200 research outputs found

    Establishing The Equipment-methodical Support For Determining The Properties Of Extracts Of Grape Pomace Extracts Produced In The Subcreative Water Environment

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    Research objective: development of a high-pressure reactor for researching the process of extraction of grape pomace by the subcritical water and determining the parameters, providing the maximum yield of various target products – biologically active substances; formation of methodological support for raw material preparation, qualitative and quantitative analysis of extracts, produced by the subcritical extraction. As a result of simulation in the ANSYS system of the stress-strain state of the walls of the reactor chamber and a set of calculation operations, a high-pressure reactor was created that meets the requirements. The formed methodical complex for determining the physicochemical properties of extracts and the content of various biologically active substances included methods for preparing samples and determining the yield of dry extractive substances, evaluation of extraction of polyphenols (tannic-catechol complex), evaluation of extraction of reducing substances, identification furfural and gallic acids, estimation of free organic acids in terms of tartaric acid, evaluation of antioxidant activity of extracts). This methodological complex allows us to estimate the physico-chemical properties of the extracted biologically active substances

    Four-dimensional integration by parts with differential renormalization as a method of evaluation of Feynman diagrams

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    It is shown how strictly four-dimensional integration by parts combined with differential renormalization and its infrared analogue can be applied for calculation of Feynman diagrams.Comment: 6 pages, late

    A Posttermination Ribosomal Complex Is the Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor for Peptide Release Factor RF3

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    AbstractThe mechanism by which peptide release factor RF3 recycles RF1 and RF2 has been clarified and incorporated in a complete scheme for translation termination. Free RF3 is in vivo stably bound to GDP, and ribosomes in complex with RF1 or RF2 act as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF). Hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA by RF1 or RF2 allows GTP binding to RF3 on the ribosome. This induces an RF3 conformation with high affinity for ribosomes and leads to rapid dissociation of RF1 or RF2. Dissociation of RF3 from the ribosome requires GTP hydrolysis. Our data suggest that RF3 and its eukaryotic counterpart, eRF3, have mechanistic principles in common

    Morphological and Syntactic Properties of Conjunction KHOT’… KHOT’... and Its Semantics

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    The object of the article is the conjunction khot’… khot’..., and the subject is its morphological and syntactic properties. The relevance of the work lies in its direct focus on solving problems related to the description of the service fund of the Russian language. The scientific novelty is due to the fact that for the first time in Russian studies, the semantics of the conjunction khot’… khot’... is described on the basis of its constructive properties, which are characterized by the word forms related to the union, the principles of their relationship with each other, as well as external links with the syntactic structures in which they are involved. The theoretical significance lies in the proposed description algorithm, which can be used to characterize similar means of syntactic communication. It has been established that the semantics of the conjunction khot’… khot’... is focused on the minimum that the speaker and listener should be content with, and is also closely related to the category of desirability, due to the internal form of its structural components, etymologically ascending to the basis of the presentfuture tense of the verb want. Proceeding from this, the semantics of the conjunction khot'… khot'... can be defined as the desire of the speaker to fulfill himself or to provide the listener with a free, but at the same time minimally sufficient choice from the proposed alternatives both in the upper and lower semantic limits

    Particular Semantic and Syntactic Properties of Polyfunctional Lexeme LI

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    The object of the article is a non-descriptive lexeme. Its use is investigated in various semantic-syntactic and communicativepragmatic contexts. The relevance of the work is due to the need for amore holistic description of a number of primitive linguistic units (a, and, either, or, etc.), the categorical properties of which are not fully and systematically identified within the framework of traditional methods of analysis. The novelty of the work lies in the consideration of all uses within the framework of the functioning of the lexeme-particular of the same name. This approach is due to the principles of nonparadigmatic linguistics — a modern trend in the study of primitive lexemes. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of the principles of the analysis of a particular li based on its ancient categorical properties associated with the semantics of conjecture. It has been established that in all the considered contexts we are dealing with the same particular lexeme, which retains its original categorical properties in them. They are manifested in the questioningness of li (direct or indirect), as well as in various hypothetical meanings that are realized in sentences-statements at a deep syntactic level. Asimilar description technique is applicable to the analysis of the properties of other particular units of the Russian language

    Zero-mode contribution to the light-front Hamiltonian of Yukawa type models

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    Light-front Hamiltonian for Yukawa type models is determined without the framework of canonical light-front formalism. Special attention is given to the contribution of zero modes.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, revised version with minor changes, Submitted to J.Phys.

    Exponential Renormalization II: Bogoliubov's R-operation and momentum subtraction schemes

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    This article aims at advancing the recently introduced exponential method for renormalisation in perturbative quantum field theory. It is shown that this new procedure provides a meaningful recursive scheme in the context of the algebraic and group theoretical approach to renormalisation. In particular, we describe in detail a Hopf algebraic formulation of Bogoliubov's classical R-operation and counterterm recursion in the context of momentum subtraction schemes. This approach allows us to propose an algebraic classification of different subtraction schemes. Our results shed light on the peculiar algebraic role played by the degrees of Taylor jet expansions, especially the notion of minimal subtraction and oversubtractions.Comment: revised versio

    Adhesive organelles of Gram-negative pathogens assembled with the classical chaperone/usher machinery: structure and function from a clinical standpoint

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    This review summarizes current knowledge on the structure, function, assembly and biomedical applications of the superfamily of adhesive fimbrial organelles exposed on the surface of Gram-negative pathogens with the classical chaperone/usher machinery. High-resolution three-dimensional (3D) structure studies of the minifibers assembling with the FGL (having a long F1-G1 loop) and FGS (having a short F1-G1 loop) chaperones show that they exploit the same principle of donor-strand complementation for polymerization of subunits. The 3D structure of adhesive subunits bound to host-cell receptors and the final architecture of adhesive fimbrial organelles reveal two functional families of the organelles, respectively, possessing polyadhesive and monoadhesive binding. The FGL and FGS chaperone-assembled polyadhesins are encoded exclusively by the gene clusters of the gamma 3- and kappa-monophyletic groups, respectively, while gene clusters belonging to the gamma 1-, gamma 2-, gamma 4-, and pi-fimbrial clades exclusively encode FGS chaperone-assembled monoadhesins. Novel approaches are suggested for a rational design of antimicrobials inhibiting the organelle assembly or inhibiting their binding to host-cell receptors. Vaccines are currently under development based on the recombinant subunits of adhesins

    Operator product expansion coefficient functions in terms of composite operators only. Nonsinglet case

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    A new method for calculating the coefficient functions of the operator product expansion is proposed which does not depend explicitly on elementary fields. Coefficient functions are defined entirely in terms of composite operators. The method is illustrated in the case of QCD nonsinglet operators.Comment: Derivation of the main formula is improved. References are added. To appear in Physical Review
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