7 research outputs found

    Energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in Poland from 2000 to 2018 : an LMDI decomposition analysis perspective

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    Purpose: The primary purpose of this paper is to carry out a multidimensional analysis of determinants of changes to GHG emissions in Poland between 2000 and 2018. This study found that GHG emissions generally followed an upward trend over the study period, although deviations in different directions were recorded in some years. This means that shifting to a low-carbon economy-as a way to counteract climate warming-poses a considerable challenge to Poland. It becomes imperative as the EU has intensified its measures taken to become climate-neutral. Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper contributes to research on climate change drivers related to energy use. The analysis was based on descriptive statistics and decomposition methods. The Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI), one of the most widely adopted forms of index decomposition analysis, was employed to identify the determinants of GHG emissions. This was based on the additive specification. Findings: This study identified rapid economic growth—and the corresponding increase in energy consumption primarily derived from fossil fuels, mainly including coal and lignite—as the main reason behind the increase in GHG emissions in Poland between 2000 and 2018. Moreover, it follows from the decomposition analysis that the reduction in GHG emissions was due to a decrease in GHG emissions per unit of energy, improvements in fuel conversion efficiency, a reduction in final energy consumption per unit of GDP, and a small extent-by population change. However, the positive impact of these factors on GHG reduction was smaller than the negative impact of economic growth. As a consequence of these differences, GHG emissions in Poland followed an upward trend. Practical implications: These considerations could help develop an active energy policy focused on climate neutrality. Originality/value: This document broadens and updates knowledge on the determinants of GHG emissions. Also, these findings can provide grounds for accelerating energy transformation processes in Poland.peer-reviewe


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    W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analizy czynnikow ksztaltujacych plynnosc finansowa w przedsiebiorstwach przemyslu spozywczego w Polsce w latach 2005–2008. W analizie wykorzystano propozycje przyczynowo-skutkowego powiazania czynnikow ksztaltujacych plynnosc finansowa, w ktorej poziom plynnosci determinowany jest przez strukture aktywow, rotacje zobowiazan biezacych oraz strategie finansowania wyrazona mnoznikiem kapitalowym i stopniem finansowania dzialalnosci kapitalem wlasnym.plynnosc finansowa, czynniki ksztaltujace plynnosc finansowa, przemysl spozywczy, analiza regresji

    Does inventory management improve profitability? Empirical evidence from Polish manufacturing industries

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between inventory management and industrial processing companies' financial performance. In analyzing these relationships, the study took account of total inventories (INV) and their components, i.e., materials and raw materials (RMI), intermediates and work-in-progress (WIP), finished products (FGI), and commodities (GI). Approach/Methodology/Design: Descriptive statistics and dynamic panel regression were used in analyzing the causative links between the efficiency of inventory management and profitability. The analysis was carried out on a 2013–2019 database for the Polish industrial processing sector, taking into account the size classes of enterprises. Findings: The article proves the existence of statistically significant relationships between the efficiency of total inventories and inventory components (except for finished products), on one side, and business profitability, on the other. The estimated panel regression parameters showed that the days in inventory ratios for intermediates and work-in-progress (WIPC) and raw and other materials (RMI) have the strongest correlation with profitability. Increasing the inventory days for these components had the strongest and negative impact on the return on total assets in the population surveyed and in enterprise size classes identified in this study. Practical implications: The study provides evidence for financial benefits derived from inventory performance. Also, it indicates which inventory components have the greatest impact on financial results. Originality/value: The article extends knowledge on causative links between the management of inventories and inventory components and enterprises' financial performance. It also analyzes the results of inventory management by industrial processing sub-sector and by enterprise size. The results confirm that it is advisable to adjust the volume and mix of inventories because rational inventory management practices are also a factor that empowers industrial company owners to add more value.peer-reviewe

    The relationship between working capital and profitability in food industry firms in Poland

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    The article presents the results of the effectiveness of working capital management in the food industry in Poland. The study was conducted in the 30 branches (classes) of the food industry over the period 2005-2009, based on unpublished data of the Central Statistical Office. The effectiveness of working capital management were evaluated using a cycles of inventories, receivables, liabilities and cash conversion cycle and in relation to rates of return earned on assets. Studies have shown that in industries where these cycles are the shortest achieved the highest rate of return. The beneficial effect of shortening the cycle of working capital on profitability is also verified by using regression analysis

    FACTORS INFLUENCING THE FINANCIAL LIQUIDITY OF THE FOOD INDUSTRY IN POLAND (Czynniki ksztaltujace plynnosc finansowa przedsiebiorstw przemyslu spozywczego w Polsce)

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the factors influencing the financial liquidity of the enterprises of food industry in Poland in 2005-2008. The analysis used the proposal to a causal relationship factors influencing the liquidity, where the level of financial liquidity is determined by the structure of assets, rotation of the current liabilities and the financing strategy