11 research outputs found

    Morphological and pomological characteristics of wild pears in the northwestern part of the Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of this research is to examine the morphological and pomological characteristics of the wild pear population in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the purpose of allocating genotypes for breeding programs of varieties and rootstocks. During 2012 and 2013, the study of the wild pear characteristics was carried out on the localities of: Banja Luka, Manjača, Potkozarje and Kozara. This research included morphological characterization of vegetative organs and pomological characterization of the fruits of all the selected genotypes. The shape of leaves in all the examined genotypes was elongated. The study of wild pear populations in the Banja Luka region has shown that wild pears are characterized by mostly smaller fruits, rounded form, while a few genotypes had fruits of elongated and flattened shape. Fruit weight varied from 7.44 g to 21.47 g and 73% of genotypes had fruit weight of over 10 g

    Morphological and Pomological Characteristics of Wild Pears in the Northwestern Part of the Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The aim of this research is to examine the morphological and pomological characteristics of the wild pear population in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the purpose of allocating genotypes for breeding programs of varieties and rootstocks. During 2012 and 2013, the study of the wild pear characteristics was carried out on the localities of: Banja Luka, Manjača, Potkozarje and Kozara. This research included morphological characterization of vegetative organs and pomological characterization of the fruits of all the selected genotypes. The shape of leaves in all the examined genotypes was elongated. The study of wild pear populations in the Banja Luka region has shown that wild pears are characterized by mostly smaller fruits, rounded form, while a few genotypes had fruits of elongated and flattened shape. Fruit weight varied from 7.44 g to 21.47 g and 73% of genotypes had fruit weight of over 10 g

    Characterization and antimicrobial activity of vaginal lactobacillus isolate

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the probiotic potential of bacteriocin-producing lactobacilli strain Lactobacillus plantarum G2 isolated from the vaginal mucus of healthy women. The antimicrobial effect of G2 was confirmed in the mixed culture with pathogenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella abony and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, while bacteriocine activity was detected against S. aureus and S. abony only. The strain showed an excellent survival rate in low pH and in the presence of bile salts. The percentage of adhered cells of L. plantarum G2 to hexadecane was 63.85Ā±2.0 indicating the intermediate hydrophobicity

    The occurrence of colletotrichum coccodes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the possibilites of its supression

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    Tijekom posljednje tri godine (2005.-2007.) na području Lijevče polja, Posavine, Semberije i Å”ireg područja Romanijske regije, na pojedinim proizvodnim parcelama, posebno na kojima se uzgaja krumpir, ali i na onima s paprikom i rajčicom, utvrđena je pojava oboljelih biljaka s izraženim simptomima antraknoze. Postotak napadnutih biljaka bio je različit, ali se na pojedinim parcelama kretao od 5-15%, a nisu bile rijetke ni proizvodne parcele na kojima je doÅ”lo do većeg postotka zaraze, zbog čega su nastale i velike ekonomske Å”tete. Na osnovu proučavanja patogenih, morfoloÅ”kih i uzgajivačkih odlika izoliranog patogena, utvrđeno je da je uzročnik uočenih simtoma bolesti fitopatogena gljiva Colletotrichum coccodes. U radu je opisana važnost navedene vrste te simptomi koje ona uzrokuje i domaćini koje napada, kao i ciklus razvoja, s posebnim naglaskom na mjere za njeno suzbijanje.During the last three years (2005-2007) throughout the areas of Lijevce polje, Posavina, Semberija and wider area of Romanijska region, on certain production plots, especially on those where potato is grown, but on those with pepper and tomato as well, was identified the occurrence of diseased plants with noticeable symptoms of anthracnosis. The percentage of infected plants was various. It was from 5-15 % on some parcels and production plots with higher percentage of infection werenā€™t rare as well, which was the reason of great economic damage. Based on studying of pathogen, morphological and cultivation distinctions of isolated pathogen, it has been identified that the causative agent of noticed symptoms of plant diseases is phytopathogen fungus Colletotrichum coccodes. The review describes the importance of specified species and symptoms which it causes and hosts which it attacks, as well as the cycles of development, with special emphasis on measurements for its suppression

    Chemical Composition and Protective Possibilities of Juglans Nigra Leaves and Green Husks Extracts: DNA Binding and Micronucleus Assay in Human Lymphocytes

