio in summer period indicates higher acidosis prevalence risk. Finally, in order to more precisely predict the ketosis / acidosis prevalence in dairy cows based on milk recording data, factor that significantly affects the variability of daily fat and protein content, and consequently the fat to protein ratio as well as the prevalence risk of metabolic disorders should be taken into account


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    Vermikompost (lumbripost, biohumus) je kao organsko gnojivo ili supstrat za proizvodnju presadnica proizvedeno mikrobioloÅ”kom razgradnjom goveđeg stajnjaka kroz probavni sustav kalifornijske gliste (Eisenia foetida). Analizom fizikalnih, kemijskih i bioloÅ”kih svojstava utvrđeno je da je vermikompost stabilan, dobro opskrbljen biljnim hranivima te da je koncentracija analiziranih teÅ”kih kovina niža od dopuÅ”tenih vrijednosti. Analizama je u vermikompostu utvrđeno 17,85% pepela, neutralna pH reakcija, EC 1,07 dS m-1, 24,6% ukupnog C, 2,32% ukupnog N i CN odnos 10,6, Å”to indicira zrelost vermikomposta. Utvrđene su značajne koncentracije (u g kg-1) ukupnog P (11,25), K (6,13), Ca (10) i Mg (8,55) te mikroelemenata (u mg kg-1) Fe (9464), Mn (354), Zn (272) i Cu (46). Također, ukupna koncentracija Zn, Cu, Pb (16 mg kg-1) i Cr (42 mg kg-1) niža je od dopuÅ”tenih granica, Å”to dopuÅ”ta uporabu vermikomposta kao gnojiva i kao supstrata za proizvodnju presadnica. BioloÅ”kim testovima utvrđeno je da je vermikompost vrlo stabilan, jer je izmjeren intenzitet disanja 1,2 mg CO2-C g-1 kompost-C dan-1, te da vermikompost nije fitotoksičan, jer je uzgojem salate u kontejnerima tijekom 14 dana utvrđena veća produkcija nadzemne tvari koriÅ”tenjem vermikomposta nego koriÅ”tenjem komercijalnog supstrata, iako razlike nisu statistički značajne.Vermicompost (lumbripost, biohumus) is organic fertilizer or potting medium produced by microbial decomposition of cattle manure using Californian earthworm (Eisenia foetida). Analysing physical, chemical and biological properties confirmed that the vermicompost was stable with significant level of plant nutrients and the concentration of analysed heavy metals below threshold values. The results of vermicompost analyses were 17.85% ash, neutral pH reaction, EC 1.07 dS m-1, 24.6% total C, 2.32% total N and C:N ratio 10.6 indicating vermicompost maturity. Analyses showed significant concentrations (in g kg-1) of total P (11.25), K (6.13), Ca (10) and Mg (8.55) and microelements (in mg kg-1) Fe (9464), Mn (354), Zn (272) and Cu (46). Also, the total concentration of Zn, Cu, Pb (16 mg kg-1) and Cr (42 mg kg-1) was below permitted threshold values indicating that the use of vermicompost as fertilizer or as potting medium would be unrestricted. Biological tests show that (i) the vermicompost was stable because measured respiration rate was 1.2 mg CO2-C g-1 compost-C day-1, and (ii) the vermicompost did not show any phytotoxic effects because the 14-day growth of lettuce in containers resulted in higher aboveground fresh matter production using vermicompost as a potting medium compared with commercial medium, although the differences were no


