40 research outputs found

    University Network Capital as an Element of the City’s Social Capital

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    The formation and development of network capital in the university brings up the issue of its influence on characteristics of the city’s social capital. The basic provisions of the network approach and the theory of social capital are used as theoretical grounds to identify such an impact. The article reveals the features of a modern university as a complex network object and the characteristics of interpersonal relationships that arise in its socio-cultural environment. These include the cultural homogeneity, formation of a joint reality, optimization of communication processes, the need for cooperation. Taking into account the revealed specificity, the network capital available to the subjects of social interaction is characterized and studied through the categories of trust and solidarity. It is determined that trust and solidarity are not only central, but necessary structural elements of the university’s network capital, first of all, because the peculiarities of the organization of network interaction dictate the preferred strategies of network behavior, into which these phenomena are embedded. Thus, being the holder of intellectual resources and a network of interpersonal connections, the university produces the effective ways to expand the city’s social capital, firstly, through a unique social network organization capable of rapid mobilization. It provides access to the formation of temporary teams with deep and versatile competencies that generate “quick trust”. Secondly, it expands the city’s social capital through impersonal trust, which convinces society that the university has some universal competence related to the life of the city and its people

    The Position of the University in the Infrastructure, Which Supports Technological Entrepreneurship

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    The article’s goal is to eliminate the contradiction between the need for university activities to support and develop technological entrepreneurship and the lack of a sequence of steps leading to the achievement of the desired result. This contradiction is proposed to be resolved by identifying the position of the university in the infrastructure supporting technological entrepreneurship.The paper highlights three main infrastructural positions of the university, called “Supplier of Talents”, “Platform of Academic Technological Entrepreneurship” and “Technological Entrepreneurial Hub”. The first focuses on the development of creative thinking of students seeking to develop high-tech products and support their entrepreneurial intentions. The second focuses on the achievements of university researchers, based on which promising high-tech start-ups are launched and profitable small innovative enterprises are developed. The third relies on mediation and facilitation to coordinate communications between key parties for promoting high-tech business. In this position, the university is an access point to the main success factors of a technological entrepreneurial project. It is more than others capable of stimulating the economic development of the region.One university can hold several positions. Each of the listed positions is endowed with functional characteristics corresponding to their purpose and performs the tasks assigned to them. Starting from an infrastructural position close to the university, it becomes possible to clearly define the criteria that the university needs to have to effectively fulfill these tasks. And the presence of criteria makes it possible to identify dominant problems, adapt university resources, and bring social practices and educational technologies into line

    Интранатальные причины тяжелого состояния недоношенных новорожденных

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    In this article we present statistic analysis of delivery tactic in premature labors. The newborns of those mothers who took the tocolitical therapy and prevention of RDS were needed in artificial pulmonary ventilation accordingly in 3,3-5,0 and twice times rarer.В работе представлены данные сравнительного анализа тактики родоразрешения пациенток с преждевременным завершением беременности. У матерей, новорожденные которых нуждались в искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ), токолиз в родах проводили в 3,3-5,0 (в зависимости от срока) раза реже, профилактику респираторного дистресс-синдрома плода (РДС) - в два раза реже, чем у матерей «неаппаратных» детей, в 94,5% случаев отсутствовало обезболивание родов

    Конъюгация наночастиц магнетита с олигонуклеотидами для магнитной доставки онколитической РНК

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    The synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles conjugated with oligonucleotides has been described. The conjugates prepared were used for immobilization of the model oligonucleotide sequence imitating the oncolytic RNA strand fragment.Описано получение конъюгатов олигонуклеотидов с наночастицами магнетита. Синтезированные конъюга-ты использовали для иммобилизации модельной последовательности, соответствующей фрагменту онколитической РНК

    Phosphorylation of bamboo mosaic virus satellite RNA (satBaMV)-encoded protein P20 downregulates the formation of satBaMV-P20 ribonucleoprotein complex

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    Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) satellite RNA (satBaMV) depends on BaMV for its replication and encapsidation. SatBaMV-encoded P20 protein is an RNA-binding protein that facilitates satBaMV systemic movement in co-infected plants. Here, we examined phosphorylation of P20 and its regulatory functions. Recombinant P20 (rP20) was phosphorylated by host cellular kinase(s) in vitro, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and mutational analyses revealed Ser-11 as the phosphorylation site. The phosphor-mimic rP20 protein interactions with satBaMV-translated mutant P20 were affected. In overlay assay, the Asp mutation at S11 (S11D) completely abolished the self-interaction of rP20 and significantly inhibited the interaction with both the WT and S11A rP20. In chemical cross-linking assays, S11D failed to oligomerize. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay and subsequent Hill transformation analysis revealed a low affinity of the phospho-mimicking rP20 for satBaMV RNA. Substantial modulation of satBaMV RNA conformation upon interaction with nonphospho-mimic rP20 in circular dichroism analysis indicated formation of stable satBaMV ribonucleoprotein complexes. The dissimilar satBaMV translation regulation of the nonphospho- and phospho-mimic rP20 suggests that phosphorylation of P20 in the ribonucleoprotein complex converts the translation-incompetent satBaMV RNA to messenger RNA. The phospho-deficient or phospho-mimicking P20 mutant of satBaMV delayed the systemic spread of satBaMV in co-infected Nicotiana benthamiana with BaMV. Thus, satBaMV likely regulates the formation of satBaMV RNP complex during co-infection in planta


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    The article continues the topological study of social networks created by universities which are engaged in entrepreneurial activities and strive to become members of industrial clusters. Certain procedures of real network design are used to build the algorithms of operations with descriptors characterizing the transformations which take place both inside the universities being an innovative ecosystem and systems with their participation. Dynamic network descriptors fall into functional descriptors that depend on the network function achievement and search descriptors that represent the network activity in searching an optimal strategy of the development. A set of characteristics inherent in the above mentioned descriptors is revealed and used for investigating the networks with participation of business-oriented universities. The article shows the qualities necessary for developing successful business-oriented strategies of the university and forming the environment favorable to entrepreneurship


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    The article offers a topological perspective on social networks created by universities, which are oriented towards commercialization ofintellectual activity and promotion ofin-novation. The perspective is based on the achievements of social topology as well as application of the basics of mathematical topology and methodology for building ideal-type constructs. The author reveals theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the procedures for establishing real network design, which is considered one of the algorithms of social topology application in the framework of network approach. Real network design rests upon identification of informational blocks called network descriptors, which, in their turn, are divided into static and dynamic ones. The present article centres upon static descriptors, which are divided into identification and structural descriptors. A set of their characteristics is described. The networks with university participation are studied with regard to the applied methodology. The author outlines the features, which are necessary for effective creation of innovative ecosystem of a university

    Peculiarities of Ag metallic nanoparticles formation in alkaline and alkaline-earth tetraborate glasses

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