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    To better understand the mechanism of action of the compounds in the ethanolic extracts of J. nigra leaves and green husks, their binding to CT-DNA was investigated. This study was conducted to elucidate the in vitro protective effect of extracts against chromosomal damage in mitogen-induced human lymphocytes and investigate the possible application of selec+ted extracts as a natural source of polyphenolic compounds. Using HPLC-MS analysis, 103 different compounds were identified as having a higher number of active species, which is consistent with their activity. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) was scored in binucleated cells, and the nuclear proliferation index was calculated. Cyclic voltammetry experiments demonstrate that the nature of the interaction between extracts and CT-DNA is a synergy of electrostatic and intercalative modes, where leaves extracts showed a higher ability to bind to DNA. Extracts showed excellent antioxidant activity. At a concentration of only 4 Ī¼g/mL, extract of J. nigra leaves and the green husks reduced the incidence of MN by 58.2% and 64.5%, respectively, compared to control cell cultures

    Microbiological quality of probiotic products

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    Microorganisms used as probiotics should meet elementary safety aspects (non-toxicity, absence of antibiotic resistance genes and translocation) and functional/technological aspects (resistance and survival in the acid gastric environment, adhesiveness, stability, and cell viability). Probiotics with the health claim of being a dietary product or a pharmabiotic (drug category) should be clinically tested, validated, documented, and continuously controlled for quality. Important quality parameters include the identification of declared probiotic strains, the number of viable microorganisms (probiotic bacteria and/or fungi), and microbiological purity (absence of specified pathogenic/opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and limitation of total unspecified contaminants such as aerobic bacteria, yeasts, and molds). Due to numerous reports of low-quality commercial probiotics marketed for human use, this review discusses the methods used to test the probiotic microorganism content, safety for the intended use, and proven health benefits of those probiotics whose microbiological quality deviates from the manufacturer's stated content, as well as the maintenance of cell viability, i.e., stability of the probiotic during the shelf life. In addition, the adverse effects of probiotics and the potential hazards to the health of the user are addressed

    Etiological studies of appearance of necrosis of flowers and pear shoots in northwest Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Tijekom travnja, svibnja i lipnja 2008. godine u pojedinim zasadima kruÅ”ke na području sjeverozapadnog dijela Bosne i Hercegovine uočene su pojedinačne biljke s izraženim specifičnim simptomima nekroze i izumiranja cvjetova i mladica. Postotak napadnutih biljaka je bio različit, a kretao se i do 20%, pri čemu je doÅ”lo da značajnih ekonomskih Å”teta. Na osnovu postignutih rezultata dobivenih pri proučavanju patogenih, uzgajivačkih i biokemijsko-fizioloÅ”kih odlika pet odabranih izolata, možemo zaključiti da svi pripadaju fitopatogenoj bakteriji Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae van Hal ā€“ uzročniku bakteriozne pjegavosti i uvenulosti zeljastih biljaka i rak-rana i bakterioznog izumiranja kruÅ”ke i drugih voćaka.Individual plants with evident symptoms of necrosis and extinction of flowers and browses were noted in individual pear orchards on territory of northwest Bosnia and Herzegovina, during April, May and June in 2008. The percentage of affected plants varied and it was up to 20%, which caused significant economic damages. Based on the results obtained by studying pathogen, morphological, cultivating and biochemical- physiological characteristics of five chosen isolates, we can conclude that they all belong to phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae van Hal ā€“ which is the cause of bacterial spotting and wilting of herbaceous plants, canker and bacterial dying out of pear and other fruit- trees

    Beneficial effects of probiotic supplementation on glucose and triglycerides in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome

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    The present study aimed to examine the effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus Rosell 11 and Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell 52 on glucose (blood level and tolerance), lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides), transaminases (AST and ALT), ALP, urea, and creatinine, along with body weight, food intake, liquid consumption, and gross pathology in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome. Male C57BL/6J mice were fed a high-fat high-sucrose diet and treated by oral gavage with a probiotic mixture in three different concentrations (107, 108, and 109 CFU/mL) once daily for 2Ā months. Probiotic supplementation, particularly at a concentration of 109 CFU, significantly decreased blood glucose and serum triglyceride levels, improved glucose tolerance, and promoted body weight loss in mice fed a high-fat high-sucrose diet. According to the obtained results, probiotic supplementation is useful for controlling glucose and triglyceride levels and could be used as an adjunctive therapeutic approach in patients with metabolic syndrome

    Characterization and antimicrobial activity of vaginal lactobacillus isolate

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the probiotic potential of bacteriocin-producing lactobacilli strain Lactobacillus plantarum G2 isolated from the vaginal mucus of healthy women. The antimicrobial effect of G2 was confirmed in the mixed culture with pathogenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella abony and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, while bacteriocine activity was detected against S. aureus and S. abony only. The strain showed an excellent survival rate in low pH and in the presence of bile salts. The percentage of adhered cells of L. plantarum G2 to hexadecane was 63.85Ā±2.0 indicating the intermediate hydrophobicity