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    This study analyzes the dynamics of sugar beet root, crown, and leaves fresh and dry matter (FM and DM, respectively) accumulation per plant and their mass ratio at different plant densities and nitrogen fertilization. The biennial field trials were set as four different planting densities (60,000, 80,000, 100,000 and 140,000 plants ha-1) and three methods of nitrogen application in spring: control ā€“ without nitrogen fertilization (N0), presowing only (N1), and presowing with topdressing (N2). Close to the maturation, the mean DM of the whole root, crown, and leaves on September 20, 2014 amounted to 28.8, 7.3 and 4.0 t ha-1, respectively, whereas it amounted to 20.7, 4.1 and 2.3 t ha-1 in 2015, respectively. Moreover, with regard to the plant densities, the highest root DM was at 140,000 and 100,000 (31.6 t ha-1 in 2014 and 22.4 t ha-1 in 2015), compared to the wider plant densities of 80,000 and 60,000 plants ha-1 (22.4 t ha-1 in 2014 and 18.1 t ha-1 in 2015). Nitrogen fertilization positively influenced on dry matter accumulation, but it was different within the years. On September 20, 2014, a presowing fertilization (N1) increased the root DM by 17%, compared to the control, whereas in 2015 the presowing with topdressing (N2) increased the root DM by 30%. The root-to-leaves FM ratio amounted to 1:3.9 on May 30, 2014, whereas it amounted to 1:0.1 on September 20, 2014. The leaves FM was at its largest on June 20, 2015, when the root-to-leaves ratio amounted to 1:1.1, and gradually decreased to 1:0.1 on September 20, 2015.U ovome je istraživanju kroz dvije godine analizirana dinamika porasta svježe mase (FM) i mase suhe tvari (DM) cijeloga korijena, glave korijena i listova Å”ećerne repe te njihov omjer masa ovisno o broju biljaka po jedinici povrÅ”ine (60.000, 80.000, 100.000 i 140.000 biljaka ha-1) i gnojidbi duÅ”ikom u proljeće: kontrola (N0), samo predsjetva (N1) te predsjetva gnojidba s prihranom (N2). Pri sazrijevanju, 20. rujna, prosječna masa suhe tvari cijeloga korijena, glave korijena i lisne rozete Å”ećerne repe u 2014. godini iznosila je 28,8, 7,3 i 4,0 t ha-1, dok je u 2015. bila manja i iznosila je prosječno 20,7, 4,1 i 2,3 t ha-1. Å toviÅ”e, u odnosu na gustoću sjetve, prosječno veća masa suhe tvari cijeloga korijena izmjerena je pri 140.000 i 100.000 (31,6 t ha-1 u 2014. i 22,4 t ha-1 u 2015.), i to u odnosu na sklop od 80.000 i 60.000 biljaka ha-1 (22,4 t ha-1 u 2014. i 18,1 t ha-1 u 2015.). Gnojidba duÅ”ikom pozitivno je utjecala na akumuliranje suhe tvari, ali je utjecaj gnojidbe bio različit ovisno o godini istraživanja. Tako je 20. rujna 2014. predsjetvena gnojidba (N1) povećala masu suhe tvari cijeloga korijena za 17% u usporedbi s kontrolom, dok je u 2015. predsjetva gnojidba i prihrana (N2) rezultirala povećanjem mase suhe tvari cijeloga korijena za 30% u odnosu na kontrolu. U 2014. je omjer svježe mase korijena i lisne rozete 30. svibnja bio 1: 3,9, a 20. rujna 1: 0,1. U 2015. godini omjer mase cijeloga korijena i lisne rozete bio je najÅ”iri 20. lipnja (1:1,1), a postupno se masa lisne rozete sazrijevanjem korijena smanjivala, tako da je 20. rujna omjer iznosio 1:0,1

    The Analysis of Variability of Indicators Associated with Prevalence of Subclinical Ketosis/Acidosis in Dairy Cattle

