28 research outputs found


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    The article focuses on academic presentations created with the help of multimedia programmes. The presentation is regarded as a special form of new academic knowledge representation. An academic presentation is explored as a multimodal phenomenon due to the fact that different channels or modes are activated during its perception. Data perception constitutes a part of the context which in itself is a semiotic event involving various components (an addresser, an addressee, the message itself, the channel of communication and the code). The choice of the code and the channel depends on different factors (type of the audience, the nature of the message, etc). In this way, the information for non-professionals will be most likely presented through visualization with the help of infographics (schemes, figures, charts, etc). Talking about the professional audience the speaker may resort to visualization to a lesser degree or he may not use it at all. His message will be transmitted only with the help of verbal means, which will not prevent the audience from perceiving and understanding new knowledge correctly. The presentation regime of rapid successive slide show may be regarded the heritage of ‘clip thinking’ which is characterized by a non-linear, simultaneous way of information perception. At the present stage of technology development visualization is becoming the most common means of transmitting information in academic discourse, due to peculiarities of data perception by the man of today

    Late Antiquity: The Regional Specific Nature of Intellectual Tradition

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    The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the specifics of the intellectual tradition prevailing in some regions of the Late Antique world. For the purpose of a comprehensive review of the problem, the authors focus on well-known intellectuals of the 5th–6th centuries, representing Gaul (Ausonius, Sidonius, Ennodius et al.), Alexandria (John Philoponus, Hypatia, Sinesius of Cyrene et al.), Africa (Fulgentius, Priscian, Corippus), Isauria (Candidus Isaurus). Despite the fact that, under the influence of objective factors (Christianization, barbarians), the intellectual tradition changed from its ancient model to the medieval one, it fulfilled its most important task - to preserve the best from the treasury of ancient thought and adapt the ancient heritage to a changing world. In conclusion, the outcomes of the study demonstrate various examples of intellectual tradition and the fortunes of “people of written culture” (literati)

    Effect of argon sputtering on XPS depth-profiling results of Si/Nb/Si

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    Ultrathin Si/Nb/Si trilayer is an excellent example of a system for which dimensionality effects, together with other factors like type of a substrate material and growth method, influence strongly its superconducting properties. This study offers some important insights into experimental investigation of density of states of such a system with the aim to identify an electronic structure of the interface as a function of niobium layer thickness. For that, two Si/Nb/Si trilayers with 9.5 and 1.3 nm thick niobium layer buried in amorphous silicon were studied using high-resolution (HR) XPS depth-profile techniques. Strong influence of sputtering was observed, which resulted in severe intermixture of Si and Nb atoms. Nevertheless, a sharp top interface and metallic phase of niobium were detected for the thicker layer sample. On the contrary, a Nb-rich mixed alloy at top interface was observed for the thinner layer sample

    Редкий вариант АНЦА-ассоциированного гранулематоза с полиангиитом, осложненного диффузной альвеолярной геморрагией

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    Diagnostic criteria of vasculitis associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are of limited usefulness as they involve resembling conditions and do not make possible distinguishing nosology of vasculitis. A challenging clinical case of an elderly female patient with ANCA-associated vasculitis, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage syndrome, cardiac injury and blood eosinophilia, but without bronchial asthma, is described in the article.Классификационные критерии васкулитов, ассоциированных с антинейтрофильными цитоплазматическими антителами (АНЦА), значительно ограничены, т. к. включают схожие клинические состояния, не позволяющие четко разграничить нозологический вариант васкулита. В статье представлен сложный случай диагностики АНЦА-ассоциированного васкулита у пожилой пациентки с диффузным альвеолярным геморрагическим синдромом, поражением сердца, эозинофилией крови, без бронхиальной астмы

    Specific Thiazolidinediones Inhibit Ovarian Cancer Cell Line Proliferation and Cause Cell Cycle Arrest in a PPARγ Independent Manner

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    Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor gamma (PPARγ) agonists, such as the thiazolinediones (TZDs), have been studied for their potential use as cancer therapeutic agents. We investigated the effect of four TZDs--Rosiglitazone (Rosi), Ciglitazone (CGZ), Troglitazone (TGZ), and Pioglitazone (Pio)--on ovarian cancer cell proliferation, PPARγ expression and PPAR luciferase reporter activity. We explored whether TZDs act in a PPARγ dependent or independent manner by utilizing molecular approaches to inhibit or overexpress PPARγ activity.Treatment with CGZ or TGZ for 24 hours decreased proliferation in three ovarian cancer cell lines, Ovcar3, CaOv3, and Skov3, whereas Rosi and Pio had no effect. This decrease in Ovcar3 cell proliferation was due to a higher fraction of cells in the G(0)/G(1) stage of the cell cycle. CGZ and TGZ treatment increased apoptosis after 4 hours of treatment but not after 8 or 12 hours. Treatment with TGZ or CGZ increased PPARγ mRNA expression in Ovcar3 cells; however, protein levels were unchanged. Surprisingly, luciferase promoter assays revealed that none of the TZDs increased PPARγ activity. Overexpression of wild type PPARγ increased reporter activity. This was further augmented by TGZ, Rosi, and Pio indicating that these cells have the endogenous capacity to mediate PPARγ transactivation. To determine whether PPARγ mediates the TZD-induced decrease in proliferation, cells were treated with CGZ or TGZ in the absence or presence of a dominant negative (DN) or wild type overexpression PPARγ construct. Neither vector changed the TZD-mediated cell proliferation suggesting this effect of TZDs on ovarian cancer cells may be PPARγ independent.CGZ and TGZ cause a decrease in ovarian cancer cell proliferation that is PPARγ independent. This concept is supported by the finding that a DN or overexpression of the wild type PPARγ did not affect the changes in cell proliferation and cell cycle

