54 research outputs found

    Ustalenie kryteriów oceny jakości układu zawieszenia ciagnika kołowego

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    The study aimed at qualification of the criteria for selecting the suspension system parameters for wheeled agricultural tractors and for evaluating their quality at the stage of engineering design. The problem to be solved consists in fact that both, ergonomic and technical standards (such as ISO and GOST), comprise the qualitative characteristics of suspension system only, whereas constructor designing new product needs the numerical values of particular parameters. A proposal was suggested to divide all the criteria dealing with the tractor suspension system into four groups, such as: - criteria for evaluating tractor steerability, safety and braking ability, - criteria for evaluating the loads of transmissions and construction elements of the tractor, - criteria concerning the tractor driver’s comfort, - criteria for evaluating tractor performance quality. Analysis of some research works considering the problems of spring suspension systems enabled to determine the quantitative criteria for evaluating suspension system for each group. Majority of the criteria for evaluating the quality of spring suspension system are applied to instantaneous values of tractor wheel resistance forces and to kinematic parameters (displacement, velocity, acceleration) for characteristic points of machine framing construction. The application of these numerical values is convenient both, at mathematical modelling with the use of „automatic design system” and during practical testing of the machine spring suspension system.W pracy ustalono kryteria służące do doboru parametrów układu zawieszenia kołowego ciągnika rolniczego i oceny jego jakości na etapie projektowania. Problem badawczy polega na tym, że ergonomiczne i techniczne normy (takie jak ISO i GOST) zawierają charakterystyki jakościowe zawieszenia, a konstruktorowi projektującemu nowe wyroby potrzebne są wartości liczbowe wskaźników. Wszystkie kryteria dotyczące zawieszenia proponuje się podzielić na cztery grupy, a mianowicie: kryteria służące do oceny sterowności, stabilności, bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności hamowania, kryteria służące do oceny obciążeń w przekładniach i elementach konstrukcji ciągnika, kryteria dotyczące komfortu pracy traktorzysty, kryteria służące do oceny jakości pracy ciągnika. Przeprowadzona analiza prac naukowych, poświęconych problemom układów zawieszenia, pozwoliła ustalić kryteria ilościowe oceny systemu zawieszenia dla każdej grupy. Większość kryteriów służących do oceny jakości układu zawieszenia sprowadza się do chwilowych wartości sił oporów kół ciągnika i wskaźników kinematycznych (przemieszczenie, prędkość i przyspieszenie) dla charakterystycznych punktów konstrukcji szkieletu maszyny. Posługiwanie się tymi wielkościami jest wygodne zarówno podczas modelowania matematycznego z wykorzystaniem „systemu automatycznego projektowania”, jak i podczas praktycznych badań resorowania maszyn

    The Prognostication of Columnar Mesophases - Synthesis and Mesomorphism of Some Porphyrin Derivatives

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    The existence of columnar mesophases (CM) for a new series of the porphyrin derivatives is predicted. With this purpose, the computation of molecular parameters (K, Кc, Кs, Kp, Mm, Mr) is carried out for eighty five molecules, including materials with a small number of peripheral substitutes. For verification of the existence of CM in the series of materials examined, some of them are synthesized and their mesomorphism is investigated

    The concept of the ecological path project “Negoreloe forest fairy tale”

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    The concept of the ecological path project on the basis of the Bota nical garden in Negoreloe expe-rimental forestry establishment was created in regard to the basic requirements of the excursion methods. The interrelationship problem in the “man-nature” system was based on a system of taboos and objects of worship in traditional culture. Nowadays the formation of ecological culture is connected with the opportunities of ethnopedagogics. It’s based on tales and legends, with recognition to their sig-nificance in transfer of experience to rising generations. The criteria for transforming a botanical trail into an ecological path were defined: inclusions of materials about the gods and spirits of the wood and water (namely, Hajun, Lazavik, Liesavik, Rusalka) in the excursion narrative; adding art objects in the path, that demonstrate the connection between the kingdoms of plants and animals, nature and man. The selection criteria for demonstration objects (trees, bushes, herbs and flowers) were either their typicality or uniqueness. In addition to botanical data, the excursion narrative also included information on traditional medicine and legends about their origin. The path project “Negoreloe forest fairy tale” includes a detailed description of 11 stopping points. The following equipment was designed to enable independent trips: 5 information boards, 11 banners, 2 signs. The main topics are outlined, that might be detailed based on the analysis of the excursion objects during the excursion

    Acetylatton of rhenium and manganese ?5-indenyltricarbonyl

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