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    Metabolic disorders of dairy cows, primarily ketosis and acidosis, are one of the most significant problems in dairy herd management. Numerous studies have shown that metabolic disorders induce economic losses for milk producers due to treatment costs, reduced milk production, impaired reproduction, and ultimately increased animal excretion rates. Given the above, and for the purpose of sustainable management of the dairy herd, it is extremely important to detect as early as possible the cows that are at risk of subclinical metabolic disorders and to prevent the development of the clinical form in time. On dairy farms, milk recording is performed every month, which includes the collection of data on the productivity of dairy cattle that are in the system of breeding and selection work. The results of milk recording together with the pedigree data, the basis for calculating the breeding value of cattle and for the implementation of selection in accordance with the breeding program of each breed, also allow the breeder to improve dairy herd management and timely detection of metabolic disorders in the subclinical phase using precision dairy farming technologies. The daily content of milk fat and protein represents the basis for estimating the prevalence, with the optimal values of the ratio of milk fat and protein being 1.1 - 1.5, while the deviation from the same indicates the prevalence of acidosis or ketosis. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of subclinical disorders of Simmental and Holstein cows depending on the season by applying precision dairy farming technologies- that is, the results of milk recording. Our logical control dataset consisted of over 1.6 million of test day records (Holstein cows: 805,247 records/ 69,368 animals/ 4,998 farms; and Simmental cows: 845,514 records/ 78,540 animals/ 7,242 farms). Conducted analysis indicated that daily milk production, stage of lactation, parity, age at first calving, milk recording, and cattle breed significantly affected daily fat and protein content as well as F/P ratio. Also, determined higher values of F/P ratio in winter period indicates higher ketosis prevalence risk, while lower values of F/P ratio in summer period indicates higher acidosis prevalence risk. Finally, in order to more precisely predict the ketosis / acidosis prevalence in dairy cows based on milk recording data, factor that significantly affects the variability of daily fat and protein content, and consequently the fat to protein ratio as well as the prevalence risk of metabolic disorders should be taken into account

    Biofortifikacija krmiva mikroelementima u hranidbi domaćih životinja

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    Continuous growth of human population, combined with the changes in eating habits, calls for an intensification of agricultural production. However, apart from the increase in food production, its nutritional composition is important as well, particularly in terms of microelements. In diets of over two thirds of the worldā€™s population, there is a lack of more than one microelement. Insufficient concentrations of microelements, which are important for proper growth, development and health of humans and domestic animals, can be eliminated with diverse nutrition, microelement supplementation and by increasing the concentration and bioavailability of microelements in feeds used in animal nutrition, or biofortification. By reviewing the literature, the factors that influence the increase in microelement concentration in fodder crops are presented. Agronomic and genetic approach to biofortification is advocated as an immediate strategy to eliminate the lack of microelements most commonly lacking in diets: iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iodine (I), selenium (Se). The nutrition of animals containing biofortified fodder aims to increase the concentration of the aforementioned microelements in blood and improve their growth, development and health. By increasing the concentrations of microelements in tissues and milk of domestic animals, the ultimate goal is to meet the microelement needs in humans.Neprestanim rastom ljudske populacije i promjenom prehrambenih navika ljudi rastu zahtjevi za intenziviranjem poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Međutim, osim rasta proizvodnje hrane važan je i njen nutritivni sastav, osobito u pogledu mikroelemenata. U hrani dvije trećine svjetske populacije ljudi prisutan je nedostatak viÅ”e od jednoga mikroelementa. Nedostatak mikroelemenata, koji su važni za pravilan rast i razvoj te zdravlje ljudi i domaćih životinja, može se ukloniti raznovrsnoŔću hranidbe, dodavanjem mikroelemenata u hranu te povećanjem koncentracije i bioraspoloživosti mikroelemenata u krmivima koja se koriste u hranidbi domaćih životinja, odnosno biofortifikacijom. Pregledom dostupne literature, prikazat će se čimbenici o kojima ovisi povećanje koncentracije mikroelemenata u krmnim kulturama, kao i agronomske te genetske načine biofortifikacije, kojima se nastoji ukloniti nedostatak najčeŔćih mikroelemenata u hrani: selena, željeza, bakra, cinka i joda. Hranidbom domaćih životinja biofortificiranim krmivima nastoji se povećati koncentracija navedenih mikroelemenata u krvi istih te poboljÅ”ati njihov rast, razvoj i zdravlje. Porastom koncentracije mikroelemenata u tkivima i mlijeku domaćih životinja nastoje se zadovoljiti njihove potrebe u ljudi