    Chronic fibrosing progressing interstitial lung disease: a decision of Multidisciplinary Expert Board

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    The natural course of some interstitial lung diseases (ILD) is characterized by progressive fibrosing phenotype resembling idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Until recently, the antifibrotic drug nintedanib was approved for treatment of the only fibrosing ILD which was IPF. A new indication for this drug which has been registered in Russian Federation in 2021 includes other fibrosing ILDs with progressive phenotype (PF-ILDs) and ILD associated with systemic scleroderma (SS-ILD). The aim of this publication is to describe general considerations of the decision of Multidisciplinary Expert Board on diagnosis and treatment of PF-ILDs including SS-ILD. Results. According to the extension in nintedanib use mentioned above, the Expert Board created an algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of patients with PF-ILDs and criteria for nuntedanib administration in PF-ILDs. Conclusion. Antifibrotic therapy is needed for patients with PF-ILDs with the failure of the stanrard therapy. In those patients antifibrotic treatment should be initiated as early as possible to better preserve the lung functionПри формировании фибротических изменений в легких многие интерстициальные заболевания легких (ИЗЛ) могут приобретать прогрессирующее течение. По прогнозу выживаемости, риску летальности и обострений такой фенотип ИЗЛ при отсутствии антифибротической терапии очень близок к идиопатическому легочному фиброзу. В 2020 г. в Российской Федерации разрешено использование антифибротического препарата нинтеданиб при фиброзирующих ИЗЛ с прогрессирующим фиброзным фенотипом (ПФФ) и при ИЗЛ, связанных с системной склеродермией. Целью работы Междисциплинарного Совета экспертов явилось ознакомление с основными положениями резолюции Междисциплинарного Совета экспертов о диагностике и лечении ИЗЛ ПФФ. Результаты. В декабре 2020 г. состоялся Междисциплинарный Совет экспертов, по результатам работы которого разработаны алгоритм диагностики и ведения пациентов с ИЗЛ ПФФ и критерии отбора больных для назначения антифибротической терапии. Заключение. Установлено, что в случае когда при стандартной терапии ИЗЛ ПФФ клиническое состояние пациента и легочная функция и / или фибротические изменения в легких по данным компьютерной томографии высокого разрешения не стабилизируются, показана антифибротическая терапия нинтеданибом. Начиная антифибротическую терапию в возможно более ранние сроки заболевания, можно замедлить прогрессирующее снижение легочной функции при более сохранных исходных показателях

    Organizational and technical aspect of quality management of food industry testing laboratories

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    The present study describes the impact of three quality management principles on the organizational capacity of food industry testing laboratories. The study also intends to create a formalized representation of the effect of organizational and technical factors on the quality of services provided. Key words: management, quality management principles, organizational capacity of the company, corporate culture, testing laboratories

    A novel fungus

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    In this study, the fungus strain LS-4.2 isolated from the bottom sediments of Lake Lower Suzdalskoe was tested for its algicidal activity. We identified the strain LS-4.2 as Penicillium canescens summing its morphological characteristics with the reported DNA sequence. We revealed that the filtrate of a 7-day culture of the fungus suppressed the cell growth of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa. Our results showed that the filtrate caused rapid M. aeruginosa growth inhibition up to complete cell lysis recorded after 4 days. Living fungal mycelia did not suppress the growth of cyanobacterium. According to the results of this study we suppose that strain LS-4.2 may be a potential bioagent in the control of cyanobacterial blooms

    503 Peculiarities of Immune Response in Young Children with Recurrent Wheezing

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    Lead Isotopic Characteristics and Metal Sources for the Jewelry in the Medieval Rural Settlements from the Suzdal Region (Kievan Rus’)

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    The article considers the results of the study of lead isotope composition of 38 non-ferrous artifacts discovered at medieval rural sites of the Suzdal Region (Kievan Rus’). The copper-alloy, silver and pewter artifacts were compared with reference data from geographically and temporally diverse medieval artifacts and ore deposits and revealed differing source regions and supply networks within and between metal types. The identification in some cases was difficult due to the conformity of the lead isotopic composition of deposits of some regions. The copper-alloys, represented mostly by crosses made of high-tin bronze, show close isotopic parallels to contemporary copper alloys from Southern Scandinavia, Westphalia and Lower Saxony. Since the copper alloys contain significant quantities of lead, this lead may have entered the metal by alloying with lead-tin alloys, by smelting mixed copper-lead ore, or through haphazard alloying with lead. The lead isotope ratios for nearly all copper alloys are consistent with deposits in Cornwall and Devon and remobilized ore from the Rhenish Massif. For silver and lead-tin alloy objects, lead isotope analyses point to wide ranging sources. Most silver objects are consistent with mid-to-late 10th century silver stocks circulating in the Baltic area and 10th century Volga-Bulgar silver dirham imitations probably representing mixtures of 9th-10th century Islamic silver. The silver shows a heavy reliance on 10th century mixed stocks and there are little indications of Central and Western European silver, which was common in the 11th century Baltic region. The pewter and lead, however, indicate other sources. Lead isotope ratios are consistent with sources connected to Mediterranean and Baltic networks, some being consistent with sources in England, but it is possible that the lead found in some pewter objects could come from the Olkusz lead district in southern Poland.