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    The purpose of this article was to compare soil P extraction by sodium bicarbonate solution (Olsen P) and by ammonium lactate (AL P) in calcareous soils in Croatia and to create a model for predicting AL P values using the correlation of these soil tests and common soil analysis data in Croatia. Soil samples were collected, near Opuzen city, in the valley of the River Neretva, in 2005. The results of these studies confirmed significant correlation between soil P extracted by Olsen (NaHCO3) and by ammonium lactate (AL P) solution in calcareous soils from the Neretva river valley. The developed model is useful for providing fertilizer recommendations based on AL P soil-test results from Croatian soils using existing ammonium lactateextractable P calibration expecially for the calcareous soils in Croatia in the valley of the Neretva River.Cilj ovoga rada bio je usporediti količine fosfora iz uzoraka tla različitim ekstraktivnim otopinama, otopinom natrij bikarbonata (Olsen P) i amonij laktata (AL P ) u karbonatnim tlima Hrvatske te razviti model za predviđanje količine AL P na temelju dostupnih podataka o tlu. Uzorci su prikupljeni u dolini rijeke Neretve 2005. godine. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju prijaÅ”njim istraživanjima utvrđenu statistički značajnu korelaciju između AL P i Oslen P metode. Razvijeni model predviđanja količine AL P na temelju analiziranih podataka o tlu može se uspjeÅ”no primjenjivati za karbonatna tla u Republici Hrvatskoj, posebice u tlima u dolini rijeke Neretve


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    The metals such as Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn are the essential elements that have an important role in the human immune system. The aim of this research was to determine the concentration of nutritive values of macroelements (N, P, and K) and microelements (Fe and Zn) in a mushroom substrate and in a champignon mushroom fruiting body. A trial was conducted in the mushroom production company Romanjek LLC in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. It was conducted in four vegetation cycles on two different substrates, the one originating from Eastern Europe and the other originating from Northern Europe. At the end of the trial, the basic chemical properties of substrates and mushrooms were recorded. A comparison of investigated substrate measurements demonstrates that the highest content of elements N, P, and K was determined in the substrate 2 originating from Northern Europe, while the concentration of microelements Fe and Zn was higher in substrate 1, originating, from Eastern Europe. There was a statistically significant difference in a macroelement content in the mushrooms grown on the substrates of different origin, as well as in the transfer of Zn and Fe from a substrate to mushrooms. There was a higher accumulation of the transferred Zn in comparison to Fe in the mushrooms regardless of the origin of the substrate.Šampinjoni su jedna od ekonomski najznačajnijih jestivih vrsta gljiva, iznimno dobre nutritivne vrijednosti, koja ima važnu ulogu u zdravoj prehrani. Metali Fe, Cu, Zn i Mn su esencijalni elementi koji imaju važnu ulogu u jačanju ljudskoga imuniteta. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi koncentracije makroelemenata (N, P i K) i mikroelemenata (Fe i Zn) u supstratima i plodnim tijelima gljiva. Pokus je postavljen u proizvodnji gljiva Romanjek d. o. o. (Slavonski Brod, Hrvatska) i provodio se tijekom četiri vegetacijska ciklusa na dva supstrata različitoga geografskog podrijetla. Jedan supstrat (supstrat 1) proizveden je u istočnoj Europi, a drugi (supstrat 2) u sjevernoj Europi. Na kraju pokusa analizirana su osnovna kemijska svojstva supstrata i uzoraka istraživanih gljiva. Usporedbom rezultata istraživanih supstrata ustanovljen je veći sadržaj N, P i K u supstratu 2 podrijetlom sa sjevera Europe, ali je koncentracija mikroelemenata Fe i Zn bila veća u supstratu 1, podrijetlom s istoka Europe. Statistički značajna razlika ustanovljena je u sadržaju makroelemenata u gljivama uzgojenim na supstratima različitoga podrijetla, kao i u transferu Zn i Fe iz supstrata u gljive. Osim toga, uspoređujući akumulaciju transferiranoga Zn i Fe, ustanovljena je veća akumulacija Zn u gljivama bez obzira na podrijetlo supstrata
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